Function of Human Resource Management Human Resource Management function mainly goes through by 2 things: 1. By Whom i.e Human Resource Department or Human Resource Manager. 2. By What i.e. Human Resource Policy. Human Resource Department mainly concerned with the structure and staffing of the department for the purpose of executing human resource function where as policy is a document, approaches, and methodology to utilize the human resource. The management of Human Resources consists of several interrelated functions. These functions are common to all organization. It is mainly divided into two categories: Managerial Function: Managing people is the important aspect of every manager so like other managers; a human resource manager performs the various functions such as: Planning - Planning is a deciding stage that what is to be done exactly. As it involves identification of alternatives and decision making. We consider that planning includes forecasting and set of programs, procedure to achieve goal. Organizing - Organizing includes identification and grouping of work activities. Staffing - People could be the dynamic elements of management so without proper sort of people things will remain immaterial. It involves communication, Counseling. Directing - Relates to all levels of management that includes guiding, supervising, communication, motivation, leadership. Co-coordinating - Concerned with the unifying the action of a group of people.

Function of human resource management

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Function of Human Resource Management

Human Resource Management function mainly goes through by 2 things:

1. By Whom i.e Human Resource Department or Human Resource Manager.2. By What i.e. Human Resource Policy.

Human Resource Department mainly concerned with the structure and staffing of the department for the purpose of executing human resource function where as policy is a document, approaches, and methodology to utilize the human resource. The management of Human Resources consists of several interrelated functions. These functions are common to all organization. It is mainly divided into two categories:

Managerial Function:

Managing people is the important aspect of every manager so like other managers; a human resource manager performs the various functions such as:

Planning - Planning is a deciding stage that what is to be done exactly. As it involves identification of alternatives and decision making. We consider that planning includes forecasting and set of programs, procedure to achieve goal. 

Organizing - Organizing includes identification and grouping of work activities.

Staffing - People could be the dynamic elements of management so without proper sort of people things will remain immaterial. It involves communication, Counseling.

Directing - Relates to all levels of management that includes guiding, supervising, communication, motivation, leadership.

Co-coordinating - Concerned with the unifying the action of a group of people.

Controlling - Involves some restriction, corrective action, handling situation.

Operating Functions:

These functions is concerned with specific activities of procurement, developing, compensating & maintaining an efficient work force. 

Procurement function:

Concern with the right kind and right number of people required to accomplishment the organizational objectives. It consists of the following activities-

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Job Analysis - Job analysis identify the nature of job and what type of people required to perform these job effectively. Job description and job specification are prepared with the help of information provided by job analysis.

Recruitment - Recruitment is the process of identifying prospective employees, stimulating, encouraging them to apply for a particular job or jobs in an organization.

Selection - Selection is the process of examining the applicants with regard to their suitability for the given job and choosing the best from the suitable candidates.

Human Resource Planning - Human resource planning is the process of estimating the present and future manpower requirements of the organization.

Placement -The selected candidates are assigned to a specific job known as placement.

Orientation/Induction - Orientation is the process of introducing new employees to an organization that includes introducing new employee to an existing employee, in their specific jobs and departments.

Development function:

Human Resource Development is the process of improving the knowledge, skill, and values of employees so that they can perform the present and future job more effectively. The activities are as such-

Performance Appraisal - Performance Appraisal is a systematic evaluation of present potential capabilities of personnel. It is a process of collecting, analyzing and evaluating data relative to job behavior and results of individuals.

Training - Training is an organized procedure for improving the knowledge and skill of the employees for doing a particular job or for a definite purpose. Through training people learn and acquire new skills and job knowledge.

Career planning and development - Career planning and development involve the planning for the career of employees and implementing these plans. It is only possible through promotions and transfers.

Compensation functions:

Provides appropriate remuneration to employees for their contribution to    achieve organizational objectives. It consists of the following activities-

Job evaluation - Job evaluation is a process of determining the relative with of a job.

Salary Administration - Salary Administration is to determine the salary structure for various jobs in the organization.

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Maintenance function:

Maintenance function is concerned with promoting the physical and mental health of employees by providing various facility and social security.

All the functions of Human Resource Management are performed in conjunction with each other.


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Source: Partha Sarathi Das(2005), Organizational Behavior ,First Edition ,Alok publications.  Conclusion

In this computerization and automation world, machine is useless without proper sort of people to run it. So Human Resource management has become play very significant role in recent decades. This significance have takes place in the social, economic, technological environment of administration. HRM professionals will have to act as change agents to build up “learning organization” and ability to learn from experimentation and experience and transfer the learning to all human resources for greater organizational effectiveness. Human Resource Management is tends to be an integral part of overall company function. It is a proactive as it involves on going strategy for continuous development of functions and policies for the purposes of improving

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company’s workforce. So from above discussion we know about how Human Resource Management helps by linking various functions in a structure way such as performance management and training to departmental aims and values.

Human Resource Management brings out the important values of trust, care , team work, encouragement and development which help to meet the principle of being a good  employer and there by motivating staff to give their best. In short, human resource management seeks to

Achieve the organizational goals effectively and economically Achieve the highest degree of the individual goals.