Gilded Age William Brown & Brent Boitmann

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Page 1: Gilded Age William Brown & Brent Boitmann
Page 2: Gilded Age William Brown & Brent Boitmann


1.Railroad2.Telephone3.Phonograph4.Catalog Business5.Light Bulb6.Automobile7.Assembly Line

1.Planes2.Cell Phones3.IPods/ MP3’s4.Internet/ online5.Solar powered6.Electric cars7.Assembly Line

Page 3: Gilded Age William Brown & Brent Boitmann

TELEPHONE Alexander Graham Bell invents the first telephone in 1876. The first words were “Watson—come here—I want you.”

Steve Jobs the owner of Apple released the first all digital phone to America, the Iphone. This advancement left the world with the question “what's next?”

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Railroads were the most prominent factors of the Gilded Age. 89 percent of the railroads were produced during the Gilded Age. Although these railroads are still used today, other means of transportation are available. Many claim that with the turn of the century railroads will again be the most prominent resource of transportation for goods.

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In 1878, Thomas Edison invented the tin foil phonograph in Menlo Park while attempting to perfect the telegraph. The phonograph allowed for one to record then playback what was recorded. The first message ever recorded was “Mary had a little lamb”.

In the 21st century the mp3 player was created and later perfected by Apple. These music players allow for playback of selected songs along with the recording of ones voice. It has many of the same features as the phonograph but is a perfected version with many more options.

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The main sources of transportation in the Gilded Age were automobiles and the railroads. Both of these allowed for transcontinental movement. The automobile was first introduced by Henry Ford’s first car, the model T. This allowed for transportation between cities as well as states. The cars could carry people along with luggage which was a first. Automobiles were toys of the rich that were not common among the cities. They would later turn into the main source of transportation

The main source of transportation in modern times are cars along with air travel. Air travel became more popular because of the rapidness of the trips, but the costs have become outstanding. Cars are the most widely known source of transportation with 247 million registered vehicles on the road in the US alone. Also with the advancement of new technology cars are beginning to be moved by electricity and solar power energy.

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Spending Money

In the Gilded Age the use of Catalog Business was created. The use of a catalog allowed for money to be spent without leaving the house. This was created by Aaron Montgomery Ward in 1872. It first consisted of a single sheet of a 150 items that could be ordered through the mail. Money back guarantee was first introduced through Ward’s first catalog. It cost Ward $1,600 to fund his catalog, but it made an annual sale of 1 million dollars

In modern times the invention of online spending became a major hit. The use of credit cards allowed for people to shop online right from their computer. As of recent, technology has allowed for credit card scanning rather than swiping ones credit card. This allows for a faster more efficient transaction process.

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Page 11: Gilded Age William Brown & Brent Boitmann

In 1879 Thomas Edison improved the style of living for Americans. Although he did not invent the light bulb he merely improved it and made it able to be used in the homes. The first public demonstration was in December 1879 when the Menlo Park laboratory complex was electrically lighted.

Today Thomas Edison’s light bulb is still used in every home across the nation, but with modern day improvements. The development of solar energy has become a highly accepted way of energy. The new way to power things is through solar power energy, and may one day be the universal way of providing energy.

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Methods of Production

As the development of more products became needed in America, the need for faster production was in high demand. The use of the assembly line was first used and constructed during the operation of the first model T cars. This method of production allowed for cars to be produced at a much faster rate.

In modern times the assembly line is still a very common and productive method of production. Now a days machines have replaced people in some areas of the line in order to speed up the process. This way of production was presented in the Gilded Age and is surprisingly still in full effect today with very few differences.

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Famous Gilded Age Quotes dealing with Inventions

"When I am through, only the rich will be able to afford candles."– Thomas Edison, 1878

"American factories are producing more than the American people can use; American soil is producing more than they can consume. Fate has written our policy for us; the trade of the world must and shall be ours."– Senator Albert Beveridge of Indiana, 1898

"We are in great haste to construct a magnetic telegraph from Maine to Texas, but Maine and Texas, it may be, have nothing important to communicate."– Henry David Thoreau, Walden, 1854

"Watson—come here—I want you."– The first words communicated by telephone, Alexander Graham Bell to his partner Thomas Watson, 1876

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Other Notable Invention Facts• Thomas Edison invented kinetograph and the kinetoscope which

were included in his 1,093 patents. Making him one of the best and most well-known inventors of all time.

• George Westinghouse invented the first railway air brakes allowing for safety on the railcars, and was a major contributor to the electrical industry.

• Gustavus Franklin Swift invented the first ice cooled rail car.

• The first patent in the United States for barbed wire was issued in 1867 to Lucien B. Smith. Joseph F. Glidden of received a patent for the modern invention in 1874 after he made his own modifications to previous versions. The invention of barbed wire was necessary in order to retrain the cattle.

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