Evalution 2

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Evaluation 2


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FIRST CHARACTEROne of characters in our film is a person in a gas mask. This character was based around a popular character in doctor who that says ‘Are you my mummy?’. Our ‘scary’ character was based around this as growing up watching doctor who gas masks and in particular this character scared me and a lot of others including adults. From this I based that this was a simple yet effective way of creating a ‘scary’ character in our thriller. They are similar characters because the gas mask helps to hide the characters identity and keep them hidden. This helps to create suspense as the viewers are unaware of why they are hidden behind these masks. In both our thriller and doctor who the characters are both seen as ‘Evil’. This is the effect we were looking for as in every good thriller there is a character opposing the main character. Both characters dialogue and body language is very similar. Both characters have minimal speech and portray everything through their body language. This is vital in keeping the characters a mystery and to help build suspense. This helps fit the codes and conventions of a thriller because there is an element of suspense and mystery behind this particular character. The difference between our character and the one in doctor who is that our character is dressed in camouflage. This is to portray their army background and give the viewer a little information without revealing too much. Another difference is that our character is female where is doctor who he is male. This subverts genre expectations as usually these type of characters are played by males. This juxtaposes the stereotypes as in horror thrillers the ‘Killer’ is usually played by a male as stereotypically they are more evil, secretive and despicable. This makes our thriller unusual in this way, however the colours used and the other character’s gender agrees with thriller genre conventions.

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SECOND CHARACTER• Our second character is a confused girl. Stereotypically she is young, stupid and vulnerable however she

overcomes these initial stereotypes. These fits the codes and conventions of a thriller as these types of characters are usually the victim as they are easy to pick on by the ‘Evil’ character. She is based around a character in the TV series ‘Cockroaches’ called Suzie. These two characters are similar because although both portrayed as naïve, will do whatever it takes to survive. They both play the victims in the films and both have to overcome this to be able to survive. In both our thriller and cockroaches at the beginning fit the stereotypes but as they go on, their determination to survive takes over as they juxtapose these stereotypes forced upon them. They are also similar by them having to fend for themselves and juxtapose stereotypes by having no-one look after them (e.g men). Our character is our thriller is a ‘Final Girl’. This is because she is not sexualised by wearing camouflage gear and being covered up. In thriller movies, this shows that she is determined and will survive in the movie. This is because she juxtaposes the woman stereotypes which would normally be that she would be silly, dumb, not hard working, ect. She converts these expectations by being a ‘Final Girl’ because it shows that she is going to overcome whatever she needs to in order to survive. In usual thriller movies, the victim is a typical girly girl who is slightly dimmer than everyone else and doesn’t have the same will power to be able to overcome it and survive to the end. This fits the genres conventions of a victim played by a girl. However, when the victim is played by a male the stereotypes change. This is because if they are played by a male then the viewer expects them to be able to defeat the ‘Killer’ and survive unlike if the role was played by a female. The difference between our character and Suzie is that our character doesn’t really know what's going on at the beginning but figures it out whereas in Cockroaches, there are warnings so Suzie’s character is more knowledgeable. Another difference is that they both play slightly different roles. This is because in our thriller, although she is a ‘main’ character there is a lack of speech as she is trying to survive however in Cockroaches, Suzie is more dominant and leads others unlike our character who is trying to singly survive.