Learning Objectives: Understand the events that lead to Hitler becoming Chancellor To explain why Hitler was able to become Chancellor Events of 1930 and 1933

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Learning Objectives: Understand the events that lead to Hitler becoming ChancellorTo explain why Hitler was able to become Chancellor

Events of 1930 and 1933

RECAP: Factors that helped the Nazi Party to Power



Learning Objectives: Understand the events that lead to Hitler becoming ChancellorTo explain why Hitler was able to become Chancellor

Events of 1930 and 1933

Using the slide below create a

timeline to show the events that led to Hitler becoming

Chancellor in 1933

• Reichstag in 1930 refused to pass emergency laws to deal with the economic crisis. – Muller’s government fell– Hindenburg appointed Bruning.

• Bruning thought that the depression would right itself with a cut in spending on unemployment benefit.

• When the Reichstag voted against these proposals the Reichstag was dismissed and Hindenburg ruled by presidential decree under Article 48.– This set the tone for the use of Article 48.

Political Instability: 1930 - 1932

LO: Understand the events that lead to Hitler becoming Chancellor

• After the election of 1930 Bruning’s problems multiplied.

• The German people instead of voting for the centre parties voted for extremes of left and right.

• Bruning’s party was now the 4th largest = unpopular choice.

• His policies failed to end depression

• In May 1932 Hindenburg got Bruning to resign.

Political Instability: 1930 - 1932

LO: Understand the events that lead to Hitler becoming Chancellor

Who are the three figures below and what part did they play in Hitler's rise to Chancellor?

Events of 1932 and 1933LO: Understand the events that lead to Hitler becoming Chancellor

• The Nazis were the largest party.

• Normally the leader of this party would be made Chancellor, but the other parties in the Reichstag wouldn’t work with Hitler.

• As President, Hindenburg had the right to appoint the Chancellor and he didn’t want Hitler.

Overview of 1932LO: Understand the events that lead to Hitler becoming Chancellor

• Nazis won 37% of the vote (230 seats).• This was their best result ever and were now

the largest party, Hitler demanded to be made Chancellor but Hindenburg hated him.

• Hindenburg made Franz von Papen Chancellor. Von Papen had no support in the Reichstag but he hoped to create a right-wing coalition government with the support of the Nazis and other right-wing parties.

• Hitler refused to co-operate so Hindenburg called another election.

Reichstag elections: July 1932

LO: Understand the events that lead to Hitler becoming Chancellor

• A bad election for the Nazis.

• They used to propaganda to try to win votes but the violence of the SA was losing them support.

• Their vote fell to 33% (196 seats).

• They were still the largest party but morale was low.

Reichstag elections: November 1932

LO: Understand the events that lead to Hitler becoming Chancellor

In Nov 1932 elections the Communist Party won 100 seats.

Hitler created a sense of panic by claiming a ‘Bolshevik Revolution’ - the Nazis could stop it.

Top businessmen feared this revolution. They sent a petition to Hindenburg for Hitler to become Chancellor.

“Death to Lies”

Marxism High Finance

Reichstag elections: November 1932

LO: Understand the events that lead to Hitler becoming Chancellor

General von Schleicher stopped supporting von Papen as he thought he himself should be Chancellor. This led to a power struggle between him and von Papen.

Reichstag elections: November 1932

December 1932

Hindenburg makes von Schleicher Chancellor

LO: Understand the events that lead to Hitler becoming Chancellor

Reichstag elections: November 1932

• Hindenburg appointed Scleicher as Chancellor but he was as ineffective as his predecessors.

• Schleicher had previously persuaded Hindenburg to sack Bruning. He had great influence over Hindenburg.

LO: Understand the events that lead to Hitler becoming Chancellor

• Von Papen privately agrees to work with Hitler. Hitler will be Chancellor and von Papen will be in the cabinet.

• Von Papen asks Hindenburg to make Hitler Chancellor, he refuses.

• Von Schleicher resigns as he can’t get support in the Reichstag.

January 1933LO: Understand the events that lead to Hitler becoming Chancellor

• Hindenburg wants von Papen back but this would be unpopular and may lead to people turning against the President.

• Von Papen says that as there are few Nazis in the Cabinet, they could make Hitler Chancellor but keep him under control.

• Von Papen thought that he could control Hitler.

• Von Papen boasted that he would be able to ‘tame‘ Hitler.

• Hindenburg makes Hitler Chancellor and von Papen Vice-Chancellor.

30 January 1933LO: Understand the events that lead to Hitler becoming Chancellor

30 January 1933LO: Understand the events that lead to Hitler becoming Chancellor

July 1932 – von Papen ChancellorDecember 1932 – von Schleicher ChancellorJanuary 1933 – von Papen secretly agrees to work with HitlerVon Papen asks Hindenburg to make Hitler Chancellor, denied30th Jan 1933 – Hitler Chancellor, von Papen Vice-Chancellor.

What's going on?LO: Understand the events that lead to Hitler becoming Chancellor

Why did Hitler become Chancellor?

LO: To explain why Hitler was able to become Chancellor

You have 9 factors on cards. All of these factors helped Hitler to become Chancellor of Germany, but which factors were the most important?

You will create a bullet point essay on why Hitler became Chancellor.You will need to write a formal introduction and conclusionYou will then need to write bullet point statements under the headers below.

•The Depression•Leadership•Nazi Party Approaches•The Weimar Republic’s Weaknesses and Mistakes

Why did Hitler become Chancellor?

LO: To explain why Hitler was able to become Chancellor