Facebook Profiles vs. Fan Pages: Separating your public network from your personal network

Facebook Profiles vs. Fan Pages

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Page 1: Facebook Profiles vs. Fan Pages

Facebook Profiles vs. Fan Pages:Separating your public network from your personal network

Page 2: Facebook Profiles vs. Fan Pages


• Discuss Blackboard/Facebook integration

• Identify the differences between Facebook Profiles and Facebook Pages

• View sample Facebook Pages

• Create a Facebook Fan Page

Page 3: Facebook Profiles vs. Fan Pages

Blackboard Sync• Students opt in

• Login to course

• Select “Community Tab”

• Click “Add the Blackboard Sync App…”

• Updates will automatically be pushed to student Facebook accounts

Page 4: Facebook Profiles vs. Fan Pages

Profile vs. Page

• Personal• “Friend” requests• Friend profiles visible• Write on wall/send

comments, etc.• Applications• Friend limitation

• Public• Become a “Fan”• Profiles not visible• Send updates/ads to Fans• Applications• Searchable• Viewable by anyone• No Fan limitations• Edit Panel• Administrators

Facebook Profile Facebook Page

Page 6: Facebook Profiles vs. Fan Pages

Creating a Facebook Page

• http://www.facebook.com/business/?pages

Page 7: Facebook Profiles vs. Fan Pages

ePirate Blog

Page 8: Facebook Profiles vs. Fan Pages

Session Evaluation

Creating a Facebook Page for your Course

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