Factual page layout task 1 Clarity Clarity is very important when writing any sort of factual article. Here I have used an example of the RSPCA. On this campaign they have used brief text but also it is motivating to the audience. As you can see the have used bold and sharp making the reader drawn to the most important part of the campaign. On the subheading they have emphasised the word ‘biggest’, they have used this technique because they are stating that they are reliable charity and also rescue a lot of neglected animals. They have use factual language by suggesting they are the largest animal rescue ever, this makes the campaign more important by making the word ‘biggest in bold and its loud almost screaming at the audience to make them pay special attention to it by making it more noticeable from the rest of the text. On the bottom left hand box in red, this is the extra information for the audience reading the campaign. To get the audience hooked with the campaign the sub heading need to draw them in so they are willing to carry on reading. The red box however is in red. This has two different meanings as to why they have used this specific colour. The first reason is that the colour symbolises love and passion, since the campaign is about an animal rescue it shows that they should be loved as they have had that affection. Following on, another reason is red is the colour of danger, the animals have been neglected

Factual page layout task 1

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Page 1: Factual page layout task 1

Factual page layout task 1


Clarity is very important when writing any sort of factual article. Here I have used an example of the RSPCA. On this campaign they have used brief text but also it is motivating to the audience. As you can see the have used bold and sharp making the reader drawn to the most important part of the campaign. On the subheading they have emphasised the word ‘biggest’, they have used this technique because

they are stating that they are reliable charity and also rescue a lot of neglected animals. They have use factual language by suggesting they are the largest animal rescue ever, this makes the campaign more important by making the word ‘biggest in bold and its loud almost screaming at the audience to make them pay special attention to it by making it more noticeable from the rest of the text.

On the bottom left hand box in red, this is the extra information for the audience reading the campaign. To get the audience hooked with the campaign the sub heading need to draw them in so they are willing to carry on reading. The red box however is in red. This has two different meanings as to why they have used this specific colour. The first reason is that the colour symbolises love and passion, since the campaign is about an animal rescue it shows that they should be loved as they have had that affection. Following on, another reason is red is the colour of danger, the animals have been neglected and have been put in danger with the owner that could not take care of them.

The font they have used is softer and round this implies that the message they are trying to communicate with the audience is persuasive and doesn’t look as aggressive as the subheading that hooked the audience.

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Conciseness is a meth people in the media whether it is on newspapers, magazines or campaigns using very little words keeps the reader interested. In some cases pictures are more effective as it give the audience a pictures rather than having to read and then loosing interest.

Using brief words or short sentences helps the reader have a better

understanding of the topic. For example on the same campaign they have used the main sub heading, and at the bottom left hand corner they have giving a simple message persuading the audience to help rescue the neglected animal.

The RSPCA campaign didn’t need to add a lot of information on the ad, they have used powerful words such and, cruelty and neglect. This paints a picture in the audience’s mind of how they have been treated, by using harsh words.

Looking at the campaign it is very clear that they have kept it short and simple but effective, the ad is also over powered by images such as the animals and one of the rescuers. This has balanced the two out to make the ad more straight forwards.

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Being accurate is majorly important. By passing the wrong information to the reader people can interpret the message differently. Also you have to be aware that it doesn’t discriminate against anyone’s, beliefs, gender or race.

Here is an example of the cancer research campaign; they have given three different points. As you know cancer research is a massive charity helping people with such a deadly illness money that is raised goes towards trying to cure the disease.

This campaign is accurate, as we all know its trustworthy and we have seen on the news that cancer research has beaten some of the

illnesses such as HIV as its factual.

It’s reliable as we can call trust the charity as it’s for a good cause, and therefore what they publish will be accurate. Also publishing something that is false would be going against the legal constraints and the code of practise. It is against the law and also it can create a whole public feud, making people raise questions making it really bad for the charity.

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The NSPPC advert and the language they have used is very formal as they have used words such as ‘children’ and also have used contractions such as Lucy’s. The language has been expressed in this way because of the campaign itself is a serious matter. As the campaign is about child abuse this is an emotional topic for many people reading this

whether they are parents themselves or children? Using formal languages means that the writers wants to state the message to be serious and people should handle it with a mature manor.

To make the campaign more formal the have used appropriate typography such as the colour green, It loves to observe, and therefore relates to the counsellor, the good listener, the social worker. It loves to contribute to society. It is the charity worker, the good parent and the helpful neighbour. This explanation of the colour fits in perfectly with the message of this campaign. Not only have they found the appropriate colour but also they have found the colour with a meaning that matches.

They have also used the colour black, the information that is highlighted with the colour black are extra such as about the charity itself.

Finally, on the first bullet point of the ad they have used the colour white. As it is talking about children and asking a question to the audience making them think. They have use white as it has a meaning of purity and innocence. This is also how children are seen to adults as they are young and yet to develop and grow.

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Avoidance of ambiguity

Some writers will sometimes try and make the information that they are publishing clear to the audience. But in some cases this is not always achieved, as people have

many questions if they are uncertain. Writers often do this in order to avoid explanation and they will write something clear and as simple as possible.

This weight loss ad is using avoidance and ambiguity. Again the use of text is very little as it keeps the audience interested. Especially women as they are the most who want to lose weight quick as they are unhappy about their bodies.

The technique they have used to persuade people who want to lose weight is that at the bottom of the ad there is a white footer that will immediately grab the attention of the audience, as it is bold dragging your eyes directly at the bottom. It says, “weight watchers, because it works” and next to it there is a link saying “join me” this doesn’t give the audience a chance to even question the ad within itself. People will not hesitate and believe the campaign. Also using the word ‘me’ makes it that more person for the reader. Its suggestion that you don’t have to go through it alone and there is someone in the same position.

Following on, weight watchers have used an iconic celebrity that some women may look up to and find them inspiring. This motivates the reader more than if they were to use a person they may have not heard of seen before. It makes the advert more believable and clear that someone as famous as Jennifer Hudson has used the same method and claims that it has also worked for her. She is inspiring thousands of other women with the same issue.

They have used a range of colours such as white, blue for the weight watchers title; the blue is a calming colour that is one of trust, honesty and loyalty. This implies that the audience can trust the ad and that they are honest with what they say. As they have used a high profile celebrity such as Jennifer Hudson to back up the doubt the reader might have, as they may have tried other method and may not have worked, by using an appropriate colour it puts the audiences mind at rest and should consider in trusting this specific group.


Many writers have to avoid being bias in any report or article; this is purely because it can raise debates and may be offensive to certain people. Avoiding being bias and adding your own personal opinion to a publication is key, letting the audience make there own decision about what is been said and judgment on it is up to them.

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Here is a bias campaign about smoking. This is being bias for the right reasons. Everyone knows that smoking is bad but however they still continue to smoke. By advertising bias adverts this will make smokers sometimes see that what they are doing is harmful for their health. The advert I have used is an emotional and touching. The advert is based on a true story and someone’s experience with smoking. They have used a quote such as “smoking gave me throat cancer at the age of 39” this shows that if you are a smoker it can seriously harm you at such a young age that could be life threatening. By having real life facts it will make a smoker stop and think about their actions and consider giving up the nasty habit. The advert doesn’t encourage the audience that smoking is good and by making it hard hitting and as real as possible will be effective.

By making this sort of subject bias it will get through to the audience that this habit is bad not only for them but for others around them too.

The font they have used is sharp and very bold. It lures the reader on by having a speech such as “nothing will ever be the same again”. They have made it bold as it’s the first thing they want the reader to read.

The colour scheme is black and white throughout. As black represents the unknown, mystery and is a secretive colour. The white is the opposite and has a meaning of purity and innocence. They two colours work well together as there is bad in the good. This shows that an innocent person can go through an illness such as cancer at so young without them knowing that what there are doing is harmful.

Evidencing of argument

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This page layout is about vegetarians. But as you can see they have only showed on side of the argument about one side of some people’s lifestyle. They have stated “the best veggie burgers on the planet”. They have displayed that veggie burgers are better aiming it at the other half of the audience that do not eat meat.

Sometimes articles or campaigns do this and not showing the other side of the argument

and making it unbiased. But as vegetarians raises heated debates about whether or not is a good thing they have stated o here that it is a good thing.

This is another form of a biased page layout. And therefore doesn’t class everyone, and is only targeted at vegetarians.

However thy have used a range of different typography such as making the layout bright and eye catching by using natural and colours that look organic such as, green, red and white. The font is round and soft making the text friendly and warm telling the audience it’s a nice article drawing them in. The colours that they have used link in with the colours that you can see on the image of the vegetarian burger making the layout look more neat and professional.

Referencing source

Referencing sources is very important for many reasons. Such as where the information has

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come from and who it is from or in some cases a quotes or speech that someone might have said. On many publications, website and adverts they will reference some information.

There is a BBC news article of a something that has currently happened informing the readers.

The form of referencing that has been used on this page is the name of the person who has wrote the article in the top left hand corner by Hannah Barnes, this lets the reader know who has written the piece.

Another reference the writer has included I the article is a quote or speech someone has said about the event. She has sued speech marks to show that that someone has there say but also used the phrase “he says” this also shows that the sentence written wasn’t something said by the writer.

The BBC is also a formal newspaper company so therefore they will only use formal fonts and formal text. The headline is highlighted in bold to make the reader aware what the story is based on. They have used the colours black and white also very formal making it appropriate for the target audience. They have illustrated the story with an image such as a zoo animal of a giraffe.

Legal constraints and codes of practice

Making sure that the leaflet, advert, website or publication has follow the rules of legal constraints and also follow the codes of practice as some the information can be against the law and will be breaking the rules of conduct. This applies to journalists mostly as some of the reports they write could discriminate against someone’s, gender, religious beliefs of race.

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For example the NUJ codes (National Union of Journalists) will have to follow the code and tae into condensation what they can write about and what they cannot include.

There are 12 points that a journalist has to take into consideration such as ‘Strives to ensure that information disseminated is honestly conveyed, accurate and fair. This is so that the writer cannot add in their own opinion or again be bias. This can be damaging as it will create public awareness and also raise debates and tension.

Another key point is that information is not plagiarized; the information cannot be stolen and used for your own report. Looking at all the examples I have used they all follow the codes or therefore they would not be published or taken off the net. None of the pieces I have selected break any codes of practice and all pieces follow the legal constraints.