From bean counting to adding value: Using Statistics to Transform Services Diarmuid Stokes College Liaison Librarian UCD Library [email protected] @dstokes01

From Bean Counting to Adding Value: Using Statistics to Transform Services

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Presentation given by Diarmuid Stokes, College Liaison Librarian at University College Dublin Library, Dublin, Ireland, at the Great Expectations Conference, Birmingham City University, UK, December 5, 2014.

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Page 1: From Bean Counting to Adding Value: Using Statistics to Transform Services

From bean counting to adding value:

Using Statistics to Transform Services

Diarmuid Stokes

College Liaison Librarian

UCD Library

[email protected]


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Gathering statistics with no real purpose

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Cooperating with Other Units

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“Work Smarter Together”

UCD Registry

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Unique UCD product designed for Student Desk Built within UCD’s Data management environment Ability to link queries to student record

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Many meetings and demonstrations later….

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Pilot in the Health Sciences Library

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The library desk team visited the student desk team

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All Librarians who meet with students also use UniShare

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Pilot Review

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holistic view of student activities in the library

From entry to circulation to query

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Impact of UniShare in the Library

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Improved experience for students

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Informed staffing decisions and service models

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of specific student groups

Understanding and targeting service needs

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Evidence to inform teaching and e-learning tools

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Targeted communication to staff

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…Building valuable relationships with other Units

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Sharing information across UCD to improve services and student experience

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…No direct cost to Library…

Other benefits of UniShare include…

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…no maintenance or IT issues…

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Library referrals

to Student Desk


The statistics so far…


Total Library Queries

Student Desk referrals to


Total Student Desk



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Future Developments

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Outcomes for the Library

•No more bean counting

•Closed Data collection Cycle

•Collaborating with other units

•Using information to improve services, teaching and communication

•No cost implications

•No IT issues

•Improving support across campus for students


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Space https://www.flickr.com/photos/bram/45332/

Double Decker Couch https://www.flickr.com/photos/gardner67/12719182654/

A meeting https://www.flickr.com/photos/seniwati/4468588750/

The moustache https://www.flickr.com/photos/pasukaru76/5975147798/

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Lego Conference https://www.flickr.com/photos/bfishadow/2883788275/

Legolib https://www.flickr.com/photos/30976576@N07/6615779067/

Great Library of Scio https://www.flickr.com/photos/ludgonianindustrialunion/5536093478

170/366 https://www.flickr.com/photos/nuwandalice/7395786858/

On Target https://www.flickr.com/photos/vizzzual-dot-com/2655969483/

Day 263 https://www.flickr.com/photos/pasukaru76/4563054275/

Communication is the key https://www.flickr.com/photos/wiertz/13195153284/

Legos giving head https://www.flickr.com/photos/atomicbartbeans/336852037

NTR23 https://www.flickr.com/photos/ntr23/5075987715/

Fixedish https://www.flickr.com/photos/fungleo/4223518006/

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The piece of resistance https://www.flickr.com/photos/masked-builder/12779630003/
