Global Warming

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Page 1: Global  Warming
Page 2: Global  Warming

Global warming refers to the increase of the earth's average surface temperature,due to a build-up of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.

Due to the observerd incrase in anthropogenic greenhouse gas concentrations via an enchange greenhouse effect.

Natural phenomen such as solar variation combined with volcanoes probably had a small warming effect from

pre-industrial times.

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Natural gás, coal, petroleum..

Global warming causes broader changes, including glacial melting Arctic shrinkage, and worldwide sea level rise, changes in the amount and pattern of frequency and intensity of extreme weather events. Other effects may include changes in agricultural yields,

addition of new trade routes summer stream flows species extinctions.

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Water vapor, methane, ozone, carbon dioxide.

6. Name should we do about global warming?Using less energy, recycling, save water, using public

transports, using hybrid cars, using solar panels on our houses.

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7. My biome is Rain forests . This biome is located in Near

the Equator, and a world biome map showing this biome can be found at :http://www.d.umn.edu/~pask0020/educ5413/mywebquest/Rainforest%20map.jpg

3. The average yearly rainfall of my biome is Rainfall

between 1750-2000mm(68-78 inches) and the average temperature is not higher than 93ºF(34ºC) and not below than 68ºF(20ºC)

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Other interesting or unique facts or features are :

The average humidity is between 77% and 88%. In monsoonal areas, there is a real day season. Almost all rain forests lie near the equator. Rain forests, now cover less than 6% of earth's landsurface. Scientists estimate that more than half or all the worlds plant and animal species live in tropical rain forest, tropical forest produce 70% of earth's oxygen.

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10. Plants that are common to my biome are:

Bamboo, bengal, bougainvillea, curave, coconut tree, durian, gambu, kapok tree, mangrove forests, strangler figs, tualang..

Pictures of plants can be found at:www.srl.caltech.edu/personnel/krubal/rainforest/edit560s6/www/plants.html

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11. Animals that are common to my biome are:Orangutan, toucan, gorilla, anaconda, piranha, parrot, Bengal tiger,

jaguar, common chimpanzee, harpy eagle, blue morph butterfly...

Pictures of animals can be found at :http://room42.wikispaces.com/rainforest+animal