AKA,M -4/28/22 11:58:47 AM Gíokὸ -Evidence Based Practice Professional Learning for Educators Series P L E S Professional Learning for Educators Series PLES AKAM-PDC EVIDENCE BASED PRACTICE

Evidence based practice

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  1. 1. AKA,M -6/26/2015 6:52:06 PM Gok -Evidence Based Practice Professional Learning for Educators Series P L E S Professional Learning for Educators Series PLES AKAM-PDC EVIDENCE BASED PRACTICE
  2. 2. AKA,M -6/26/2015 6:52:07 PM Gok -Evidence Based Practice Professional Learning for Educators Series P L E S Professional Learning for Educators Series P L E S
  3. 3. AKA,M -6/26/2015 6:52:07 PM Gok -Evidence Based Practice Professional Learning for Educators Series P L E S Professional Learning for Educators Series P L E S Time Activity 8.30-8.40 Preamble 8.40-9.40 Current Practices and Experiences 9.40-10.15 What is Evidence based Practice 10.15-10.30 Reflection 10.30-11.00 HEALTH BREAK 11.00-11.45 Case study on Questioning Techniques EBP 11.45-12.45 Analysis of an EBP Report 12.45-13.00 Reflection 13.00-14.00 LUNCH BREAK 14.00-14.45 Analysis of an EBP Report 14.45-15.30 Action Planning 15.30-15.45 Reflection
  4. 4. AKA,M -6/26/2015 6:52:07 PM Gok -Evidence Based Practice Professional Learning for Educators Series P L E S Professional Learning for Educators Series P L E S
  5. 5. AKA,M -6/26/2015 6:52:08 PM Gok -Evidence Based Practice Professional Learning for Educators Series P L E S
  6. 6. AKA,M -6/26/2015 6:52:08 PM Gok -Evidence Based Practice Professional Learning for Educators Series P L E S Professional Learning for Educators Series P L E S Time Activity 8.30- 8.40 Preamble 8.40- 9.40 Current Practices and Experiences 9.40- 10.30 What is Evidence based Practice
  7. 7. AKA,M -6/26/2015 6:52:08 PM Gok -Evidence Based Practice Professional Learning for Educators Series P L E S Our approaches for improving our teaching, learning and assessment Case study of evidence practice A review of Evidence based practice report Action Planning Professional Learning through Evidence Based Practice
  8. 8. AKA,M -6/26/2015 6:52:09 PM Gok -Evidence Based Practice Professional Learning for Educators Series P L E S Sharing personal professional growth experiences. Defining evidence based practice and its benefits. Exploring a case study on evidence based practice. Analyzing evidence based practice reports. Designing an action plan for implementing evidence based practice.
  9. 9. AKA,M -6/26/2015 6:52:09 PM Gok -Evidence Based Practice Professional Learning for Educators Series P L E S Preamble Essential Agreements Expectations Engagement Questions Aha!
  10. 10. AKA,M -6/26/2015 6:52:09 PM Gok -Evidence Based Practice Professional Learning for Educators Series P L E S What do we know about evidence based practice? How might we rethink evidence based practice? What should we do differently? What will the different approach lead to? Personal Inquiry Question
  11. 11. AKA,M -6/26/2015 6:52:10 PM Gok -Evidence Based Practice Professional Learning for Educators Series P L E S
  12. 12. AKA,M -6/26/2015 6:52:10 PM Gok -Evidence Based Practice Professional Learning for Educators Series P L E S Think of an issue you had in your profession. How did you handle it? What informed your decision? How did you know you will succeed? How did you know what is required to be done? How did you know you have succeeded?
  13. 13. AKA,M -6/26/2015 6:52:10 PM Gok -Evidence Based Practice Professional Learning for Educators Series P L E S How we handled an issue in our profession? Presentations
  14. 14. AKA,M -6/26/2015 6:52:10 PM Gok -Evidence Based Practice Professional Learning for Educators Series P L E S "scientifically-based research" "to the extent practicable." This means that whenever possible, the educational interventions being used must be strongly supported by evidence from well- conducted research studies.
  15. 15. AKA,M -6/26/2015 6:52:10 PM Gok -Evidence Based Practice Professional Learning for Educators Series P L E S may be said to be scientific when it: Uses a sound research design. The outcomes of students receiving a tested teaching strategy or intervention are compared to similar students who do not receive the intervention. Is based on high quality data analysis. Researchers must be sure to carefully collect, store and examine the data. Involves other researchers to review the results. The study should be reported in a journal so other researchers can review the methods used and repeat the research in other settings.
  16. 16. AKA,M -6/26/2015 6:52:11 PM Gok -Evidence Based Practice Professional Learning for Educators Series P L E S Requirements for a practice or report to be labeled "evidence-based," "proven," a "model program," Topical focus . Research design Statistical significance Practical significance Attrition Quality of outcome measures Publication or authorship requirements Replication
  17. 17. AKA,M -6/26/2015 6:52:11 PM Gok -Evidence Based Practice Professional Learning for Educators Series P L E S High-quality research into what works best can improve outcomes, benefitting pupils and increasing teachers independence. research on what works best should be a routine part of life in education teachers should be empowered to participate in research myths about randomized trials in education should be addressed, removing barriers to research the results of research should be disseminated more efficiently resources on research should be available to teachers, enabling them to be critical and thoughtful consumers of evidence barriers between teachers and researchers should be removed teachers should be driving the research agenda, by identifying questions that need to be answered.
  18. 18. AKA,M -6/26/2015 6:52:11 PM Gok -Evidence Based Practice Professional Learning for Educators Series P L E S This is not about telling teachers what to do. It is in fact quite the opposite. This is about empowering teachers to make independent, informed decisions about what works, by generating good quality evidence, and using it thoughtfully. The gains here are potentially huge. Teachers have the same opportunity to leap forwards and become a truly evidence-based profession. This is a huge prize, waiting to be claimed by teachers. Goldacre
  19. 19. AKA,M -6/26/2015 6:52:11 PM Gok -Evidence Based Practice Professional Learning for Educators Series P L E S Are there examples in education in which practices based solely upon belief, unfettered by research support, have been shown to be incorrect, and have led to unhelpful teaching? Learning to read is as natural as learning to speak (National Council of Teachers of English, 1999). Children do not learn to read in order to be able to read a book, they learn to read by reading books (NZ Ministry of Education, as cited in Mooney, 1988). Parents reading to children is sufficient to evoke reading (Fox, 2005).
  20. 20. AKA,M -6/26/2015 6:52:12 PM Gok -Evidence Based Practice Professional Learning for Educators Series P L E S Are there examples in education in which practices based solely upon belief, unfettered by research support, have been shown to be incorrect, and have led to unhelpful teaching? Good readers skim over words rather than attending to detail (Goodman, 1985). Fluent readers identify words as ideograms (Smith, 1973). Skilled reading involves prediction from context (Emmitt, 1996).
  21. 21. AKA,M -6/26/2015 6:52:12 PM Gok -Evidence Based Practice Professional Learning for Educators Series P L E S Are there examples in education in which practices based solely upon belief, unfettered by research support, have been shown to be incorrect, and have led to unhelpful teaching? English is too irregular for phonics to be helpful (Smith, 1999). Accuracy is not necessary for effective reading (Goodman, 1974). Good spelling derives simply from the act of writing (Goodman, 1989).
  22. 22. AKA,M -6/26/2015 6:52:12 PM Gok -Evidence Based Practice Professional Learning for Educators Series P L E S Evidence-based policies have great potential to transform the practice of education, as well as research in education. Evidence based policies could finally set education on the path toward the kind of progressive improvement that most successful parts of our economy and society embarked upon a century ago. Educational researchers should support the movement toward evidence-based policies and then set to work generating the evidence that will be needed to create the schools our children deserve (Slavin, 2002, p.20).
  23. 23. AKA,M -6/26/2015 6:52:12 PM Gok -Evidence Based Practice Professional Learning for Educators Series P L E S
  24. 24. AKA,M -6/26/2015 6:52:13 PM Gok -Evidence Based Practice Professional Learning for Educators Series P L E S What I found useful
  25. 25. AKA,M -6/26/2015 6:52:13 PM Gok -Evidence Based Practice Professional Learning for Educators Series P L E S
  26. 26. AKA,M -6/26/2015 6:52:13 PM Gok -Evidence Based Practice Professional Learning for Educators Series P L E S Professional Learning for Educators Series P L E S Time Activity 11.00- 11.45 Case study on Questioning Techniques EBP 11.45- 12.45 Analysis of an EBP Report 12.45- 13.00 Reflection
  27. 27. AKA,M -6/26/2015 6:52:14 PM Gok -Evidence Based Practice Professional Learning for Educators Series P L E S
  28. 28. AKA,M -6/26/2015 6:52:14 PM Gok -Evidence Based Practice Professional Learning for Educators Series P L E S Professional Learning for Educators Series P L E S Case Study Action Research INSIGHT
  29. 29. AKA,M -6/26/2015 6:52:14 PM Gok -Evidence Based Practice Professional Learning for Educators Series P L E S
  30. 30. AKA,M -6/26/2015 6:52:14 PM Gok -Evidence Based Practice Professional Learning for Educators Series P L E S
  31. 31. AKA,M -6/26/2015 6:52:14 PM Gok -Evidence Based Practice Professional Learning for Educators Series P L E S Professional Learning for Educators Series P L E S
  32. 32. AKA,M -6/26/2015 6:52:15 PM Gok -Evidence Based Practice Professional Learning for Educators Series P L E S What I found useful How do you feel about Evidence Based Practice? What parts of it do you particularly like? Dislike? Why? What did/do you enjoy about Evidence Based Practice?
  33. 33. AKA,M -6/26/2015 6:52:15 PM Gok -Evidence Based Practice Professional Learning for Educators Series P L E S
  34. 34. AKA,M -6/26/2015 6:52:16 PM Gok -Evidence Based Practice Professional Learning for Educators Series P L E S Professional Learning for Educators Series P L E S Time Activity 14.00- 14.45 Analysis of an EBP Report 14.45- 15.30 Action Planning 15.30- 15.45 Reflection
  35. 35. AKA,M -6/26/2015 6:52:16 PM Gok -Evidence Based Practice Professional Learning for Educators Series P L E S
  36. 36. AKA,M -6/26/2015 6:52:16 PM Gok -Evidence Based Practice Professional Learning for Educators Series P L E S
  37. 37. AKA,M -6/26/2015 6:52:17 PM Gok -Evidence Based Practice Professional Learning for Educators Series P L E S
  38. 38. AKA,M -6/26/2015 6:52:17 PM Gok -Evidence Based Practice Professional Learning for Educators Series P L E S ACTION PLANNING Activity List at least three focus areas you intend to work on this year. What What will you be doing in each of the areas Resources What resources will you need to make it work Timelines From when till when will you do the activity specific times Success Indicators How will you know you have succeeded.
  39. 39. AKA,M -6/26/2015 6:52:17 PM Gok -Evidence Based Practice Professional Learning for Educators Series P L E S
  40. 40. AKA,M -6/26/2015 6:52:18 PM Gok -Evidence Based Practice Professional Learning for Educators Series P L E S What do we know about evidence based practice? How might we rethink evidence based practice? What should we do differently? What will the different approach lead to? Personal Inquiry Question
  41. 41. AKA,M -6/26/2015 6:52:18 PM Gok -Evidence Based Practice Professional Learning for Educators Series P L E S
  42. 42. AKA,M -6/26/2015 6:52:18 PM Gok -Evidence Based Practice Professional Learning for Educators Series P L E S What I found useful
  43. 43. AKA,M -6/26/2015 6:52:18 PM Gok -Evidence Based Practice Professional Learning for Educators Series P L E S
  44. 44. AKA,M -6/26/2015 6:52:19 PM Gok -Evidence Based Practice Professional Learning for Educators Series P L E S Facilitators Contacts http://www.agakhanacademies.org/mombasa giokomaina@ +254722721656 gioko1 Gioko1 anthonygioko.blogspot.com mainawagioko Maina Wagioko Important Links Gok, A. Ph. D. Vice Principal PD and Outreach Project Manager Aga Khan Academy, Mombasa