How did I attract/address my audience?

Evaluation Q5

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How did I attract/address my audience?

Cover Lines:I used my cover lines to attract my audience by making them short yet

alluring as they are all speculative and therefore the audience want to read on. All of the cover lines mention a

huge pop star i.e. Justin Bieber, Ariana Grande and Harry Styles.

Colour Scheme: I purposefully used the colours Pink, Yellow and Light Blue to highlight that

my magazine is aimed at young females. Stereotypically, these colours

are more feminine and as my target audience is female I knew that this colour scheme was appropriate.

Title: The title ‘Hot In Pop’ clearly shows

that my magazine is about pop music. My target audience is young teenage

girls who love pop music and therefore this title attracts them as it

covers their interests. The title is bold and bright and is therefore eye-


The yellow circular shape makes the front cover eye-catching and also

attracts the audience in as it highlights an exclusive article that

they would have been waiting to read.Model:

The main model on the front cover addresses my audience as she is most likely one of their idols. She

wears clothes that the audience could afford and this makes her relatable.

Competition: I purposefully added a competition to the bottom of the contents page. This

competition attracts my audience because it features the TV Show ‘The X Factor’ which has an audience of

mainly young teenage girls aspiring to take part one day. Therefore, it fits in

perfectly with the premise of my magazine.

Personal Message: I added a personal message for the

readers of the magazine on the contents page to add a unique

element. I think this is an ideal way of addressing my audience as it speaks

to each individual one and this reflects the stereotypical view that

girls want to feel involved.

Contents:I made the contents of the

magazine all relatable to young teenage girls; gossip, fashion, music and interviews with big

stars in the industry. This attracts my audience to buy/read the


Colour: All of the colours match my colour scheme on the front

cover of my magazine. These colours attract and address my audience as they are all


The gossip element to the double-page spread attracts

the audience as they are interested in the artists

personal life.