French Cuisine Group members: Alina ,Eliza and Kasey

French cuisine

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Page 1: French cuisine

French Cuisine

Group members: Alina ,Eliza and Kasey

Page 2: French cuisine

Types of French meals

• Escargot• Ratatouille• Macaron• Croissant• Cheese Soufflé• Cassoulet

Page 3: French cuisine

Example of Food outlets

• Deli France• Poulet• Paris Baguette

Page 4: French cuisine

Culinary French Traditions

• The French have a high standard of culinary tradition.

• French food requires the use of many different types of sauces and gravies

• The French have their sophisticated way of cooking

• The French often cooks healthy meals

Page 5: French cuisine

Popular French cooking methods

• Grilling• Flambeing• Braising• Poaching• Sauteing