Question 4- Target Audience

Evaluation question 4

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Question 4- Target Audience

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Age, Gender and Interests

The target audience of my rap magazine are 18-35 year olds, as most of the artists that are to do with this genre of music, are more mature than they are in other genres of music such as pop. The words that are in most rap magazines are not for eyes under 18 as they have more mature themes but that’s why the target audience is of the age it is, I think that my magazine fits into the target audience because I have made it so that most of the articles and the cover lines aren’t very childish they're more mature. The gender of my target audience would be males because most of the rap genre is more masculine and can contain some strong language and most women wouldn’t really want to hear this.

The Interests of my target audience are mostly about what new rap songs are coming out and whether they are made by big names within the rap industry such as Ice Cube or Jay Z. The main interest of my target audience is if there had been any bad incidents involving stars within the rap industry, the gossip side of things are just for the men who want to find out things about rap artists.

Page 3: Evaluation  question 4

Comparison between audience research

I found out that originally the target audience was exactly the same as what I think it is now, but younger age groups are starting to get into the rap magazine as most of the people that did audience feedback for me originally where below the age of 18, this now draws me to the fact that the target audience could come down but I still think the majority of readers would be over the age of 18.

I also found out that most of the target audience would like to see more colours within the pages, but they also want some to be bland, this is also showing maturity because usually really bright colours are stereotypical to pop magazines. The comparison between the target audience and audience research, a lot of it was the same with exception of a few.