Evaluation Question 4 How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages

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Evaluation Question 4 How did you use media technologies in the

construction and research, planning and evaluation stages


We used many different types of technology for my media coursework. These different types of technologies helped me in creating the course work. Using these different types helped me advance my technical skills.

The Different technologies used

Blogger was on the most used form of technology during this course work. We have used it in our research, planning and evaluation stages. Blogger allowed me to put my work online in a certain format. Using this blogger format helped me learn how to set up my own blog and be able to customise the design. The blogger posts allowed me to display the information in many different ways. They were displayed by videos, images and graphs.

Editing SoftwareFor editing our film we used iMovie which is mac editing software. This software enabled us to use many different editing techniques. For example during editing we realised that some of the shots we filmed were too dark. The software allowed us to change the scene and improve the quality. From this we learned many different skills and learned an advanced knowledge of the software.

Another example is in the image below of me trying to get the timing of the dealer hitting the cards on the table in time with the music. Without this software we wouldn’t be able to get the timing accurate with the music. This made getting the timing of the song easier to fit with video.

Social Media

During this time we used different types of social media. We used social media to communicate with each other and it was an effective way of planning what our film schedule would be.

I used youtube to research relevant music videos which relates to our ideas. This made it much easier to gain inspiration for our product. We also used Youtube to upload and share our final product.

The Camera & Filming

Filming and camera use was one of the most developed skill. I had experience with the camera from filming last year. But this year I developed that skill even more by included a huge variety of shots. Because we went with a poker theme, we had to include a lot of different types of shots displaying the different characters. This made filming harder but also helped developed skills.


Another technology which was extremely important to the development of my digipak and poster. I already had past knowledge of photoshop so I knew the basics. But in order to get the final result of my design i need to learn how to more advanced techniques. One of which was to change the contrast and opacity of a picture so it would fit with the background. I had to research online and look up tutorials on how the achieves this.