Film pitch (final)

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Page 1: Film pitch (final)


Page 2: Film pitch (final)


• Our objective is to create a horror film which has a duration of 5 minutes maximum or less.

• Our film will be a hybrid film which contains one or more genres combined which will be supernatural and psychological horror.

• The film title is pending however a suggestion is ‘oracular’.

• The tag line will be ‘It’s just a game.’ / ‘Do you want to play a game?’

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• Title: Oracular

• Running time: 5 minutes maximum

• Format: Film

• Certification: 12

• Target Audience: Must be over 12 years of age.

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• The target audience for our movie will be aimed at teenagers and above as the official certification for the movie will be 12.

• An active audience (those that actively think and consume the product meaning.)

• The social grade will be D/E. (Semi-skilled/unskilled manual occupations and unemployed.)

• The psychographic value for our audience should be suitable for ‘trendies’. (Those who crave attention for their peers), ‘egoists’ (Those who seek pleasure) and ‘rebels’ (Those who wish to remake the world in their image.)

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SYNOPSIS• A girl is chosen by a demon to capture female opponents to

play a deadly game. The girl captures several of her friends mysteriously as the friends disappear. However, every time the girl is asked where they are, she continuously denies the truth and denies to let people know what has happened to them. The tension rises as they play the famous board game ‘Oracular’ that many people have been talking about. Every time they play the game, something daunting happens as soon as a new word from the game is revealed. The girl finally reveals on what she has done to the other characters as they are all captured by the ‘master of the game’ (villain) as commands them to do what he says.

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KEY SCENESStart: April Fools Day. This scene will be shot at a low camera angle to a wide camera shot. Main character is walking home carrying textbooks in her hand. She then feels (the villain) someone's presence as she felt someone has bumped into her which makes her drop her books even though no one is there. She looks around to see whom it was but there was no one there and there is a close up for her face which transits into an over the shoulder shot. Phone rings. Someone calls the main character and says ‘Congratulations. You have been chosen as a participant to play the game of the century.’ This will be shown in a medium shot. Main character says ‘ugh, I’m not interested. Stop fooling me.’ Phone rings again. A deep voice says: ‘Do you want to play a game?’. Main character says ‘Whatever, I’m not falling for your stupid April Fools Day pranks. The guy says: ‘It’s not a prank. It’s a game.’ As she hears this, the camera zooms in to an extreme close up.


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KEY SCENES• Middle: This scene will be first shot in a long camera shot. It is

the next morning at school. The main character returns looking pale, fatigued and unsettled. She is sitting down on the floor looking isolated and unsettled. Friend 1 approaches her and asks if she is okay in a friendly manner. The camera will then be at a low angle and then a close up. The main character looks directly into her eyes and says “I’m fine.”

• *School bell rings* This will be shown in an establishing shot. Main character asks if she has any plans after school. Friend 1 says no and main character says “Come with me” and then the screens fades out in black. It is the next day. This will be shown using a tracking shot. Friend 2 goes to the main character and asks “Where is friend 1?” which will be shot from her POV; looking very concerned and alert as to where she might be. Main character looks puzzled and shrugs. She then says “I don’t know” and camera transits from her POV. After a while, main character says “Oh wait, I know where she is. Come with me” by using a medium shot. Friend 2 then goes with main characters to the auditorium and this will be shown by using a match on cut.

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KEY SCENES• End: After a while, main character takes Friend 2 to the hall and sits her down

in a circle which will be shown using a match cut. She insists the girl that they should play a game. Friend 2 asks main character where her friend 1 is but just then Main character looks up with red eyes with a horrific and deadly look. This will be shown in an establishing shot and then a close up. She starts spelling out deadly words. (e.g. death, gone, danger’) and her arm (etc.) starts to bleed. The villain who we see at the first scene appears behind the main character all the time at a high angle over her shoulder, he is also seen looking at the girls play the game which be shown by an over the shoulder shot. This gives the audience an insight that he is behind all of this mayhem at a birds eye view. Friend 2 gets frightened about the game and says ‘What is this?’ when she says this the demon is behind her. No response. Main character gets annoyed with the friends 2 and so she introduces the Friend 1 who has a duct tape on her mouth and her hand is tied. Friend 2 screams. After this, they start to witness uncanny experiences such as hearing eerie sounds, equipment moving around, the wind howling drastically out of nowhere and they start hearing a childish yet demonic laugh from the main character which will be shot in a serious of camera shots consisting of a few seconds each. Friend 2 tries to escape but the door shuts on. They then realize that there is no way out and is stuck with this demonic girl and the manipulative villain that will eventually turn the 2 girls into their slaves in order to fulfill his wishes. The last scene consists of a panning and tracking movement where Friend 1 trying to open the door to escape, she looks back and suddenly there is an extreme close up of the villain and she starts screaming.

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• The main character will be a teenage girl; preferably aged 14. In the film, we will present her as lonely, mysterious and has trouble regarding her normal day to day life which will have a big impact on the way she behaves towards other characters.

• There will be approximately 2 friends (preferably female as they will be able to relate to her and socialize with her in an approachable way and be friendly towards her)

• The villain will be covered in a vendetta mask which will enhance the suspense during the film and the audience will be curious while they are watching it.

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• Her house (living room or bedroom) – this will make the movie seem more realistic as this particular scene will show the audience that she is just a normal girl. Therefore, it makes the film look more realistic as it doesn’t just show a specific side of the characters personality. In other words, a flat character.

• The CFGS Auditorium. – as this location is very spacious, it will give a huge effect as this is one of the key scenes.

• School hallway – friends approach the girl and attempt to make friends with her because they can see that she is lonely and feels excluded.

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• The main character will be in a school uniform as most of the scenes take place at a school. Therefore, this costume would be most appropriate and suitable in terms of where she is. The other girls will also be wearing their school uniform.

• The villain will be wearing a vendetta mask and a black long cloak. The impression this gives to the audience that there is something mysterious and suspicious about him.

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• At the beginning, she will be wearing no make up as she will be in school. However, she must look refreshed and ‘normal’ in order to present her as a standard and a typical school girl.

• After she gets the phone call from the mysterious voice (the villain) and returns back to school, she will be wearing foundation/powder to look pale, fatigued and unsettled.

• (Optional) – She will be wearing red contact lenses towards the end of the movie to show that she is possessed by the master of the game.

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• Board game (Preferable a scrambled board or an Ouija board). It will look old fashioned and dusty. This will indicate that this board game as been in existence for many years and has a mysterious history.

• A mobile phone – when the girl picks up the calls (April Fools Day pranks and the real phone call from the master of the game. (The villain.)

• A round table and chairs – for when the girls play the board game.

• Textbooks

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• Natural lighting - Natural light can blend lightly within its environment to create a soft subtle light. Soft subtle light can invoke an inner peace. When using a room that is naturally lit with soft subtle light, the scenes seem to have a certain innocent feel to them.

• Low Key Lighting - Low-key lighting relies on shadows, deep blacks and darker tones, with very few whites and middle tones. low-key lighting is sombre, mysterious and moody, dramatic or even ominous depending on the scene.

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KILLER SHOTS • Close up - The audience can see from the close up the distress that

the character is in. This shot also allows the audience to see the reaction the character has at the event before the character (which would have been shown in the previous scene.)

• Low angle - .This shot is used so the audience are aware of their positioning in the scene, being higher than what they are looking at. As well it shows the audience of the scenery, so they are aware the action taken below them.

• Mid angle shot - This mid-angle shot is used so the audience can see the distance between the two characters. This also shows the tension between them, as one threatens the other; so the audience can distinctly recognise they are enemies.

• Over the shoulder – This enhances the audience’s engagement with the film and establishes the superiority of one character over another.

• Point of View (POV): This is an effective shot that gives the audience the feel that you’re seeing it from the eyes of the performer.  It is taken from near the eye-level of the actor and shows what he might see.

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• Flash cutting - Editing sequences so that the durations of the shots are very brief.• Also referred as Short Cut - a cut that has a brief duration – less than two seconds.

• Jump Cut - an elliptical cut that appears to be an interruption of a single shot. It occurs within a scene rather than between scenes, to condense the shot. Either the figures seem to change instantly against a constant background, or the background changes instantly while the figures remain constant.

• Continuity - When the audience should not notice when the cuts have been made. A sequence of shots that appear together and link with each other.