Everyday English Conversations – Hobbies & Free Time Presented By

Everyday English Conversations - Hobbies & Free Time

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This part 13 (my lucky number) of my series Everyday English Conversations. This is all about what people like to do in their free time and hobbies. This is good for your students to practice listening and speaking. It has vocabulary, phrases, and dialogues. It can be used at home also.

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Vocabulary http://www.keepandshare.com/doc5/7581/hobbies-vocabulary-study-list-docx-65k?da=y Complete list of Hobbies & Free Time Activities

Popular Outdoor Leisure ActivitiesHobbies popular with British people.Hobbies popular with American & Canadian people.Popular Indoor Leisure Activities


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Popular Outdoor Leisure Activitiesplaying / practicing / doing sport(s).rambling / hiking / walking.running/ jogging.Cycling.Fishing.horse riding.(wind) surfing.(ice) skating.sailing / canoeing / kayaking.Skiing.Snowboarding.Skateboarding.hanging out / meeting up with friends.eating out / going to restaurants or cafes.

Hobbies popular with British people.1. Watching television2. Visiting friends3. Entertaining friends (when friends come to your house for dinner, etc)4. Listening to music5. Reading books6. Going to the pub7. Going to a restaurant8. Gardening9. Going for a drive10. Going for a walk11. DIY (doing DIY = (do it yourself) doing home-improvement activities)12. Photography / Taking photographs13. Surfing the net

Hobbies popular with American & Canadian people.bird watchingcoin collectingcookingdancingdrawinggardeninggenealogyhikingknittingpainting11.photography12. playing chess13. playing the piano14. pottery15. quilting16. reading17. scrapbooking18. stamp collecting19. surfing the Internet20. woodworking

Popular Indoor Leisure Activitiesgoing to the gym / keeping fit / doing exercisedoing yoga / aerobicsdoing martial arts (karate/judo)swimminggoing to the cinema / theatreplaying a musical instrumentacting (amateur dramatics)dancing (ballet / tap / ballroom / hip-hop / freestyle / Latin)singing (in a group / choir)playing computer gamessurfing the internetcookingreadingplaying board gamesdoing puzzleslistening to music

Saying what you likelike + noun / ing formI like tennis / I like playing tennis

love + noun / ing formHe loves football / He loves watching football

be keen on + noun / ing formShe's keen on the cinema / going to the cinema

enjoy + noun / ing formWe enjoy sports / playing sports

Remember: I like (+ ing / noun) is for general likes.I like going to the cinema.

I'd like + verb is for a specific occasion:I'd like to go to the cinema next weekend.Phrases

Adding emphasisYou can add "very much" at the end of the sentence.I like tennis.I like tennis very much.

You can add "at all" to a negative sentence if you don't like something.I don't like cricket.I don't like cricket at all.

Talking about your hobbyUse adverbs of frequency (always, sometimes, rarely etc) or another phrase to talk about how often or when you do your hobby.I only watch football at the weekends.I go to the gym four times a week.I don't often have time to socialize with friends.You can say why you like your hobby by describing it with an -ing adjective.I like swimming because it's relaxing.Watching football is exciting.It's interesting to surf the net.

Playing football is fun.One of my hobbies is writing letters to my pen-friends.I do a paper route to earn a little money.Sometimes I read so much that I forget the housework.When the weather is bad, I read books or watch TV.I enjoy working on the computer.I got a new computer for my birthday.Once a week I do some handball practice.I go training every evening.When it's not so hot, I go roller skating.

I want to tell you something about my family.I've got two older brothers.My mother works as a clerk in an office.When we are on holidays I like walking in the mountains.On Saturdays I have to cook for the family.I collect my cousin from the kindergarten.Now and then I do babysitting.How much free time do you have?How do you spend your free time?What kinds of things do you like doing in your free time?

Do you prefer to spend your free time alone or with other people?Do you think people have enough free time these days?What do you usually do on weekends?What did you do last weekend?Do you have plans for the next weekend?What kind of free-time activities are typical in your country?Have there been any recent changes in the types of leisure activities that people find popular?Do you agree that its important for people of different ages to do leisure activities together?In your opinion, who is responsible for encouraging children to take up different leisure pursuits parents or teachers?Do you think people have less time for leisure activities now compared to the past?Do you think that technology will have a significant impact on the types of leisure activities we will enjoy in the future?

Natural fillersI suppose I guess Let me think Let me see Um, well Er, Im not sure like, you know I dont know

Sample AnswerQu. Do you agree that its important for people of different ages to do leisure activities together?

Um well I think in some cases it could be important for people of different ages to do leisure activities together. For example, parents or even grandparents can enjoy doing fun things with their children or grandchildren, like, you know, things that dont require a lot of physical ability such as playing games, reading or cooking. I guess that sometimes it is very important for older people to do things with younger ones, especially more difficult skills that need to be taught like I dont know martial arts or playing a musical instrument.

Dialogues A. Hey there!B. Hey, whats up?A. Nothing really. Im about to go to the park to fly my kite. B. You fly kites? A. Yeah, I make them too. B. Oh, thats really cool! A. Yeah, what kind of hobbies do you have? B. Well, I really like building model trains and cars. A. Those look like a lot of work. B. Yeah, they are, but they look really cool after youre done. A. They do! What else do you do in your free time? B. I like to swim and play piano. A. Oh, really? I play an instrument, too. B. What instrument do you play? A. I play guitar, and I like to sing. B. We should play some music together some time! A. Sounds good! B. So, do you play any sports? A. Not really. I like to go on jogs, though. B. Thats cool. Do you jog on trails? A. Yeah, I love the outdoors. B. Me too! You should come to the park with me. A. Okay, lets go!

Peter: What do you do in your free time?James: Oh, I usually watch TV, or sometimes videos.Peter: What kind of programs do you watch?James: Mmm news programs. And sometimes programs about different countries, or films in my language.

Jamie: What do you usually do in your free time?Mila: I like being at home with my family. When were all there, we sometimes play games.Jamie: Games? What kind of games?Mila: Card games, usually, or sometimes we play Monopoly or chess or backgammon.Jamie: Oh, I dont know backgammon. Is it a board game?Mila: Yes. Its a great game. Ill teach you.

Joanna: What do you do at the weekend? Do you do anything interesting?Rosario: Yes, I usually go to the Latin American club.Joanna: What do you do there?Rosario: Oh, talk to people, have a drink, dance Joanna: Really? What kind of dancing do you do?Rosario: Salsa. Its great. Very energetic. You should come along some time.

Stuart: Amy. So, how are you doing?Amy: Oh, hi Stuart. School is so crazy these days, and when I'm not at school, I'm at work.Stuart: Hey, listen. I'm getting together with Sara and Paul tonight, and a few of our other friends are going to join us. [Oh.] And, we're . . . well, we're going out to eat and thencatcha movie. Why don't you come with us?Amy: Hey, I'd love to, but I have tocramfor a test tomorrow.Stuart: Ah, come on. We're planning on having dinner around 6:30 and then seeing a movie at 7:30. We should be home by 10:30 . . . 11:30 at the latest. I mean you're always saying that you don't have any friends . . . and that your love life . . . well, that you don't have one. Come on!Amy: I . . . I don't think I'd better. I haven't been feeling well lately.Stuart: Yeah, because you study too much. Well, we'll have ablast. Come on! Relax. [Well . . .] And it's Sara's birthday, too. And we'rethrowingher a small birthday party after the movie. Come on. Best friends always stick together.Amy: Oh. Okay.Stuart: Great. I'll pick you up at 6:00.Amy: Okay. See you then, but I have to be back by 10:30.Stuart: Ah, 10:30 . . .Midnight. It's all the same. See you at 6:00.

A: Tell me, what do you enjoy doing in your spare time?B: I enjoy drawing and painting.A: You know how to draw and paint?B: Yes, I do.A: When did you learn how to do that?B: I learned back in high school.A: Oh, so you took an art class?B: Yeah, I loved that class.A: I see that you're pretty talented.B: Thank you very much.A: I wish I had a talent like that.B: I'm sure you have a talent. It's just hidden.

A: What kinds of things do you like to do?B: I've always liked to draw and paint.A: I didn't know you knew how to draw and paint.B: I do it every once in a while.A: How long have you known how to do that?B: I first learned how to do it in high school.A: Did you take some sort of art class or something?B: That was my favorite class.A: You have got to be talented.B: Thanks.A: If only I was talented.B: You have a talent. You just don't know what it is yet.

A: Are there any hobbies you do?B: When I have time, I sometimes draw and paint.A: Oh, you actually do that?B: Every so often, I do.A: Did you always know how to draw and paint?B: I was taught in high school how to draw and paint.A: You had an art class?B: Exactly, it was my favorite class.A: Well, it's good that you're so talented.B: I appreciate that.A: Talent is a great thing, I wish I had one.B: Everyone has a talent. They just need to find it.

Paul Ryefield: Excuse me. Could you please take a picture of us with this camera?Man:Sure. Which button do I press to shoot?Paul Ryefield: This one.Man: Do I have to focus it?Paul Ryefield: No, this is a focus-free camera. All you have to do is point and press the button.Man: All right. Say "cheese".

Thank you!I hope this will help you, a little.Any questions, comments, advice, and / or wishes you can email me at [email protected]