Who would be the audience for your media product? My film would be aimed at people who have a particular taste in thrillers such as gory thrillers. Mainly people from their late teens to late twenties and early thirties would view my film. I would aim my film primarily at people aged 16-30. This is because it is a thriller and contains some gross scenes such as the cutting of the pig’s heart. This would mean that these mainly young adults would be interested in the film because this film doesn’t suit families. By aiming my film at these ages I avoid people who have families because they are much less likely to watch a film like mine as they will watch more family orientated films that can be viewed by their kids. The rest of the film would include the some very tense moments as Gus Adams tries to avoid being captured again. As the story unfolds about Gus on the run and also about who the woman is working for and their reasons for wanting Gus, this gripping film could be confusing and would not be suitable for younger teenagers and below as they would find it hard to stay in touch with the story. My film would predominantly be viewed by males because males are more commonly associated with thriller films with gory images and tense storyline. However, this stereotype is not always true as some women do enjoy watching these types of films and therefore some females would also view my film. As a secondary audience my film could be aimed at middle-aged men, possibly single men or just couples. This would be men aged from 31-60 possibly because men in general would be interested in my film but less so when they are older and work late and spend a lot of time with their families. However, single men and couples may be attracted to my film on an evening where they don’t have much to do or they feel like a night in. My film may also be suited to a men’s catch up evening where a few guys have a night in to catch up with a drink and a film. These audiences would be reached by way of word being spread by colleagues or friends. I could also reach these

Evaluation - Question 4

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Who would be the audience for your media product?

My film would be aimed at people who have a particular taste in thrillers such as gory thrillers. Mainly people from their late teens to late twenties and early thirties would view my film. I would aim my film primarily at people aged 16-30. This is because it is a thriller and contains some gross scenes such as the cutting of the pig’s heart. This would mean that these mainly young adults would be interested in the film because this film doesn’t suit families. By aiming my film at these ages I avoid people who have families because they are much less likely to watch a film like mine as they will watch more family orientated films that can be viewed by their kids. The rest of the film would include the some very tense moments as Gus Adams tries to avoid being captured again. As the story unfolds about Gus on the run and also about who the woman is working for and their reasons for wanting Gus, this gripping film could be confusing and would not be suitable for younger teenagers and below as they would find it hard to stay in touch with the story. My film would predominantly be viewed by males because males are more commonly associated with thriller films with gory images and tense storyline. However, this stereotype is not always true as some women do enjoy watching these types of films and therefore some females would also view my film. As a secondary audience my film could be aimed at middle-aged men, possibly single men or just couples. This would be men aged from 31-60 possibly because men in general would be interested in my film but less so when they are older and work late and spend a lot of time with their families. However, single men and couples may be attracted to my film on an evening where they don’t have much to do or they feel like a night in. My film may also be suited to a men’s catch up evening where a few guys have a night in to catch up with a drink and a film. These audiences would be reached by way of word being spread by colleagues or friends. I could also reach these audiences by adverts for sport such as golf because golf is often watched by older men.