Exhaust Fan with PIR Sensor Created By: Aspipi Rifka Medina S. D. Taufik Hidayat P. P.

Exhaust Fan using Arduino

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Page 1: Exhaust Fan using Arduino

E x h a u s t Fa n w i t h P I R S e n s o r

C r e a t e d B y :• A s p i p i

• R i f k a M e d i n a S . D .• T a u fi k H i d a y a t P . P .

Page 2: Exhaust Fan using Arduino


Exhaust Fan with PIR Sensor





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Minimizing energy usage.

Simple way to turn on the fan.

More comfort activity.

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DescriptionThis project using PIR as its sensor, the main components are fan and LED as the indicator. This project were designed to bathroom used. If motion are detected with PIR sensor, the fan and LED will automatically turn on.

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Tools and Materials

Tools and Materials


Arduino Uno 1 pcFan DC 1 pcLED 1 pcPIR 1 pcPCB 1 pcResistor 1 pcAcrylic 1 pcMale to Male Jumper

1 pc

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Tools and Materials

Arduino UnoArduino/Genuino Uno is a microcontroller board based on the ATmega328P . It has 14 digital input/output pins (of which 6 can be used as PWM outputs), 6 analog inputs, a 16 MHz quartz crystal, a USB connection, a power jack, an ICSP header and a reset button.

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Specification of Arduino UnoMicrocontroller ATmega328

Operating Voltage 5VInput Voltage


Input Voltage (limits)


Digital I/O Pins 14 (of which 6 provide PWM

output)Analog Input Pins 6

DC Current per I/O Pin

40 mA

DC Current for 3.3V Pin

50 mA

Flash Memory 32 KB (ATmega328) of

which 0.5 KB used by

bootloaderSRAM 2 KB

(ATmega328)EEPROM 1 KB

(ATmega328)Clock Speed 16 MHz

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Tools and Materials

Fan dc 5VTo remove a reek from bathroom.

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Tools and Materials

PIR sensor The PIR sensor itself has two slots in it, each slot is made of a special material that is sensitive to IR. The lens used here is not really doing much and so we see that the two slots can 'see' out past some distance (basically the sensitivity of the sensor).

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Tools and Materials

ResistorA resistor is a passive two-terminal electrical component that implements electrical resistance as a circuit element. In electronic circuits, resistors are used to reduce current flow, adjust signal levels, to divide voltages, bias active elements, and terminate transmission lines, among other uses

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Tools and Materials

LEDAs indicator if the project work.

Male to Male JumperAs connect from one componen to the other componen

PCBAs a storage circuit of component project.

AcrylicAs pondation in our project

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Wiring Circuit

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Procedure 1Prepare all the tools and materials.

2Make a circuit from the components to PCB.

3Connect the circuit to the arduino and upload a program from PC .

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4Check the project, is it work or not.

5Make a prototype building of a project.

6Combine the wiring project with the

prototype building.

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Motion are detected

The fan and LED automatically turn on.

There’s no motion

The fan and LED did not work.

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• PIR sensor and Arduino make the activity easier.• PIR sensor can only detect a human or animal.

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