Pirkko Hyvönen & Niina Impiö pirkko.hyvonen @oulu.fi Post-doc researher University of Oulu 10 ects

Expert studies in the let 2013

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Pirkko Hyvönen & Niina Impiö[email protected] researherUniversity of Oulu

10 ects

Page 2: Expert studies in the let 2013

10.04.2023 [email protected] 2

COURSE ENVIRONMENT: Learning of expertise 2013 (EXPERT)CURRICULUMhttp://www.oulu.fi/sites/default/files/LET_Curriculum_FINAL_2013-2015.pdf

LEARNING OBJECTIVESAfter this course, the student is able to examine the learning of

expertise as a life-long process that one can pursue oneself

understands the theoretical framework of the learning of expertise and is able to apply it in practice

is able to explain and interpret the factors affecting the learning of expertise

is able to monitor and reflect upon his/her own activity and the activity of the society in the framework of the acquisition of expertise

understands the effect of education and the working life for supporting the learning of expertise

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Case 1, 3 creditsStudents will reflect on their learning process towards expertise by writing an expert profile. Before writing they monitor and document episodes or moments of learning.

Solo workFive times during 2-year programme

Case 2, 3 creditsStudents will participate in the process of mentoring as they will be working as mentees in their 1st year of studies and as mentors in their 2nd year of studies.

Collaborative problem solvingStarts November 2013

Case 3, 4 creditsIn this course there will also be casework implemented together with working life partners. 

Collaborative problem solvingStarts in the end of 2014


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Profile 1

Profile 2

Profile 3

Profile 4

Profile 5


October 2013 February 2014 June 2014 May 2014Jan 2014

ResearchLearning theories

Use of technology

Solo and collaborative


Reflecting and monitoring

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• The core of the education consists of three theoretical viewpoints:

– self-regulated learning, – collaborative learning, and – the learning of expertise.

• Each aspect requires strong individual learning skills, and understanding and developing these abilities are essential in the LET programme.

Students are able to make use of the essential learning theories in the contexts of individual and collaborative learning, human resources, and life-long learning.

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Students are able to work collaboratively in different learning communities.

• collaborative working methods

• producing and sharing new knowledge

• varying and heterogenous study groups

• collaboration with working life


commitment new working methods flexibility and compromising

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LET 17



Intro 14

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RESEARCH-BASED teaching and learning

Students are able to use research literature and research methods from the field of the learning sciences and educational technologies, as well as conduct scientific research combining learning and technology.

• Reading and writing academic articles (APA manual)

• Working as a researcher

• Participating in data collection

• Being informants in data collection

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• real assignments from work life (problem-solving cases, project studies)

• working in expert teams by students, work life persons and other invited experts

• Monitoring, reflecting and evaluating the group working process

Students are able to explicate practical and theoretical means for learning expertise, and can monitor and reflect their progress.


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• pedagogically evaluate different technologies in interaction, learning, and content production

• using different technologies (e.g. social media, AC, Skype, Second Life) on the purposes of studying

Students are able to evaluate different technologies in interaction, learning, and content production.

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Aim of this task is to illustrate the strenght of the group; bring out what kind of expertise the group members together can embody.① Introduce your background (previous studies, working

experiences, hobbies) to the other group members. You may find ”islands of expertise” useful tool to recall your domain areas.

② Illustrate ”the group expertise” on the paper or use ICT tools instead.

③ Share your presentation of the combined and cumulated expertise to other students.

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Some examples from previous years

Example 1

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Example 2

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Example 3.