Front cover in depth mock up

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Front cover in depth mock up

Front cover in depth mock up




TOP 10!Party ideas to make your party memorable

How-To!Get your own gigs as a teen

Plus!Andy C, Calvin Harris, Martin Garrix and more

DJ AMZZ on his inspiring journey.

(free cd)

FREE CD INCLUDED!Exclusively mixed by DJ AMZZ is the first mock up I did for my magazine and as you can see some things have changed slightly. For example, Im only having one strapline above the kicker instead of two. This is because when I placed both of the straplines here it looked very squashed and so I thought it would be best to move the second cover line else where. I moved this so that it is next to the kicker rather than above. This is because with the free CD below and the puff above, there wasnt much space to place it and so I thought it would be appropriate to place it there. Also, as it is by the kicker, my target audience would read that as well and draw attention to it. They would read it and want to then buy the magazine to read the article as many of them produce their own music and so would want to know how to get a gig to show off their music.

Here, you can see that next to the free CD I originally planned to have the 3rd and 4th strapline opposite it. However, after placing I realised that it didnt look very organised as there was too much going on in one place. When I showed some of my target audience they said that they wouldnt find it appealing if they saw it in the supermarkets as it would give the impression that the magazine doesnt have organised and professional content. As a result, I removed the 4th strapline leaving the 3rd cover line as it is.


Firstly, I have used a superlative in the skyline hottest This makes the magazine seem as though it is number one and everyone who is part of the EDM lifestyle buys that magazine. It creates the illusion that the magazine has very exciting and interesting content and so would make the reader want to buy the magazine seeing that it is the nations hottest.

I have also used exclamations such as top 10! and how-to! This exaggerates the sentence and makes it look exciting and it also adds emphasis that these articles are interesting and that the readers should read them.

In addition, I have used adjectives such as inspiring journey. I have done this so that the article seems more intriguing to readers. It makes it seem as though the artists journey is something you should look up to and follow if you want to be successful and adds more interest into his journey to fame as it seems different to everyone elses; its inspiring.


For the first strap line Top 10! Party ideas to make your party memorable Im going to have Top 10! in bold in AR essence. This is because the letters are a little more curvy which contrasts the title and makes it look more interesting. However, I will have it in bold so that it links to the title as well as I want the page to tie together. By having just top 10 bold you can see the strapline clearly and it makes it look important .

I will have party ideas in Gulim as by having a thinner font would make it look more stylish and creative which would attract my target audience. As well as this, I will have it in italics as this also makes it look more interesting and it makes the reader think the article is important to read as we use italics to highlight certain words and the fact that the whole sentence is in italics makes it seem necessary to read.

TOP 10!

Party ideas to make your party memorable



For the kicker I am going to use Impact as this is a very bold font and it goes with the bold theme for the page. Also, the kicker is the most appealing article on the page and so this should be the most noticeable thing and so using a very bold font would help to achieve this. In addition, the letters are close together which contrasts the spacing in the title which makes it even more noticeable.

At first I put this in italics so that it would stand out more but when I asked my target audience they said that I should leave it as the strapline above would be in italics (party ideas) and so it wouldnt look very good and It should be different than strap lines around it so that the attention comes to that kicker.

For the puff Im going to have the Free CD Included in impact. This is because its bold and so you would be able to see it straight away and this is important as this feature would help to sell the magazine and makes it different from other magazines. I will then have exclusively mixed by DJ AMZZ in Gulim as this piece of information isnt as important as the Free CD It also adds more interest to the puff rather than having it all in bold and one font.

For the third strap line Im going to use AR Essence for How-to! as this would create consistency between the straplines as the Top 10! is in the same font. Also, having only those two words in bold makes readers who are scanning the front cover know exactly what the articles theme is here it is an informative piece.
For the part underneath this Im going to have that in Gulim as again it creates consistency and also it creates variation which my target audience will appreciate as theyre very creative and so would want to see creativity in the magazines they read.

Finally, I will have the first word of the last strapline in Impact as again- it is bold and would tie in with the rest of the strap lines. In addition, I want it to stand out as it would look like the magazine has lots of content in it which would attract people to buy my magazine.

I will have the list of artists names underneath in Gulim and italics as it adds to the consistency of the page and the design element. As well as this, I will have it underlined as it makes them stand out even more and this is important as I want the readers to see this piece of information so they can see which kinds of artists are included in the magazine and if they like them they would then buy the magazine. It also finishes off the text on the page by having something different on it which would attract my target audience as they like to see variation.


Im going to have these three strap lines in the same size (16) as theyre equally as important and it creates consistency between the three. As well as this, they will be the medium size on the page and so readers will see this second which I want them to after the kicker.

Im going to have the kicker in 40 which makes it the biggest strapline on the page and this is essential as this is what I want to stand out the most out of all of them as this is the most attractive article on the page and its the main feature for that issue.

Im going to have the title of the magazine in 60 as this is the first thing that the audience will see. Also, having it this large would make it stand out when its next to other magazines on the shelves and so readers would want to pick up the magazine and if the articles interests them they would buy it. By having the sky line in a smaller font would make you notice it more due to the contrast in sizes and I want this to happen so that readers can see that this magazine is the nations hottest and that loads of people have got the magazine and like it. The large number would make readers believe that my magazine has the best content and so would want to buy the issue.

Im going to have the date and issue number in 11 as then this would be the smallest font on the page. I want this as I dont want this to be that noticeable and so only those that are interested can read it. I havent done it smaller as I feel as though those who would want to know wouldnt be able to see it quickly and would have to properly search the page which would put my target audience off. This is because they like to do things quickly and so having the date noticeable would make it easier for them.

The puff would be in 12 as I dont want this to be too big as it already has a star around it which would attract attention by itself. Having a bigger font would make people focus on that more rather than what I want them to (such as the title and kicker).

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