• 1. This image shows our main character in a boxing stance protecting his face, this directly correlates with the song saying “Don’t let the kid hit ya”. This shows that we have related our narrative to the song, John does this quite a bit in the video but none are as clear as this one.

Evaluation 1 Part a

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• 1. This image shows our main character in a boxing stance protecting his face, this directly correlates with the song saying “Don’t let the kid hit ya”. This shows that we have related our narrative to the song, John does this quite a bit in the video but none are as clear as this one.

• 2. This image typifies the way the record company would want their artist to be represented, Our main character is wearing clothes that fit perfectly with our genre and similar to what other hip hop artists have worn. It also shows a graffiti wall behind John, this goes hand in hand with the urban vibe we are trying to portray in our music video. On the right is an artist in the same genre, Mac Miller, here he is shown standing in an urban location while wearing a hat. People in the background can be seen wearing similar clothes to Mac and John.

• 3. We feel we could portray our genre with just the locations we used, mostly abandoned locations that have been left to graffiti artists to overrun. But also some locations that give the urban/hip hop vibe just purely due to the run down walls, floor, fences etc. like the bridge pictured below:

• 4. The beginning of our music video is very similar to the beginning “Toy Story”, it starts off in the clouds and gradually pans down into the scene below, we liked this idea and knew we could utilise it to the best of our abilities and portray it in a hip hop video.

• 5. We used a variety of camera angles, some close, medium and far but this shot is our favourite as it demonstrates our use of camera angles, filming our main character from a high angle while he is pointing up. It makes use of the space we have and gives our video an edge over others.

• 6. This shot shows our use of lighting in the video, this is where we filmed at night. We shone the torch on john making sure the viewer could see his hat and his hood strings; conveying the genre, getting a variety of shots and making the most of the lighting.

• 7. We feel this shot best demonstrates our use of mise-en-scene; including props, costume. Location and body language. For props we used a hat and a backpack, this fits well with the hip hop genre as plenty of other artists use these props. The costume of the baggy hoody and the body warmer match the conventions of the look we were going for. The location is a run down brick wall covered with graffiti and the body language is closed, he is crossing his arms and this is a classic stance in the hip hop genre.

• 8. With this shot we acquired the idea from Mac Miller’s music video “Live Free”, we decided we were going to use this shot as soon as we spotted it in Mac’s video. Although the backgrounds aren’t similar in any way, you can still see we have tried to replicate the filming from behind while the main character is walking in front.

• 9. With this shot we got the idea from the “Opposite of Adults” music video, we thought it portrayed childhood really well so we utilised it in our video, but by just adding an urban location into the background instead of a kids room; we felt this suited the genre more appropriately.