Unit 9- evaluation How did you decided what area to do your exhibition on? (Think about your research and practice photos) I decided by looking at different aspects of photography and I saw landscape images and I thought they looked easy to take and they are easy to take also I took some practice images and found out that they came out well. I have taken lots of contrast of pictures to see which ones Where did you get inspiration from? (Websites, photographers?) I got my inspiration from a famous photographer called Charlie Waite who takes some really cool pictures as well as going on the internet and searching up different types of landscape images.an example of where I got my inspiration is this is the website I got


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Unit 9- evaluation

How did you decided what area to do your exhibition on? (Think about your research and practice photos)

I decided by looking at different aspects of photography and I saw landscape images and I thought they looked easy to take and they are easy to take also I took some practice images and found out that they came out well. I have taken lots of contrast of pictures to see which ones

Where did you get inspiration from? (Websites, photographers?)

I got my inspiration from a famous photographer called Charlie Waite who takes some really cool pictures as well as going on the internet and searching up different types of landscape images.an example of where I got my inspiration is this is the website I got most of the type of image I would take from http://www.charliewaite.com/gallery

What equipment did you use to create your project?

The equipment to use to take my pictures were Veblen tripod witch is a really sturdy tripod so therefore I got some great pictures. I used a cannon 600d camera cause you can take some beautiful pictures in great quality the good things about this camera is the way you can focused on the background or close up I could of used the cannon 1100 but that might of messed my pictures up. I used a big storage ds card so I could take loads of pictures and see which ones were good enough quality and delete the others so I can have a variety of shots. The setting I used was when the sun was going down in the forest so most of them have the sun in the background also I thought that it would be a good idea to go high up and take pictures from above.

Did you edit any of your photos? If so how?

I did not have any need to edit my photos because they were good quality already and they did not need to be cropped or enlarged because they were a good size anyway. They were great snaps that did not to be Photoshop

Have you learnt any new skills or used any tools you haven’t before?

I have learnt a new place where I can take some high quality pictures an advantage of thins is cause I can take some good, I used practice images to make my top 6 images the best they can be in the frame.

What are the strengths and weaknesses of your photographs?

The strengths of me photography are that I got some really good pictures with the scenery in the background like the sun shining throw the trees also they are taken at good angles and have a god

contrast a weakness to my photography is that I only got 1 picture that show a big landscape whereas the other are much closer also it could b. This is 1 picture where I got a low angle picture and I like the way that it shows the horse to not look like it’s not that big and the background to be nearly as large as the horse. The picture 2 show a vast area in a single picture witch is more like a typical landscape

image and you get a great visible and the good contrast in colour of the land and the trees a weakness is the is a lot of sky just wasted in the images.

Are you pleased with them?

I am very pleased with the images I took because they are high quality images that work together well and I get a good contrast images with lots of colour contain in there. I am happy because they were taken well the first time so they therefore did not need to be edited.

Has it turned out the way you planned?

It has turned out then how I expected them to turn out some are really good and some could be improved by having a different type of scenery and I used the camera and location I was planning to use. The once that are good are great because they have great contrast in background a scenery and the once that are not as good are because they are too close or not close enough.

  How you improved as a photographer?

I improved as a photographer because I now look to get the scenery and the background in most of my pictures so the background shines throw the stuff in front to get a good contrast of both.

What would you change or do differently if you did this project again?

Spend longer taking images and do more analyzing other peoples photography.