Evaluation By Caitlin O’Mara


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EvaluationBy Caitlin O’Mara

Q1- In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?My media products use conventions of real media products such as a: masthead, barcode, large mid-shot image, left-hand side third, colour scheme on my front cover. I used these to make my front cover look professional and effective. I also used a Kerrang! cover to help create my effective front cover. With my mast head I attempted to create a version of Kerrangs masthead because it fits into my genre of a metal/punk themed magazine. My barcode states the issue number, date and the price. I took a large mid-shot image, I made it a mid-shot because it made my front cover look more effective, if I used a full body shot then it would have made my cover look empty, but a mid shot made it look full. On my left hand third there is sub-titles of what is in the magazine, this help the reader decide whether or not they want to purchase the magazine. My colour scheme consists of the colours, blue, black, yellow and white, I chose these colours because we have the dark bold colours of black and blue, and the lighter colours that make those colours stand out, which are yellow and white.

The conventions I used for my contents page were things such as: images, colour scheme, column, name of magazine. I used the layout of a Kerrang! contents page to make it an effective product. The images I used were a close up of the main person in the headline and a group photo of a sub-title. The colour scheme is the same as the contents page, yellow, blue, white and black, this is so it all comes together as one magazine. I used one column on the right hand side which contains all the pages and what's on the pages in the magazine. The name of the magazine is at the top of the page, followed by the word contents. My layout is similar to a version of Kerrang! contents page, this is to keep to the genre of metal/punk.

The conventions I used for my double page spread were things such as: columns, main image, website, page numbers, name of double page spread, colour scheme and text boxes. I didn’t really use a real double page spread as I got my ideas from several double page spreads from different magazines. I used columns in my double page spread to make it look like a professionally made double page spread. The main image that I used takes up half of the page as it is a Q&A about that person. I have a link across the bottom of the double page spread that relates back to the magazine. The page number is at the bottom of the page as stated on the contents page. The name of the double page spread has the largest font because it is the most important information. The colours scheme is similar to the content page and front cover but it’s a different version of those colours.




Large mid-shot image

Left-hand side third



Issue numberDate

Name of contents page

Right-hand column

Main image


Name of double page spread

Caption Main image



The colour scheme is blue, yellow,

white and black.

Q2- How does your media product represent particular social groups? my media product represents particular social groups through colour, genre, content and its article.

I think that my colour scheme suits both genres of women and men. I think this mainly because I have used two colours that are both eye catching for women and men, these colours are blue and yellow. I would say mainly that the blue suits more of a male audience and the yellow would attract the female audience. The other colours black and white would again attract both because they are plain simple colours.

The genre of my product is music, the music genre I have decided to chose is metal/punk. This genre would suit both the genre of women and men. The reason I think it would suit both women and men is because it has a range of bands and artists that play a range of music that would suit that particular sex.

The content of my magazine consists of band and artist interviews and the latest gigs, mixed with news article about bands and artists gossip and surprises. The magazine also includes gifts such as posters and also a quiz about the hottest band that week. I think this attracts the audience of female and males aged 15-24. I think this because my magazine is similar to Kerrang! who's audience is similar. Also I think this because the content of the magazine has something for both sexes for example, the news article about bands and artists gossip would attract more women purely because women are more likely to gossip rather than men, also because men would prefer to read about interviews with the artists and bands purely because they get to her what they have to say and find out there particular interests, rather through gossip.

My article is an Q&A about a female punk artist called Angie. I think that this artist attracts mainly female because females can relate to her answers in the Q&A. although I think some men may like to read this article purely because she may be their favourite artist out of the whole magazine and they would like to find out her interests.

The demographics for my magazine would be: E, D and B. I think this because I think a young creative person would buy my product because it’s not a magazine that a older, busy person would by it for a more laid back person without any responsibilities.

The psychographics for my magazine would be strugglers and mainstreamers. I think this because a again its for the younger age, someone like a student, its also perfect for them because its an affordable price and good for people who want to follow the crowd of a metal/ punk lover.

Overall I think my products attract both male and female, aged 15-24 because the product has things that would interest both sexes and has conventions that would attract them as well.

Q3- What kind of media institution might distribute your media product? The media institution that might distribute my magazine would be Bauer Media Group. I think that they would distribute my magazine because they produce similar magazines like mine such as Kerrang! Magazine.

Bauer media produce a range of magazine with genres from music to sports. I think my magazine would fit into this institution because of the range of magazines they produce.

Bauer media have distribution methods for their magazines such as: websites, apps, television stations, radio stations and social media pages. For example their magazine Heat, have a website called heatworld.com, a radio station called heat radio, a television station called HeatTV and a app called heat. They also have supplied heat with a facebook and twitter page. I think this is a perfect institution for the magazine I have created because it will have good distribution methods from this particular institution. This will then help my target audience of the younger generation because of the technologies that would be used.

Bauers magazines!

Q4- Who would be the audience for your media product? My target audience would be females and males, mainly of the ages 15-24. They would also be interested in the music genre of metal/punk because that is the genre of my magazine, also because that is what the content of the magazine would consist of. I came up with this target audience by relating it back to Kerrangs target audience because my magazine has similarities of Kerrang! Magazine. My audience didn’t change throughout the process of making my magazine. I think this because I was always going to stick to plain bold colours which would attract both male and female. The images which I chose are all young females, this would attract the younger generation because they can relate to her because they are around the same age as her. I found it easy to aim towards my audience because I enjoy the music genre of meta/punk, and I am a young teen/adult so I know what they are looking for in a magazine. If I was aiming for the older generation I wouldn’t have a clue what to aim for because I haven’t experienced it yet.

Q5- how did you attract/address your audience? I attracted my audience through my use of: images, colour scheme, style, article, price and genre. The images I used had all female models. This attracts the audience of males and females of the younger generation because females would look up to her and see her as a inspiration. Males would be attacked to her because they may find her attractive. There age range is appropriate for the images as the models are around the same age and this means they can relate to her. My colour scheme attracts both women and men. This is because I used bold plain colours that are suitable for their genders. For example I used the blue colour to attract men and the yellow colour to attract women. I had to make sure I had two colours that both genders would be attracted to because it meant that the magazine would be suitable for them. My style I used was suited to the genre of the magazine, this meant that it attracted the audience of people who enjoy metal/punk style music. It also meant that it was suitable for both men and women because I think that both sexes can enjoy that genre of music. The article however I think would attrack mainly women. I think this because it’s a Q&A about a women called Angie so the article would attract women who want to be like Angie and get inspiration from her answers. But on the other hand men could also be attracted to the article because they may be fans of her music and they may enjoy finding out her likes and dislikes. The price of the magazine is suitable for the younger generation, because it affordable for a student and also a young adult who may just be starting a new job.

Q6- what have you learnt about technologies from he process of constructing tis product? I used two types of software’s to create my product, I used Photoshop and InDesign. I also used Web 2.0 for my research and planning to prepare to make this product.

Photoshop allowed me to make my front cover and contents page look effective and professional . I did this by using a range of tools that Photoshop supply you with.

I used this tool to cut out my main photo, to make my magazine look effective.

I used rubber 134, to get the broken effect on my headline

I used the stroke effect to get a black outline around my text on the left hand third.

For all my text I used the text tools, this allowed me to make my text look professional, but in an easy way. By doing this it made my magazine come together. It also allows me to chose my colours so my colour scheme stayed all connected.

I make all tis visible on my blog I used slide share and Prezi. These are online PowerPoint software's. I also use emaze and YouTube to expand my use of technologies. All of my work is uploaded onto a blog called WordPress, this makes everything I do visible in one place.

Q7- Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

I feel I have learnt a lot of techniques and new skills whilst making my front cover, contents page and double page spread. I think this because the software I used to create my preliminary task was Microsoft word. The techniques and skills I used to make it were basic and were basic ICT skills. When making my front cover and contents page I felt that I was learning a lot of different techniques and skills . This is because I had never used Photoshop or InDesign before so it was a new learning curve for me. As I got used to Photoshop and InDesign I was able to use the software's more effectively as I knew what I was doing. This then made a huge difference from what I did on my preliminary task and what I did on my final product as you can see on the left.