Exponents Presented By : Citra Nur Fadzri Yati Math – 3E

Exponents citra math 3_e

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1. Exponents Presented By :Citra Nur Fadzri Yati Math 3E 2. ExponentsExponents are also called Powers or IndicesThe exponent of a number says how manytimes to use the number in a multiplication. 82 = 8 8 = 64 3. In Generalan tells you to multiply a byitself,there are n of those as:So, You can multiply any number by itself as manytimes as you want using exponents.Example: 96 is easier to write and read than999999 4. More Examples: Negative ExponentsA negative exponent means howmany times to divide one by thenumber. Example 8-1 = 1 8 = 0.125 5. What if the Exponent is 1, or 0?if the exponent is 1, then you just havethe number itself (example 91 = 9)If the exponent is 0, then you get 1(example 90 = 1)But what about 00 ? It could be either 1 or0, and so people say it is "indeterminate". 6. Be Careful About Grouping With () :(ab)2 = ab abWithout () : ab2 = a (b)2 = a b bExamples With () :(-2)2 = (-2) (-2) = 4Without () :-22 = -(22) = - (2 2) = -4