EVALUATION 6 I have learnt a lot about using technologies from the process of constructing this product. Before this product I was not comfortable with filming as I didn’t have the confidence and was unsure of what I was doing. As our film developed I became more comfortable using the filming equipment and was comfortable when asked to film. Not only did I gain confidence but I learnt about the components of the camera and the extension parts that enabled us to use the camera in different ways, such as the tripod. I then learnt to upload the images onto the computer and format them in the correct file if needed. I know feel fully comfortable using a camera and Zaine Bradford-Millar

Evaluation 6

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EVALUATION 6I have learnt a lot about using technologies from the process of constructing this product.Before this product I was not comfortable with filming as I didn’t have the confidence and was unsure of what I was doing. As our film developed I became more comfortable using the filming equipment and was comfortable when asked to film.Not only did I gain confidence but I learnt about the components of the camera and the extension parts that enabled us to use the camera in different ways, such as the tripod. I then learnt to upload the images onto the computer and format them in the correct file if needed. I know feel fully comfortable using a camera and knowing that there are other extension parts that I could use to improve my filming and keep the camera steady.

Zaine Bradford-Millar

BLOGSince starting my project, I have had to upload all of my work to a blog. I have learnt thoroughly how to use my blog, learning to re-blog and upload in many ways. As I’ve used different programs such as Photoshop, PowerPoint and Adobe Premiere CS6 and I’ve had to upload them all in different ways. Blogs are extremely useful as your work is always accessible on any computer as it’s on the internet.

Adobe Premiere CS6Adobe Premiere is an advanced editing program which I had never used before this production. I had no clue how to use the program but I decided to look up tutorials on YouTube and learn from them. I looked up many tutorials on various forms of editing. My group all learnt to do different things so that we could combine our newly developed skills to create a stronger final product. I learnt to sync music, cut clips, important files, render and many more things. I can now comfortably make a video from the skills that I have developed over the time taken to make the film opening.

PhotoshopAlthough I had used Photoshop before making my film opening, I had not used it very much and was not fully aware of all its uses. Photoshop is very useful for many things. We made our opening idents on this program and used it for many different picture comparisons. In Photoshop it is very easy to compare photos which I found useful throughout my evaluations and helped me to structure my evaluations properly.


I used Prezi for the first time in my evaluation 2 as I wanted to use different media platforms to present my evaluations. Prezi was somewhat difficult for me at first as It is structured differently to other programs such as PowerPoint although you get a similar end product. I was taught by a how friend how to use this program and from her help, I developed her advice and learnt to do slightly more advanced things. Now I can use Prezi as it is more suitable to certain presentations and has a nicer appearance than other programs such as Powerpoint.