What do you do in the What do you do in the evenings? evenings? I do my I do my homework homework and I play in and I play in the park. the park.

Grade 3

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What do you do in the What do you do in the evenings?evenings?

I do my I do my homework homework and I play in and I play in the park.the park.

What do you do in the What do you do in the mornings?mornings?

What time do you …….?What time do you …….?I … at ….I … at ….

When is your birthday?When is your birthday?

My birthday is on May the 11th.My birthday is on May the 11th. My birthday is in June.My birthday is in June.

What’s the date?What’s the date?

What’s the date?What’s the date?

What can you do?What can you do?I can …, I can’t ….I can …, I can’t ….

How can I get to the …?How can I get to the …?Go straight on, go along…, go past, Go straight on, go along…, go past,

turn right / left, it is on your …turn right / left, it is on your …


What do you usually do in What do you usually do in a school day?a school day? I… then I…, I… then I…,

and…. I…and…. I…

What do you do at weekends?What do you do at weekends?On Saturdays I…., on Sundays I…On Saturdays I…., on Sundays I…

What are they doing?What are they doing?He is …-ing / She is …-ing / They are …-ingHe is …-ing / She is …-ing / They are …-ing

What are they doing?What are they doing?

SOME / ANYSOME / ANYWhat is there in the fridge?What is there in the fridge?

There are some eggs. There is some milk. There aren’t any


SOME / ANY SOME / ANY What food is there in the picture?What food is there in the picture?


Where were you yesterday?Where were you yesterday? What was the weather like yesterday?What was the weather like yesterday? Where were you last Christmas?Where were you last Christmas? Where were you last summer?Where were you last summer? When was your birthday?When was your birthday? What were you like when you were a little What were you like when you were a little

boy / girl?boy / girl?


WAS / WEREWAS / WEREThere was a…., now there is…There was a…., now there is…

ON / IN / ATON / IN / AT

When is your birthday?When is your birthday? When do you go to the park?When do you go to the park? When do you go to bed?When do you go to bed? When do you go on holidays?When do you go on holidays? When do you have breakfast?When do you have breakfast? When do you decorate a Christmas tree?When do you decorate a Christmas tree?


When is the birthday party? The birthday party is on June 4. The birthday party is in June. The birthday party is at 6 o´clock.

What do your parents do?What do your parents do?What do they do?What do they do?

She is a …

He is a ….


Where do police officers work?Where do police officers work? Where do fire fighters work?Where do fire fighters work? Where can you play football?Where can you play football? Where can you post a letter?Where can you post a letter? Where can you watch films?Where can you watch films? Where can you buy food?Where can you buy food?


Tell me about your school.Tell me about your school. Tell me about a typical day in school.Tell me about a typical day in school.

HOMEHOMETell me about this houseTell me about this house

There is…There is… There are…There are… The kitchen The kitchen


What’s the weather like in…?What’s the weather like in…?It’s … in ….It’s … in ….

What was the weather like in London on Monday?What was the weather like in London on Monday?It was…It was…

What do you do in your free What do you do in your free time?time?


What time do you go to school?What time do you go to school? What time do you have breakfast?What time do you have breakfast? What time do you go home from school?What time do you go home from school? What time do you have dinner?What time do you have dinner? What time do you go to bed?What time do you go to bed? What time do you go to the playground?What time do you go to the playground?

TIMETIMEWhat’s the time?What’s the time?

Who is the first one?Who is the first one?It’s a rabbit.It’s a rabbit.



What is she wearing? What are you wearing? What is he wearing? What are they wearing? What are we wearing?

What does she look like?What does she look like?

What does she What does she look l ike?look l ike?

She is ….She is ….She has got….She has got….

What does he look like?What does he look like?


Describe someone in the class. He/She is… He/She has… His/Her eyes are… He/She is wearing…