Billboard Magazine Billboard is an international news magazine devoted to music and the music industry, and is one of the oldest trade magazines in the world. It is a very popular magazine aimed to advertise who is current and most favoured in the charts (billboard 200). The master-head (Billboard logo) stays the same in every issue as it like their trade mark, even the three colours are on every master-head despite the colour scheme in the front cover. The master-head is in front of the image of Beyonce, this is because the picture is a close up so its very bold and they wouldn’t have been able to put the master-head behind her head because you wouldn’t see it at all. I think the master- head looks very professional as its eye catching from the bright colours used. The magazine front cover is obviously based around Beyonce fans as this issue is special edition for the artist. The billboard magazine layout is the same in every other issue and is similar to the layout of Rolling Stones magazine. By having the sub-heading down the side doesn’t, it doesn't distract from the actual image of Beyonce which will get sales. I think having the sub- heading positioned this way makes the front cover look very organised and efficient. The barcode code has been applicably placed. If it was in the middle then it would distract from the main focus of the magazine which is Beyonce. It would look misplaced and not very professional, barcodes The price of each Billboard magazine is £5.50, this suggests that the magazine isn't cheap to produce. The price is only at small scale as it only has one Even though the magazine is not cheap to produce, there is a new issue every week. The date of the issue is also in an appropriate place because it doesn’t need to be at a large scale as its not as relevant and is shown on every front The font used in this sub- heading suits the image of Beyonce as it very sophisticated and elegant and makes the front cover look professional. The header has been placed appropriately as it isn't covering her face but will still catch the attention from fans/readers. The colours and scale of text looks bold and eye catching which is what you want in a magazine front cover. The image of Beyonce is a close-up shot and is the optical centre as that’s where my eyes hit first. Her eyes are looking straight on which will also catch the attention of readers, like she’s is pulling the audience in.

Front page covers analysis

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Billboard Magazine Billboard is an international news magazine devoted to music and the music industry, and is one of the oldest trade magazines in the world. It is a very popular magazine aimed to advertise who is current and most favoured in the charts (billboard 200). The master-head (Billboard logo) stays the same in every issue as it like their trade mark, even the three colours are on every master-headdespite the colour scheme in the front cover.

The master-head is in front of the image of Beyonce, this is because the picture is a close up so its very bold and they wouldn’t have been able to put the master-head behind her head because you wouldn’t see it at all. I think the master- head looks very professional as its eye catching from the bright colours used.

The magazine front cover is obviously based around Beyonce fans as this issue is special edition for the artist.The billboard magazine layout is the same in every other issue and is similar to the layout of Rolling Stones magazine. By having the sub-heading down the side doesn’t, it doesn't distract from the actual image of Beyonce which will get sales. I think having the sub-heading positioned this way makes the front cover look very organised and efficient.The barcode code has been applicably placed. If it was in the middle then it would distract from the main focus of the magazine which is Beyonce. It would look misplaced and not very professional, barcodes should only be noticeable to an extent.

The price of each Billboard magazine is £5.50, this suggests that the magazine isn't cheap to produce. The price is only at small scale as it only has one purpose and then is not needed.

Even though the magazine is not cheap to produce, there is a new issue every week. The date of the issue is also in an appropriate place because it doesn’t need to be at a large scale as its not as relevant and is shown on every front cover.

The font used in this sub-heading suits the image of Beyonce as it very sophisticated and elegant and makes the front cover look professional.

The header has been placed appropriately as it isn't covering her face but will still catch the attention from fans/readers. The colours and scale of text looks bold and eye catching which is what you want in a magazine front cover.

The image of Beyonce is a close-up shot and is the optical centre as that’s where my eyes hit first. Her eyes are looking straight on which will also catch the attention of readers, like she’s is pulling the audience in.

NME MagazineNew Musical ExpressThe magazine is published weekly which means its more on the cheap side and inexpensive to produce.

The colours scheme (red and white) throughout the magazine is consistent, if there were lots of colours being used on the front cover then it would look unprofessional and unorganised. The magazine is priced at £2.40

which shows why the magazine is inexpensive to produce.

The bar code should be at the bottom in the corner ( which has been done)as it would be getting I the way of the layout and should be of a small scale.

The colour scheme is red and white except this piece of text, his makes the magazine look a bit jumbled and disorganised, bit like a typo.

This indicates that the target audience may be older teens/adults as Azealia Banks is an American rapper who is popular at the moment. This wouldn't be appropriate for a young audience as “ potty mouth” means bad language and most parents will be against this.

The image on the magazine is of The Arctic Monkeys as they have headlined this issue, the image is a medium shot. I think this is appropriate as you get a close up of the whole band which looks professional whereas if you were to have a long shot, the band wouldn’t be the focus of the front over.

They have had the band overlap the magazine logo because the magazine is already well known but to push sells, getting artists that are highly popular to feature on the front cover will catch the attentions of fans and therefore increase sells.

The artist Blur and Johnny Marr indicates that the target audience is also older as Blur are a rock band from the 1980s.

This issue of NME is dedicated to fans of Arctic Monkeys and there new album release which fans have been waiting for. Having this sub-heading white makes it eye-catching for fans.

This shows that who ever reads this magazine will be fans of Florence and interested to hear about gossip. Having extra cover lines on the front page per-sides Artic Monkeys add more readers as it makes the magazine more eventful.

This issue of NME is about Arctic Monkeys, so by having a large heading in bright colours will catch the attention of readers.

Rolling Stone magazine Rolling Stone is main stream pop/rock magazine which has a large audience with a large age groups as it is a mix of genres.

The Rolling Stone magazine is very well known so they often have the artist overlap the master-head. This is to increase sales by putting an artist who is very current at the time so it will appeal to the readers and will want to by it.

The image of Rihanna on the front cover is a close up shot. Rolling Stone make most of their front covers medium or close-up shots as they are much more bold and eye catching compared to a long shot which doesn't’t have as much of an impact on the reader.

This image of Rihanna will catch the attention of the readers because even though she isn't facing towards us , she is making eye contact with readers which is pulling them in and persuading them to by the magazine.

The barcode is in the appropriate place as it is not so noticeable as the image of Rihanna is the main subject of this issue, the barcode is in the inconspicuous place as its not on the photo.

The heading to introduce Rihanna in this issue isn't as big and bold because the cover has such as big image of her already that the heading isn't really needed. I think having a small text scale and font of her name is very sophisticated and professional for this issue.

They have thought about what the content will be and what to ask Rihanna about, because this issue is a valentines special and seems right to ask about her love life which readers/fans want to know about.

The layout of the Rolling Stone magazines are very simply and based around the artist on the front cover. All the cover lines are around the sides so they don’t distract from the main subject, the artist. Even though Rihanna is on the front cover and features in the magazine, it is also aimed at a older audience as they talk about Billy Joel who is an American pianist from the 70s. Having the magazine layout like this shows it to be very organised and professional.

The magazine is priced at $4.99 which is a little expensive but its probably because the magazine has a new issue every fort night meaning its not the cheapest to produce.