Film Terms Camera Shots and Definitions

Film Terms Take 2

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Sophie, Rebecca, Alexis, Rose and Valeska film terms

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Page 1: Film Terms Take 2

Film Terms

Camera Shots and Definitions

Page 2: Film Terms Take 2

Establishing Shot

A wide shot giving an overview of the scene so the action and setting is shown

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Close up

A detail shot, part of a face

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Two shot

A shot where two people are shown

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Over the shoulder (OV)

Often used in dialogue scenes to highlight faces

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Low angle shot

a shot in which the subject is filmed directly from below and the camera points up at the action, to make the subject appear larger, more formidable and menacing, or perhaps tall and regal.

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Reaction shot

A persons reaction to a previous scene

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Cut away

A shot that turns briefly from the main action.

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Long shot

Shows the entire scene where the action takes place

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Wide shot

Broad angle view, increases the sense of depth and distance.

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High angle shot

Where the subject is filmed from above,often to make the subject small, weak and vulnerable.

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Rosie Sophie Valeska Alexis Rebecca