CRICOS Provider Code: 00113B EXERCISE SCIENCE COURSE TEAM DAY SENS TEACHING AND LEARNING PROGRESS AND DEVELOPMENTS SLIDES ARE AT WWW.SLIDESHARE.NET/SUSIEMAC Deakin City Centre, November 11 2013 Susie Macfarlane School of Exercise and Nutrition Sciences Deakin University

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Deakin City Centre,

November 11 2013

Susie MacfarlaneSchool of Exercise and Nutrition SciencesDeakin University

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Current Progress

• Digital Toolkit• ePortfolio• Video and multimedia• eLearning with Articulate Storyline • Rubrics

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Digital toolkit

• Started August 2012, 12 modules• Encourage all staff and new recruits to

complete at own pace• Outcomes now evident across schools• Not too late, all welcome• Best to undertake in teams

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Digital Toolkit Outcomes

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Student engagement: course

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Student engagement: unit

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Alumni engagement

• Facebook: Masters Exercise Physiology• LinkedIn:

• Dietetics (in planning) • Food Science and Nutrition

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Partner and community engagement

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Partner and community engagement

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Partner and community engagement

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SENS networked ePortfolio project phases

1. Planning and prioritising2. Resource development3. Networked innovation4. Pilot projects implementing ePortfolio5. Mentoring: Helen Chen6. Dissemination7. Course Planning

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SENS ePortfolio project

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Create or collect





ePortfolio process

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ePortfolio training program in CloudDeakin

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Networked innovation

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Helen Chen

Recommended eP implementation strategies1. Small groups, low risk engagement, mixed2. Long timelines to reduce pressure3. Scaffold students Lifelong learners4. Engage accrediting bodies and employers

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Pilot ImplementationCase study #1

Mark Lawrence

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Student CloudDeakin Portfolio presentation

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Hi Mark, Just a quick note to thank you and the team that prepared the subject. It was very confronting, liberating, interesting and satisfying to fill the first part of the e-Portfolio. It has been very interesting to have to take time to reflect and search about career paths, real opportunities, starting point. I know my goals (now I am aware that I knew them already, now they are very present), but didn't know how to get there from where I am. I have been able to plan a path much in the same way that you do plan for a project. I have yet to do risk assessment, and alternative pathways, in case one path fails.Good fun on my most serious project, my career path.Thank you

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Pilot ImplementationCase study #2

Alison Booth

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Pilot project

Process•Tailor existing assignment•Example•Demonstrations •‘How to’ resources

•More required for individual assessment tasks

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Pilot project

Outcomes• Student engagement and Interest • Pride in the assessment task

Challenges• Technically not intuitive: challenging• Restricted creativity• Lack of integration with Turnitin

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Pilot projectRequirements• Student resources and support• Clarity of instructions

Future use• Reflective space• Peer feedback• Link learning to learning outcomes

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Claire Margerison: Course Planning

Goals:1. For most of the course team to have undertaken

the ePortfolio training modules by T1 20142. Then we can, as a team, plan for

implementation of ePortfolio over the course3. With the overall aim for the students to see it as

a professional development tool not as “just” an assessment task for a unit

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Course level integration

Masters of Dietetics• 160+ DAA performance criteria level


eg. 9.2.3 “demonstrates consistent, reflective practice in collaboration with peers and mentors”

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Course enhancement strategy

1. Design eP learning and assessment tasks with a student focussed and course wide approach

2. Integrate with Course Enhancement process

3. Focus on feedback and self and peer evaluation (Boud)

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Course level eP will allow:

1. Collection of evidence of meeting the competencies

2. Reflection on where students are sitting with respect to competencies and their personal learning

3. Individual goal setting towards meeting competency

4. All of these will be progressive over the course of the MDiet

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Video and multimedia

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Video for teaching

• Capture teaching activities• Flip the classroom: lab safety, concepts• Interview practitioners or researchers• Record student’s presentations

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Video for promotion & partnerships

• Record school events• Record students’ presentations

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Video for learning

• Assessment tasks• Demonstrate learning• Interview practitioners or researchers• Record their presentations

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Simona Cicerale, eLearning assistant

Simona can assist with • Filming, photography, locating resources• training in filming and editing

Contact me to organise

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Video for research

• Video abstracts• Reporting• Dissemination or campaigning• Research recruitment• Networking and partnership promotion

eg. Dan’s video

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Journal video abstract

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Conference video abstract

Dr Gavin Abbott

Gavin received the Early Career Presentation Award in the Population Health and Policy category at the Australian and New Zealand Obesity Society (ANZOS) conference "Explaining educational disparities in adiposity: The role of neighbourhood environments".

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Odenplan, SwedenBehaviour change intervention

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Course Enhancement

• Evidence portfolio useful to identify gaps in assessment or LOs

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Course enhancement

• Select areas to work on• Choose one area strategic for unit or

course• Negotiate focus and type of

resources provided• Check with Susie re school resources• Negotiate timelines

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eLearning resources

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Simona Cicerale, eLearning assistant

Simona can assist with • create eLearning resources in Articulate Storyline• Training in Storyline

Contact me to organise

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School resources

• Software: • Storyline is a professional eLearning tool.• Over $800 per license - 25 licenses

• Simona train you in software• Detailed guide to Storyline• Work with Susie on Learning Design

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University, Faculty and School focus

1. Articulate what learner can do (with what they know)

2. Performance levels clearly defined3. Align learning goals and assessments

• Align assessment to Unit Learning Outcomes• Align assessment to Course Learning Outcomes• Align assessment to Graduate Learning Outcomes

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Scholarship of Teaching and Learning

EVALUATION• Most of our current teaching and assessment practices are not

evidence based (and in some cases continue despite evidence for their lack of effectiveness – e.g feedback)

• Many international research findings are not relevant to the Australian context, our teaching and our students

• Useful to evaluate the impact of existing and emerging teaching practices

• Consider allocating a percentage of course enhancement activities and funds to lit review and evaluation

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Megan Thornton, Educreatiions

Alison Spence, Susan Torres, Adam Walsh, Susie MacfarlaneFrom the Sandpit to the Cloud Concepts


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Jaclyn Broadbent, Tim Crowe et alSocial media in teaching

Susie Macfarlane, Lynn Riddell, Alison Booth, Mark Lawrence, Claire MargerisonePortfolio networked capacity building


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Scholarship of Teaching and Learning


• Consider Deakin Learning conference

• Your discipline conferences

• Explore publication or presenting at Education conferences such as HERDSA in Melbourne 2015

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Meta analysis

• 1990 – 2009• 125 studies, over 20 000 students• 70% of cases, DE students > traditional in

Final Academic Performance

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Next steps?

• Digital toolkit (Work through blog)

• Undertake ePortfolio modules in 3s (contact Susie)

• Choose an area to work on in your unit or at a course level

• Adapt Assessment to develop a less represented GLO• Develop Rubrics• E.g create videos to explain key concepts

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Helen Chen: ePortfolios resources

Light, T.P; Chen, Helen L.; Ittelson, John C. Documenting Learning with ePortfolios : A Guide for College Instructors [e-book]. Hoboken: Wiley; 2011 [cited 2013 Oct 15]. Available from: Deakin University Ebook Library

Chen, H.L. (2013, September 3). Making the Case for ePortfolios in the Age of MOOCs, DIY Education, and the Quality Agenda. Invited presentation given at the Assessing and Accrediting Graduate Capabilities in the 21C Symposium, Deakin University, Melbourne, Australia. https://pathbrite.com/portfolio/PLTNcPTpg/2013-deakin-symposium-eportfolio-resources/item/PLTNcPTpgfPv9RM

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ResourcesAAEEBL: Association for Authentic, Experiential and Evidence-based learning www.aaeebl.org

EPAC Community of Practice http://epac.pbworks.com

ePortfolio Exemplars• https://eportfolio.vt.edu/gallery/DeptsProgs/hnfedieteticsgaller

y.html• http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=224t__XuS3Y