Great Horn Spoon Vocabulary

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  • 1. Vocabulary ListsSlakeMonotonyBalanceBecalmedAnxiousFierceTarryImpendingExoticGuava

2. HorrendousFearfulIt was a horrendous mistake. 3. MonotonyA same tone or soundheard over againI heard a monotony inmy head. 4. GuavaA fruit that grows in theTropicsThe guava tastes very good. 5. ExoticTo be wild; not veryknownThe fruit was exotic. 6. Impending To hang over The tree impendedover her. 7. TarryTo delay; to waitWe had to tarry because the boat was broken. 8. FierceTo be eager in a violentwayThe tiger was very fierce. 9. SlakeTo not be anymore;tobe doneWhen he drank the water, he was slake. 10. BalanceTo stay without fallingShe balanced on the beam. 11. AnxiousTo be eager; excitedShe was anxious to go to the zoo.