Study Trips/ Field Trips

Field trip

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Page 1: Field trip

Study Trips/ Field Trips

Page 2: Field trip

Field Trip• these are excursions, educational trips,

and visits conducted to observe an event that is unavailable within the classroom.

• a visit to a place outside the regular classroom which is designed to achieved certain objectives which cannot be achieved as well by using other means.

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Planning a field trip includes these steps:

• Preliminary planning by the teacher• Preplanning with others going on the trip• Taking the field trip• Post-field trip follow up activities

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Preliminary planning by the Teacher

• Make preliminary contacts, a tour on final arrangements with the place to be visited.• Make final arrangements with the school principal about the details of the trip.• Make a tentative route plan, subject to later alteration based on class planning and objectives.• Try to work out mutually satisfactory arrangements with other teachers if the trip will conflict with their classes.• Prepare preliminary lists of questions or other materials which will be helpful in planning with the students.

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Preplanning with the Others Joining the Trip

• Discuss the objectives of the trip and write them down.• Prepare a list of questions to send ahead to the guide of the study trip.• Define safety and behaviour standards for the journey there and for the field trip site itself.• Discuss appropriate dress.• Before the trip, use a variety of learning materials in order to give each student a background for the trip.• Other people accompanying the group like parents, other teacher and school administrator staff must be oriented on the objectives, route, behaviour standards required.

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Taking the Field Trip

• Distribute route map of places to be observed.• Upon arriving at the destination, teacher should check the group and introduce the guide.• Special effort should be made to ensure that: - the tip keeps to the time schedule. - the students have the opportunity to obtain answers to questions. - the group participates courteously in the trip. - the guide sticks closely to the list of questions.

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Evaluating the Field Trip

• Could the same benefits be achieve by other materials? Was it worth the time, effort, and perhaps extra money?• Were there any unexpected problems which could be foreseen another time? Were these due to guides, students, poor planning, or unexpected trip conditions?• Were new interests developed? • Should the trip be recommended to other classes studying similar topics?

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Types of Field Trips

• Instructional Trips - a visit by a class or group of student

to a location outside the regular classroom

which is designed to allow the students to achieve

specific course objectives which cannot be

achieved as efficiently by other means.

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• School Contest or Festival - extra campus activity which

provides an opportunity for students to

demonstrate knowledge and skills developed through

subject area instruction.

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• Motivational Trips - an extra-campus activity which

is not a part of a scheduled class. It provides a

motivational incentive for the school, club,

group, or class and is related to improving the

school climate.

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Virtual Field Trip

• is a guided exploration through the world wide web that organizes a collection of pre-screened, thematically based web pages into a structured online learning experience.

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• Acquisition of lasting concepts and change in attitudes are rooted on concrete and rich experience.

• Real-world experience.• Increase in quality of education.• Improvement of the social relations.• Provides new cultural context.

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• It is costly.• It involves logistics.• It is extravagant with time.• Contains an element of uncertainty.• Lack of support from the school

administrations.• Poor student behavior and attitudes.• Shortage of resources and choice of

venue.• Medical risk.

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Images of some Field Trips

Studying the Types of Stone Clean up drive

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Images of some Field Trips

Visiting a Museum Visiting a Zoo

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Images of some Field Trips

Visiting an Ocean Park Conducting an experiment Outside of the School

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