Presentation Name Presentation Name Fundamentals of Supply and Demand Management TJ Godiaco MCVPOGX

GIP RBI Training

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Fundamentals of Supply and Demand Management

TJ Godiaco


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Objectives• To brief all MCVPs on basic supply and

demand ratios for more product knowledge

• To have good understanding of basic supply and demand to conduct RBIs

• To let all MCVPs understand how the basic comparisons work

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Which field of work would you like to go into?

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Global Demand Ranking

• Social Work

• Child (Youth) Education• Project Management

• Introductory Cultural Education

• Bilingual and Cross-cultural Education

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Global Demand Ranking

1. Social Work2. Child (Youth) Education3. Project Management4. Introductory Cultural Education5. Bilingual and Cross-Cultural


*Scale of 7000

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Global Supply Ranking

• Project Management

• Microeconomics• Macroeconomics

• Statistics

• Event Management

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Global Supply Ranking

1. Project Management2. Microeconomics3. Macroeconomics4. Statistics5. Events Management

*On a scale of 7000

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Comparing Global Demand and Supply Rankings

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Now let’s go into GIP Demand!

• International Marketing

• Market Research & Evaluation

• Advertising & Public Relations• Software Development & Planning

• Linguistics

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GIP Demand (TN) Ranking

1. International Marketing2. Market Research & Evaluation3. Advertising & Public Relations4. Software Development & Planning5. Linguistics

*On a scale of 5000

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Now, EP Supply!

• Project Management

• Microeconomics• Management/Business Administration

• Organisation Management

• Introductory Marketing

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GIP Supply (EP) Ranking

1. Project Management2. Microeconomics3. Management/Business

Administration4. Organisation Management5. Introductory Marketing

*On a scale of 5000

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Comparing GIP Demand (TN) and GIP Supply (EP) Rankings

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Okay, so what about RBI?

• Now, we look at the TN counterparts of the fields of work with the highest EP supply.

• Then let’s zoom into AIESEC Phes!

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TN Demand counterparts of Global Top 5 EP Supply

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Ratios to Consider

• Project Management (1:2)

• Microeconomics (1:32)• Management/Business Ad (1:6)

• Organisation Management (1:4)

• Introductory Marketing (1:3)

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What to Look for in a GIP RBI

Zim Kho

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• Understanding GIP RBI Focus and Direction (Matchability)

• Understanding specific criteria looked for in an EP

• Specific Criteria in Action

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Introduction to GIP RBI

• General Recruitment– Many Raises– No Matches (unqualified)– Bad for value proposition

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Introduction to GIP RBI

• Selection Criteria– Walk-in, one on one– GCM as criteria

• The need to revamp GIP RBI

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The Value of Matchability• Why is it important to be matchable

– Realization

– Value Proposition- Brand– What makes an EP Matchable

• Flexible• Talented/ with experience

• Knows what he or she wants

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Selecting a GIP EP - Criteria


•This measures alignment with EP’s professional growth


•This gauges the EP’s experience which can be competitive and matchable within the network

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Selecting a GIP EP - CriteriaAdaptability•This identifies the EPs character of resilience for the internship and also how adaptable the EP would be in certain situations in the internship

Ambassadorship•This showcases the ability and understanding of the EP with regard to being a Filipino and facing and handling discrimination

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Specific Questions of questionnaire

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In t e r v ie w

S im u lat io nA n n D u m a l ia n g

D ir e c t o r f o r Yo u t h M a r k e t E x p a n s io n

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Question and Answer

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In t e r v ie w

S im u lat io nA n n D u m a l ia n g

D ir e c t o r f o r Yo u t h M a r k e t E x p a n s io n

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Objectives• familiarize yourselves with the Review Board Interview

for Outgoing Exchange• critically practice conducting interviews• gain a deeper insight in relevant applicant profiles that

may be encountered

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Mechanics• Interviews are to be conducted in pairs• Minimum number of questions asked:

• Use separate interview questionnaires

Category # of Questions

Motivation 2

Employability Work Experience 3

Matchability 4

Cultural Adaptability 2

Ambassadorship 2

Closing 2

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Time AllotmentT im e A c t iv i t y

5 minutes Review of Application Packages

25 minutes Interview Proper (shortened)

5 minutes Evaluation

15 minutes General Discussion

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R e v ie w o f a p p l ic a t io n p a c k a g e s

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In t e r v ie w p r o p e r & E v a lu a t io n

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D is c u s s io n

• Introduce your interviewee• Verdict & Explanation• Questions & Comments