Genre research

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Romantic comedies – what makes a good one:

 AN ACTION'S WORTH A THOUSAND WORDSAnd while we're on the subject of holding the big screen, consider making your romantic comedy a MOVIE, as opposed to a stillie. Great movies move -- and romantic comedy duds talk themselves to death. I know that many of us lovers of the form are drawn to it precisely because it's often about wonderfully pithy, sharp, delicious repartee. But too much talk can be the difference between a pass (because what you've written is more like a play or a TV show) and a green light-because your romantic comedy can really pull people into a multiplex.

How active is your script? How visually exciting? While you may not have the mudslides, wild chases and fireworks 'Romancing the Stone' delivered, you may have a set, a setting, world or a physical comedy opportunity that will open up and enliven your movie. Even the verbal-witty 'Four Weddings and a Funeral' featured a Scottish reel in colorful kilts. 'Annie Hall' is packed with sight gags, from the cocaine sneeze to the errant lobsters. Make sure your script makes use of all the cinematic storytelling techniques a good movie- movie uses.

Page 4: Genre research

Silver Linings Playbook:

The Silver Linings Playbook is a film which was based on a novel by Matthew Quick and released in 2012. The film falls into the romance, comedy and drama genre and the film trailer is effective in the way it comes across with the genre. The film poster (left) also looks really effective. It’s genre are presented though the use of colours and the structure of the trailer. There is also the language used and the high key lighting mainly used throughout. The emotions also put forward by characters highlight the genre of the film and this is done very effectively.

Page 5: Genre research

The Back-up Plan:

The back-up plan is a light hearted romantic comedy released in 2010. Given a PG13 rating the film uses flirtatious language but is family friendly due to the light humour which it has. This is something that runs throughout the trailer which highlights the genre of film. The film poster is also comical in the way that it is presented. The top half of it or the tagline is seen as comical because of the way that it is put forwards a rhetorical. It comes across cheeky and naughty which most good romantic comedies have.