EVALUATION 4 Who would be the audience for your media product?

Evaluation 4 - Who would be the audience for your media product?

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EVALUATION 4Who would be the audience for your media product?

The main target audience I am aiming my magazine towards is young adults due to many artists within my magazine being up to date and modern. I also feel young adults would be good to target because indie music/artists tend to be in the things such as television, social networking, the internet, therefore they would be the ones to have heard more about them. I have done some research into magazines and their target audiences such as NME which bases around the same kind of genre as my own magazine. NME targets around the ages of 17-30 years old which I completely agree with in terms of the ages I feel my own magazine would be targeted towards. If I had to link my targeted audience to a class it would be between “E” and “D” which are “People at Lowest Level of Income” and “Working Class”, the reason I feel these social classes would fit the age group I have chosen as they go from “unemployed/students” to “semi-skilled employers” which I feel people, especially men under the ages of 17-30 would be at.

An advertising agency who go by the name of Young and Rubican invented a profile known as their 4C's Marketing Model. If I had to discuss the category in which I feel the group of people I am targeting would be under I would have to say they would be “Explorers”. I think this describes the kind of audience I am aiming towards perfectly. “Explorers are described as being people that ‘value difference’ which when create a indie magazine, you expect your audience to be wanting and looking for maybe more original artists and musicians to what would be expected as the normal. The word ‘indie’ can also be classed as another way of saying ‘individual’ or ‘individualism’ which is including in this definition of an “Explorer” therefore linking this specific social group to the target audience of my indie magazine. I thought it would be a good idea to include new and upcoming artists in my product as I see my audience as people that are “the first to try new brands” and would be looking for something new to discover at any given time. Lastly, it defines the age group to be “young” suggesting that my own target age group of 17-30 would be a realistic ask, considering the ages between them to be classed as “young”.

The Life Matrix tool defines ten audience categories, centred around both values, attitudes and beliefs, and more fundamental demographic audience categories. I feel my targeted audience would fall under either “Tribe Wired” or “Fun/Antics”. My reasoning for this is that I see my audience as being young, fun, outgoing people who are always looking for adventure and happiness. In addition I also feel that my audience are extremely “digital” and involved in a lot of social media, always knowing what is up to date in the world at the time. I also like to believe that these kind of people have a lot of impact in the kind of musicians and artists that do well in the industry due to promoting them on all kinds of technological devises and knowing how these things work because of their age. They appear in my mind to be people that want to have a good time and are “fun seeking”, especially when it comes to listening to music and going to gigs.

AUDIENCE PROFILE Whilst planning my music magazine I came up with a reader’s profile that displays the sort of person I would expect to read my magazine. I decided on an audience profile of an 18 year old boy that enjoys listening to Indie bands such as Arctic Monkeys, Jake Bugg, The Strokes, The Smiths etc. After considering all aspects of my target audience member, I decided that this would be that he would be the kind of person to buy the magazine. I also included the fact that he likes to shop in places like Topshop and River Island that generally considered modern shops that I could see my magazine promoting at some point.