Johan H. Muñoz Ríos Medicine Student

Genetic Mapping

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Johan H. Muñoz RíosMedicine Student

The PARK2 gene link the lung

Cancer with the early-onset

Parkinson´s disease

After the discovery of the PARK2 gene

researchers can conduct more studies,even to know how modify it

I think this discovery is important because it allows developing a targeted therapies to avoid the lung cancer and maybe the Parkinson´s disease with further investigations; so that is the importance of study the human genome.

Positional cloning is a genetic mapping technique, It has been used in smaller genomes.

Researchers at Brigham Young University and Rutgers University have developed a protocol to use

this technique in a plants with a large genome.

They were too worried because the genome of the maize is very large however the research was successfully.

After this achievement otherspecies may begin to be sequenced.

This approach has contributed to the successful mapping of

genes involved in numerous human diseases such as Huntington's

disease and cystic fibrosis.

I think this investigation is too important because help to identify and denominate quickly and cheaply the genes, especially with mutations, so this is a possibility for gene therapy and treat this kind of diseases ; also it maybe help in further investigations.

Both researches allow to find the location

of genes in the genome, to finally

study each gene and its relation with

some disease.

The mapping genome is veryimportant because when the

scientist know where is a genein the genome, possibly they

can do target therapy against cancer

or other diseases.

The best cure for many diseases is the gene therapy

for It, is very importantdo an exact genetic mapping.

  Medical College of Wisconsin. (2015, January 29). Parkinson's gene linked to lung cancer. ScienceDaily. Retrieved February 24, 2015 from


Botanical Society of America. (2015, January 20). Mapping the maize genome.ScienceDaily.Retrieve February 24,2015 from


Martinez Sanchez, Lina Maria. Biologia molecular.7.ed.Medellin: UPB. Fac.Medicina.