Title Sequence Analysis

Game of thrones title sequence

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Title Sequence Analysis

Page 3: Game of thrones title sequence

Sound ‘Game of Thrones’ uses a non diegetic soundtrack over it title sequence. The tone of the audio gives the sequence a feeling of being set in medieval location due to use of violins. This works well to represent its location and time period. Additionally, the audio gives a sense of determination due to the drums which may link to the kind of determination a hero may have within this show. From this it could be said that the idea of heroes and villains is suggested.

Part way through the sequence sounds of swords clashing are heard. This signifies to the audience the type of content that will be presented within the show. The idea of a sword would typically connote violence and danger which would therefore suggest that ‘Game of Thrones’ is for a mature audience.

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EditingThe ‘Game of Thrones’ title sequence is an entire animation of the cities coming to life. The footage shows the locations to rise out of the ground as if they are being built. This may suggest that there are elements of rising power which may also suggest conflict.

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Mis En Scene The first thing the audience sees when the title sequence is displayed is the rings around the sun. On these are pictures of dragons and fire. An image such as this connotes a fantasy genre as dragons (being mythological creatures) are typical seen within this style.

Within the sequence the different locations on the map of Westeros are displayed. The first being Kings Landing. This city comes to life and is displayed to have great power due to its use of gold tones. Gold connotes wealth which may imply that this certain city is very powerful.

The next city the audience sees is the city of Winterfell. Colors of black and grey are presented which may connote a dirty and poorer city. Additionally, the city is placed in the north of the map. Stereotypically, the north is considered to be poor and therefore this would conform to this ideology.

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Camera ‘Game of Thrones’ uses a variety of different camera angels.

The first shot we see is a close up of the rings. This allows us to see the detail of the dragon and therefore understand some of the components of the show.

Throughout the sequence high pan shots are used to move all around the map and introduce the audience to the different locations. This gives the audience a feeling of being like a bird and being able to jump from one location to the next swiftly.

Additionally, when delving into the locations on the map, multiple pan in and pan out shots as well as birds eye shots are used to give the audience a range of views regarding the cities.

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Was it effective? I think that the ‘Game of Thrones’ title sequence is very effective. It uses the four technical areas very carefully to give an immediate first impression of the show before any of the actual footage is watched.

Personally, I think it is engaging to watch and sets the locations and themes of the show up very well.