Final language assessment presentation m (2)

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1. 1 PREPARED BY: MOUSTAFA MOHAMMED AL SAYED SHALABY MONDAY 15/12/2014 AN ANALYSIS OF A PROGRESS ACHIEVEMENT READING COMPREHENSION TEST FOR SAUDI ARABIA 3 RD YEAR SECONDARY 2. 2 INTRODUCTION Good teachers need to write and design better Tests. The test construction is essentially a matter of problem solving. Mastering and understand the principles of testing, how testing processes can be applied in a practical way. The desirable qualities of the test are validity, reliability, practicality and beneficial backwash. Tests of poor quality have a harmful effect on teaching and learning. Failing to measure what is supposed to measure, test what is supposed to test and do what is supposed to do. 3. 3 THE SCHOOL BACKGROUND THE OBJECTIVE OF THE COURSE A student should realize that learning English needs a lot of hard work and practice. He /she will need an English Language after leaving school so he/she need to know the language. This course is well designed & prepared to help and contribute students comprehensive understanding of the English language which will of course be needed at university level or at his / her practical working life in the kingdom our outside the Kingdom. One of the major topics that will be handled is English literature. English novels, short stories, some of the most important English authors such as William Shakespeare and Charles Dickens. 4. 4 TEST TAKERS NUMBER The regular students ages from 16 up to 20 years old . The majority of the regular students is Saudi about 95%, the rest of them about 5 % from different Arab countries. 113 students divided into five classes. Two literal classes three science classes. The percentage of irregular students vary, but most of them employers, soldiers or officers or part time employees , they are mainly from Kuwait. The irregular test takers vary from 20 up to over 40 years old. THE TEACHERS NUMBER There are four English teachers in this school are conducting the same course. 5. 5 TEST DESCRIPTION This is a reading comprehension text depends on English literature background. Aims to measure their general understanding of a written literature text. DESIGN STAGE Designing a test is not an easy process to be done Designing generally is a linear process, but in some cases, some activities are its iterative, that is, will need to be repeated a number of times. H. Douglas Brown (2003). It is a complicated process. It is high-stakes tests Needs extensive trailing and revision The test affects the future decision to a large number of students. 6. 6 Testing is the process of measuring students' capability, ability to perform the objectives and goals of the syllabus and specific educational future aims or performance in a given domain. Testing, simply, is a method of measuring a persons ability, knowledge, H. Douglas Brown (2003). PURPOSE OF TEST Objective of reading is comprehension, student ability to find meaning in what is read. You need to select and choose carefully the information that you are going to ask students to extract from this reading text. DESCRIPTION OF TARGET LANGUAGE The students ability to use language in a reading test, to read the given reading comprehension text, as a whole, then answer the given questions. There are individual differences. Bachman and Palmer (1994) The target language use domain for this test is language instructional students are required to conduct reading the comprehension passage and answer the questions that are given Brown (2003). Bachman 7. 7 CHARACTERISTICS OF TEST TAKERS IRREGULARREGULAR Age: 20 to over 45 Sex: male Number of students: 61 Nationality: Saudi, Arab gulf states Target : promotion , higher rank , salary Age: 16-20 years Sex: male Number of students: 52 Nationality: Saudi, other Arab Target : a specific goal GOVERNMENTAL SCHOOL "So the test should have a careful planning to make sure that the test will be useful for its intended purpose. The tester must ensure that the performance on the test tasks will correspond as closely to the language use, the test scores will be maximally useful for their intended purposes H. Douglas Brown (2003)." Brown 8. 8 DEFINITION OF CONSTRUCT TO BE MEASURED Comprehension ability to understand, grasping with the intellect. Especially reading tests skills and language abilities. Modelling the task, Students are given a similar English literature texts Make the test clear to be understood to give your students the opportunity to recognize the purpose of the test . 9. 9 PLAN FOR EVALUATING TEST USEFULNESS RELIABILITY " The difference of candidates from one occasion to another. The more similar the score on a test on one occasion is that on another occasion the more reliable the test should be". Affendi, Oct. 13th (2014) CONSTRUCT VALIDITY * content validity. * criterion related validity * construct validity. * Face validity. What do we mean by a valid test? This test measures what it is supposed to measure, test what it is intended to test. We have many approaches to know if a test measures what it is supposed to measure. Affendi, Oct. 13th (2014) Affendi 2014 10. 10 The degree of correspondence of the characteristics of a given language test task to the features of a target language task (Bachman and Palmer, 196:23). A good language test, is supposed to employ formats and tasks that reflect real-world situations and contexts where test takers would authentically use the target language. Coombe et al (2007:7) INTERACTIVENESS AUTHENTICITY "The extent and type of involvement of the test taker's individual characteristics (i.e. Topical knowledge, affective schemata and language ability) in accomplishing a test task (Bachman and Palmer, 1996:25). Questions must trigger with background of students. That will reflect their studying and using what they have learned to add to it the skill that we are going to test. IMPACT students should know the area that they are weak and can make their improvement This test is high - stake test Teacher make a revision of the methodology used and repeat the explanation of the skills to make the suitable remedies that he sees in a situation like this . 11. 11 PRACTICALITY Students who will pass the test will be able to pursue their university studies. Students who fail will have to reset again to be examined. IDENTIFYING, ALLOCATING AND MANAGING RESOURCES HUMAN RESOURCES Each school has its own staff those, who teach third year secondary . Teachers should prepare this kind of tests to their classes referring to the general specification done by ministry of education. 12. 12 MATERIAL RESOURCES IRREGULARREGULAR Big halls usually the conference hall . Student share these classes. Average numberabout 50 in the same class. The chairs also should be a comfortable one. Noting around them disturbing or bother them. Eight observers or teachers at least in each class. Suitable Light and extra pens for emergency case. The examiner clarify for the student when they will get started and when they should finish. Students should follow rules, instructions precisely. Big rooms usually the classes. Student share these classes. Average numberabout 15 in the same class. The chairs also should be a comfortable one. Noting around them disturbing or bother them. Two observers or teachers at least in each class. Suitable Light and extra pens for emergency case. The examiner clarify for the student when they will get started and when they should finish. Students should follow rules, instructions precisely. 13. 13 TEST DEVELOPMENT AND TIME LINE This test is held twice a year at the end of each semester. after finishing the timetable of the course based on what the ministry of education and usually sets the timetable for testing schedule. OPERATIONALISATION STAGE COURSE SYNOPSIS A-Answer the following questions. B- Put (t) for true and (f) for false. C-From the passage, give the opposites. D-From the passage, give the synonyms of these words. D-The underlined word (.) inline x referring to... (Complete). E- Choose the correct answer. This is a reading comprehension test .The Test is comprised of 25 points divided between different types of questions. These different kinds of questions, measure a student's ability to comprehend and interpret. How to apply those interpretations to answer the questions. The time allowed 1 hour to complete the exam questions. 14. 14 OBJECTIVES Students should be able to answer all types of questions based on the comprehension text given. Students should be able to answer the questions based on information from the reading passage. LEARNING OUTCOME Comprehension questions, measure students ability to extract basic information. This question type can refer to specific parts of the text or to the text as a whole. Students need to: * Restate information. * Explain the clear implications of the text. TEST TASK SPECIFICATIONS DEVELOPING A BLUEPRINT/DRAFT 15. 15 OVERALL DESIGN Purpose This is a reading comprehension text depends on English literature background, it refers to some of the information that had been tackled in the class, aims to measure their general understanding of a written literature text like this one after reading thoroughly they will be able to answer the given questions. Age: The regular students ages from 16 up to 20 years old , The irregular test takers vary 20 up to 40 years old. Sex: male Non-native speakers of the target language. Intended population 113 Number ofitems 25 Orderof items 1.30 h. 16. 16 Reading passage; unseen one (50 marks: 2 marks each item.) (no less than two items)1. Yes / No Question (no less than two items)2. True / False Statement (no less than two items)3. Choose/ Multiple-choice 4. WH Question (no less than two item)5. Synonyms / Antonyms (no less than two items)6. Completion 17. 17 Kingdom of Saudi Arabia English Language Ministry of Education (2nd Session ) General Certificate Examination for Secondary Schools 1435-1436 AH Time : 1.30 hour. (. )/( . ) ................................................ : )....................... ( :................................. : William Shakespeare was born in England in 1564. His father was a glove maker. Shakespeare attended to Stratford grammar school where he was taught by Master Roche. At the age of fourteen, he had to leave school to help his father in his business. When he was 18, he married Ann Hathaway, the daughter of a rich farmer. The following year his daughter ,Susanna, was born. In 1592, Shakespeare decided to leave his family in Stratford to seek his fortune in London. Each year he returned to spend time with his family in his home town. Shakespeare wrote 35 plays such as Romeo and Juliet, Othello, Hamlet and Macbeth. Also, he wrote 154 poems. The most quote " to be or not to be". In 1612, he returned to his birthplace, where he lived the rest of his life. William Shakespeare's early plays were written in the conventional style of the day, with elaborate metaphors and rhetorical phrases that didn't always align naturally with the story's plot or characters. However, Shakespeare was very innovative, adapting the traditional style to his own purposes and creating a freer flow of words. With only small degrees of variation, Shakespeare primarily used a metrical pattern consisting of lines of unrhymed iambic pentameter, or blank verse, to compose his plays. At the same time, there are passages in all the plays that deviate from this and use forms of poetry or simple prose. The Merchant of Venice is a play by William Shakespeare, believed to have been written between 1596 and 1598. Macbeth is a tragedy written by William Shakespeare, and is considered one of his darkest and most powerful works. Set in Scotland, the play dramatizes the corrosive psychological and political effects produced when evil is chosen as a way to fulfil the ambition for power. Tradition has it that William Shakespeare died on his birthday, April 23, 1616, though many scholars believe this is a myth. Church records show he was interred at Trinity Church on April 5, 1616. In his will, he left the bulk of his possessions to his eldest daughter, Susanna. Though entitled to a third of his estate, little seems to have gone to his wife, Anne, whom he bequeathed his "second-best bed." This has drawn speculation that she had fallen out of favor, or that the couple was not close. However, there is very little evidence the two had a difficult marriage. Other scholars note that the term "second-best bed" often refers to the bed belonging to the household's master and mistressthe marital bedand the "first-best bed" was reserved for guests. 18. 18 A- ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: 1- Who was William Shakespeare? 2-Where did Shakespeare live? .. 3-Did Shakespeare writes poems? ... 4-When was Shakespeare born? .. 5-Why did Shakespeare leave his family in Stratford? ... 6-When did Shakespeare write The Merchant of Venice ? ... 1-Susanna was born when Shakespeare was 52 . ( ) 2-Shakespeare wrote thirty five novels. ( ) 3-In 1612 Shakespeare returned back to his birthplace &lived there. ( ) 4-Macbeth is a comedy written by William Shakespeare. ( ) B- Put (T) for true and (F) for false: 19. 19 C- From the passage, give the opposites of these words: a) Arrive .. b) Poor .. D-From the passage, give the synonyms of these words:- (1) Aid .. (b) wealthy .. E- The underlined word (he) in the passage refers to.. (Complete) F- CHOOSE THE CORRECT ANSWER : 1 - The suitable title for the passage is (a) - William Shakespeare (b) - Susanna (c) - Shakespeare's wife (d) - John 2- Shakespeare had to leave school to in his business. (a) - write plays (b) - play with his father (c) - help his father (d) - sleep 3 - William Shakespeare's father was a.. (a) dress maker (b) carpenter (c) glove maker (d) baker 4-Shakespeare lived in the.. Century. (a) 19th ( b) 20th (c) 14th (d) 16th 5- Shakespeare was an English .. He wrote many poems. (a) novelist (b) poet (c) actor (d) writer 20. 20 6- A novel is .. (a) a true story ( b) a fiction (c) a short story (d) an autobiography 7- .. is written by someone about another. a) An autobiography b) A Biography c) Geography d) Calligraphy 6- Macbeth .. by his wife ,killed king Duncan . a-aided b- ventilated c-laid d- accommodate 7- (Great Expectations) was written by ... a- William Shakespeare b- William Words Worth c-Jane Austin d-Charles Dickens 8- A biography is.. Story written by another person . a- fictional b- true c-imagined d- false 9- The long story in which the characters aren't true is ... a- a novel b- a biography c- an autobiography (c) poem 10- Shakespeare was a .. In the sixteenth century . a-novelist b-character c- poet d- biography 21. 21 BENCHMARK For each correct answer (225 = 50) marks. TYPES OF QUESTIONS NUMBER OF QUESTIONS A- ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: ( 2X6 = 12 marks) B- Put (T) for true and (F) for false: ( 24= 8 marks ) C-From the passage, give the synonyms of these words ( 22= 4 marks ) D-From the passage, give the synonyms of these words ( 22= 4 marks ) E- The underlined word ( 21= 2 marks ) F- Choose the correct answer : ( 210= 20 marks ) Total mark 50 A- ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: ( 26 = 12 marks ) 1- William Shakespeare was a famous English poet, writer and author. 2- William Shakespeare lived in London. 3- Yes, he did . 4- He was born in England . 5- He left to help his father. 6- It was written between 1596 and 1598 22. 22 B- Put (T) for true and (F) for false: ( 24= 8 marks ) () () () () C-From the passage, give the synonyms of these words:- ( 22= 4 marks ) 1-Leave 2-Rich D-From the passage, give the synonyms of these words:- ( 22= 4 marks ) 1- Help 2- rich E- The underlined word ( 21= 2 marks ) F- Choose the correct answer : ( 210= 20 marks ) 1. A 1. C 1. C 1. D 1. B 1. A 1. D 1. B 1. A 1. C Total mark 50 23. 23 SCORING METHOD Scoring method at the end of the test, the test papers are collected after the students finish the test at the limited time . The whole papers delivered at the control room to be organized, orderly and to take off the names of students put a given a serial code number, all the staff of the school gathers and then we got the whole papers to be corrected, we also got the benchmark we divide the number of questions on the staff members then starting scoring the marks after finishing scoring those who correct certain questions revise to others and vice versa. 24. 24 COLLECTING FEEDBACK FOR ASSESSING TEST USEFULNESS Asking student after the test, some questions to get their impressions about the test what is difficult, what is easy, later, while and after scoring we get the feedback concerning everything about the test Collecting feedback for assessing test usefulness. 25. 25 CONCLUSION What is the best way to assess learners' ability? What are the most practical instruments available? Are the current standardized tests of language proficiency accurate and reliable? How can a teacher design tests? The effect of testing on teaching and learning can be harmful or beneficial.'' The good test is an obedient servant since it follows and apes the teaching " Davies (1968:8). "Life is a test" 26. 26 William Shakespeare. (2014). The Biography.com website. Retrieved 06:50, Nov 25, 2014, fromhttp://www.biography.com/people/william-shakespeare-9480323. William Shakespeare. [Internet]. 2014. The Biography.com website. Available from:http://www.biography.com/people/william- shakespeare-9480323 [Accessed 25 Nov 2014]. "William Shakespeare." Bio. A&E Television Networks, 2014. Web. 25 Nov. 2014. "Reading." Merriam-Webster.com. Merriam-Webster, n.d. Web. 25 Nov. 2014. http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/reading. "Comprehension." Merriam-Webster.com. Merriam-Webster, n.d. Web. 25 Nov. 2014. http://www.merriam- webster.com/dictionary/comprehension. "Reliability." Merriam-Webster.com. Merriam-Webster, n.d. Web. 26 Nov. 2014. http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/reliability "Authentic." Merriam-Webster.com. Merriam-Webster, n.d. Web. 26 Nov. 2014. http://www.merriam- webster.com/dictionary/authentic. Kataoka, M. (2005). Language Assessment: Principles and Classroom Practices. Brief Reports And Summaries, 344. McMillan, J. H. (1997). Classroom Assessment. Principles and Practices for Effective Instruction. Allyn & Bacon, A Viacom Company, 160 Gould St., Needham Heights, MA 02194; Internet: www. abacon. com. Bachman, L., & Palmer, A. (2010). Language assessment in practice. Bachman, L. F., & Palmer, A. S. (1989). The construct validation of self-ratings of communicative language ability. Language Testing, 6(1), 14-29. Bachman, L. F., & Savignon, S. J. (1986). The evaluation of communicative language proficiency: A critique of the ACTFL oral interview. The Modern Language Journal, 70(4), 380-390. Arthur HughesTesting for language teachers, second edition, Cmbride University Press, 1989,2003, second edition REFERENCES