Evaluation question 2 How effective is the combination of your main products and ancillary texts?

Evaluation question 2

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Evaluation question 2

How effective is the combination of your main products and ancillary texts?

My entire project involved producing a trailer and two ancillary texts which include a poster and magazine cover.

My aim throughout the process of constructing my main and ancillary texts was to keep all three of the texts connected to each other, in order to make clear that all three were linked in their purpose and also through their design. And the ability to keep all 3 seem professional and keep them to a high standard.

The two ancillary texts and my main product all work well together to create a realistic film. Thriller conventions are within all of my products and reflect those of real media products. The two print based texts, my magazine front cover and film poster both share similarities. However I decided to break conventions by not having the same character in the main image of both of the ancillary texts as I decided real media products focus their attention on only just one aspect. Making both used image memorable to the audience. A majority of the font on my poster is white on both the two products which was conventional for the a thriller posters and magazines I had researched.

The use of the same character in my film and my magazine cover. This is done deliberately to make him the center of attention and make him memorable to the audience as he is the main character

The purpose of my main product and the ancillary text is they both serve to reach a broader audience. My main target group of the 16-18 year old will be mainly attracted to the movie as in my questionnaire points out they find going out to watch films and socialize with friends.

My secondary audience will also be an integral part of my production. This is because they are most likely to use print forms of media.

Although I didn’t follow conventions as most of the ancillary texts I researched were both of the same color, I went with different colors. However the font I used stay the same which gives them a joint identity and gives a way for the audience to realize they are connected. However I also broke conventions as the style of the film name are different. My poster has it like a ‘U’ shape, this was because I needed space and my magazine cover had the writing in a straight vertical line which is normal.

Selling line-This is to grab the attention of the audience and make them buy this issue. In this instance the words exclusive issue.

‘Coming soon’ This interests the audience and lets them know this film is about to be released.