EVOLUTION Versus CHRISTIANI TY Reconciling the Edicts of Science and Faith

Evolution versus Christianity

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CHRISTIANITYReconciling the Edicts of Science

and Faith


• …Then Charles Darwin came in to the scene…

• Atheists at that time suddenly had a lethal weapon against Christianity

• They no longer had to wage a frontal attack.

• All they need to be is to disguise as an advocate of Science.


In 1859, all 1500 copies of ‘On The Origin of Species’ were sold out on the first day of its publication.

Let’s Brainstorm!EVOLUTION

Evolution is the cumulative changes that occur in a population over time; changes that are produced in a genetic level and are passed on to the organism’s future generations.


Also known as ‘survival of the fittest’, natural selection is the mechanism that shows species who are better adapted to the environment are likely to survive and reproduce.


• Sigmund Freud and human’s animal instincts

• It’s a sense of reality that does not accept realities other than what nature dictates.

• No divine intervention• No rational thinking

of Evolution• From the Book of

Genesis, it is 6,000 years from Adam and Eve to Jesus

• Add 2013 and we can deduce how old or young the planet Earth is

• But according to evolutionists, calculating the Earth’s age on the basis of stratified deposits of fossils under layers of rock, the Earth is approximately 4.6 billion years old

Ground Finches

Little Warbler Finches

Tree Finches

Giraffes developed longer necks because for generations, they had to reach up for

higher branches

But it gets worse…

In 1871, Darwin published the ‘Descent of Man’ – men and anthropoid apes must have come from the same ancestor.

DID Man Really Come From ApeS?

Man came from apes Apes came from the lower mammals Lower mammals came from lizards and

reptiles Reptiles came from fishes Fishes came from the cluster of living cellsThe cluster of living cells started from one

single cellThis one single cell thrived- BY LUCK- in a

mixture of gases, molecules, and energy in the biotic soup.

• There should be an abundance of fossil records which say one specie evolves into another over billions of years.

• The Java Man, Pilt Down Man, and the Peking Man are all apes, while the Neanderthal man is really a man

• Nothing is found that is either more than ape or less than man.

Where is the evidence?

The Missing Link

* Australopithecus Ramidus(artistic depiction)

Even despite the embarrassing lack of evidence, evolution persists because people do not want to accept the alternative theory- the Special Creation.

Theory of Punctuated Equilibrium• A bizarre theory that says

evolution happens so fast that they didn’t leave any fossils behind.

• It’s like saying a reptile laid an egg and a bird popped out!

• Which came first: Chicken or Egg?


Micro evolution is a fact of science. It concerns relatively minor changes induced by the environment on a plant or an animal, but do not change the organism into anything else.

Example: The Peppered Moth


Macro evolution is unproven yet by any scientific evidence. It says that one specie can turn into another. Some evolutionists use micro evolution as proof of macro evolution.


Why the Big Bang?• Science Magazine revealed that

some shells of snails, though still alive when tested by Carbon 14 methods were dated to be 26,000 years old.

• Once a newly killed seal when tested by Carbon 14 methods were dated to be dead 1, 300 years ago.

• In the sea near Hawaii, rocks were formed by a volcano only 200 years ago, but when tested using Potassium Argon method, it was formed 22 million years ago.

Think About It…

• If evolution is true, then Adam and Eve did not exist.

• If they did not exist, there is no Original Sin.

• If there’s no original sin, there’s no need for redemption.

• If there’s no need for redemption, there’s no need for the Second person of the Blessed Trinity to become man and die on the cross.

Reconciling Faith and Science

• Science is a very successful way of knowing, but not the only way. We acquire many knowledge in different ways such as literature, arts, philosophical reflection, and religious experience• Science seeks material

explanations for material processes, but it has nothing definitive to say about realities beyond its scope.

Theistic Evolution

• Evolution is just a scientific proposal for how species develop through natural selection, but it is not a grand philosophical Explanation for Everything based on Pure Chance.

1. God made the original world stuff.

2. He providentially sustains all natural processes.

3. He might have used a special act of creation (perhaps out of dust, perhaps from ape-like ancestors) to make humans in his own image.

4. The Bible is not threatened by responsible scientific investigations.

CONCLUSIONEvolution enriches our insights into the nature and purposes of divine creation- its fertility, variety and the ability to manifest in complexity yet still relates to the Creator.