Frame analysis of a trailer

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Page 2: Frame analysis of a trailer

Camera shot

Sound Dialogue: “They are very hard to kill”Background music is very theatrical and futuristic. It is an uplifting kind of music from which the audience can sense a downfall will come. Diegetic sound: The smashing of the metal guns

Dialogue: “You get me what I need and I’ll see to it that you get your legs back… your real legs”“hell yeah sir”The background music is very theatrical and futuristic.

Purpose or Effect

In this shot, with the use of the dialogue, we can tell that the humans are trying to kill the native species of Pandora. It portrays the species as the oppressed and the humans as the dominating figure which causes the audience to sympathise with the species. The smashing of the guns indicates that there will be retaliation and conflict between the two groups.

In this shot we see the Jake in a wheelchair and his boss in big robotic attire. This symbolises the authority they both have and how Jake is seen to be very small compared to him. The dialogue also suggests that his boss would get him his real legs back if he did what he wanted him to do. This emphasises the status roles and how his boss has a lot of authority and Jake is weak and immobile.

Page 3: Frame analysis of a trailer

Camera Shot

Sound Theatrical music Silence followed by fast paced action music.

Purpose or Effect

In this scene we see a woman operating a large flying machine. This goes against stereotypical gender roles as men are mostly the ones operating complex machinery. It shows that women are capable of doing such tasks too. The theatrical music builds up the scene.

In this scene, the female avatar jumps off a cliff. At first we don’t hear music when she is running towards the edge and this helps build up the suspense. Then once she has jumped, we hear fast paced action music which builds up the momentum for the rest of the trailer.

Page 4: Frame analysis of a trailer

Camera Shot

Sound Dialogue: “The strong prey on the weak”Continued theatrical music

Dialogue: “I became a marine for the hardship, told myself I can pass any test that a man can pass”Music: Motivational music

Purpose or Effect

Here we see flying robotic machines which are attacking the avatars home. The come in a swarm. The music here is theatrical but the dialogue that says “the strong prey on the weak” shows us how the avatars i.e. the native species are the weak ones and how the humans are attacking them. This gives the humans a sense of authority over the native avatars.

In this scene we see Jake in his wheelchair amongst other people who are able to walk normally. The music is motivational which goes well with the dialogue as Jake wants to challenge himself and be considered as a normal person regardless of his immobility.

Page 5: Frame analysis of a trailer

Camera Shot

Sound Dialogue: “Ladies and Gentlemen”Music: Motivational Music

Purpose or Effect

Here we see the commander in chief with an over the shoulder shot facing the marines. We see mostly men in the crowd and hardly any women however the dialogue states “ladies and gentlemen”. This goes against gender stereotypes as men are mostly considered to be a part of the marines but here we are introduced to women being as equals.