Q1. Which planet is called as winter planet ? a) Uranus b) Saturn c) Jupiter d) Venus Answer: Jupiter

General Knowledge Mcqs Questions

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Q1. Which planet is called as winter planet ?

a) Uranus

b) Saturn

c) Jupiter

d) Venus

Answer: Jupiter

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Q2) Where are Shevaroy Hills located?

a) Andhra Pradesh

b) Karnataka

c) Kerala

d) Tamil Nadu

Answer: Tamil Nadu

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Q3) Which one of among the following major Indian cities

is most eastward located?

a) Hyderabad

b) Bhopal

c) Lucknow

d) Banglore

Answer: Lucknow

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Q4. Longitude lines are used to locate places

a) North and South

b) East and North

c) West and South

d) East and West

Answer: East and West

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Q5. In winter the western cyclonic disturbances

originate from which sea?

a) Mediterranean Sea

b) Indian Ocean

c) Caspian Sea

d) Arabian Sea

Answer: Mediterranean Sea

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Q6. Gandhi Sagar Dam is a part of which one of the


a) Chambal Project

b) Kosi Project

c) Damodar Valley Project

d) Bhakra Nangal Project

Answer: Chambal Project

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Q7.Patkai mountain range is located which part of India ?

a) Eastern

b) Southern

c) Northern

d) Western

Answer: Eastern

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Q8. Bring out the incorrect statement

a) West coast plain is narrower than the East Coast plain

b) Kutch peninsula is made of tertiary rock system.

c) Pulicat lake near Chennai is typical system

d) Nilgiri is the nodal point of Western Ghats, Eastern

Ghats and Southern Ghats

e) East coast plains get more rainfalls than west coast


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Q9.Which among the following headstreams meets the

Ganges in last ?

a) Alaknanada

b) Pindar

c) Mandakini

d) Nadakini

Answer: Alaknanada

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Q10. Which one is the largest state areawise in India

a) Rajasthan

b) Gujrat

c) Madhya Pradesh

d) Andhra Pradesh

Answer: Rajasthan

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Q11. Which of the following two states are largest

producers of Coal in India?

a) Jharkhand and Chhattisgarh

b) Madhya Pradesh and Orissa

c) Bihar and West Bengal

d) Andhra Pradesh and Chhattisgarh

e) Jharkhand and Bihar

Answer: Jharkhand and Chhattisgarh

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Q12. India is divided into how many seismic zones

according to the earthquake zoning map

a) 3

b) 4

c) 5

d) 7

Answer: 4

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Q13.Except Assam, River Brahmaputra pass through

which state in India

a) Manipur

b) West Bengal

c) Arunachal Pradesh

d) Tripura

Answer: Arunachal Pradesh

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Q13. Chenab is a tributary river of which one

a) Ganga

b) Brahmaputra

c) Indus

d) Kaveri River

Answer: Indus

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Q14. Which among the following states is the

largest producer of Banana in India?

a) Karnataka

b) Maharastra

c) Kerala

d) Tamil Nadu

e) Andhra Pradesh

Answer: Tamil Nadu

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Q 15. Which is the longest beach in India

a) Varkala Beach

b) Cavelossim Beach

c) Agonda Beach

d) Marina Beach

Answer: Marina Beach

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Q 16.Jonk river ,Ib river, Ong river and Tel river are

tributaries of which of the following rivers ?

a) Godavari

b) Krishna

c) Mahanadi

d) Narmada

e) Cauvery

Answer: Mahanadi

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Q 17. In which of the following Mahi River falls ?

a) Gulf of Kachchh

b) Ranna of Kachchh

c) Gulf of Khambat

d) Little Rann of Kachchha

e) Gulf of Munnar

Answer: Gulf of khambat

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Q 18. Which one of the following rivers does not originate

in India?

a) Beas

b) Chonab

c) Ravi

d) Sutlej

Answer: Sutlej

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Q19. With reference to the river Luni, which one of the

following statements is correct?

a) It flows into Gulf of Khambhat

b) It flows into Gulf of Kuchchh

c) It flows into Pakistan and merges with a tributary of Indus

d) It is lost in the marshy land of the Rann of Kuchchh

Answer: It is lost in the marshy land of the Rann of kuchchh

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Q20.The lower Gangetic plain is characterized by humid

climate with high temperature throughout suitable for this

region ?

a) Paddy and Cotton

b) Wheat and Jute

c) Paddy and Jute

d) Wheat and Cotton

Answer: Paddy and Jute

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Q21. What causes wind to defect toward left in the Southern

hemisphere ?

a) Temperature

b) Magnetic field

c) Rotation of the earth

d) Pressure

Answer: Rotation of the earth

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Q22. In which one of the following states are Namchik

Namphuk Coalfields located?

a) Arunachal Pradesh

b) Meghalaya

c) Manipur

d) Mizoram

Answer: Arunachal Pradesh

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Q 23. Where are Tapovan and Vishnugarh Hydroelectric Pro-


a) Madhya Pradesh

b) Uttar Pradesh

c) Uttarakhand

d) Rajasthan

Answer: Uttarakhand

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Q24. Which among the following is a Superimposed

Drainage System?

a) Banas

b) Chambal

c) Saraswati

d) Cauvery

e) Gomti

Answer: Gomti