EV682 - Developing a positive learning environment - diversity and inclusion

EV682 Developing an Inclusive Learning Environment

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  • 1. EV682 Developing a positive learning environment - diversity and inclusion

2. THE MEDICAL MODEL AND THE SOCIAL MODEL The Medical Model The impairment is the problemThe Social Model The structures within society are the problem 3. WHY CELEBRATE DIVERSITY, WHY ENSURE EQUALITIES? Support young childrens self esteem, identity and confidence Address underachievement: Social inclusion-Full participation in society equality of access: encourage parent/carer and community participation Encourage (self?)respect and citizenship Poverty- Field, Allen review, Sure start etc 4. Some ofThe Paperwork 1981 Education Act 1988 Education Act 1989 UN Childrens Act 1993 Education Act 1994 SEN Code of Practice 1996 Education Act2001 SEN Code 2002 DRC Code 2003 Excellence & Enjoyment 2004 Every Child Matters2004: Removing barriers to achievement 2008:Framework for a Fairer Future 2010:The Equality Act 2011: Support and aspiration: 2012: Support and aspiration: progress and next steps 5. NEW NATIONAL CURRICULUM INCLUSION STATEMENT Setting suitable challenges 4.1 Teachers should set high expectations for every pupil. They should plan stretching work for pupils whose attainment is significantly above the expected standard. They have an even greater obligation to plan lessons for pupils who have low levels of prior attainment or come from disadvantaged backgrounds. Teachers should use appropriate assessment to set targets which are deliberately ambitious. Responding to pupils needs and overcoming potential barriers for individuals and groups of pupils 4.2 Teachers should take account of their duties under equal opportunities legislation that covers race, disability, sex, religion or belief, sexual orientation, pregnancy and maternity, and gender reassignment. 6. DEVELOPMENT MATTERS (2012) Children have a right, spelled out in the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, to provision which enables them to develop their personalities, talents and abilities irrespective of ethnicity, culture or religion, home language, family background, learning difficulties, disabilities or gender. p1 7. THE PUBLIC SECTOR EQUALITY DUTY 5.1 The Equality Act 2010 introduced a single Public Sector Equality Duty (PSED) (sometimes also referred to as the general duty) that applies to public bodies, including maintained schools and Academies, and which extends to all protected characteristics - race, disability, sex, age, religion or belief, sexual orientation, pregnancy and maternity and gender reassignment. This combined equality duty came into effect in April 2011. It has three main elementsEliminate discrimination and other conduct that is prohibited by the Act, Advance equality of opportunity between people who share a protected characteristic and people who do not share it, Foster good relations across all characteristics - between people who share a protected characteristic and people who do not share it. 8. We will remove the bias towards inclusion and propose to strengthen parental choice by improving the range and diversity of schools from which parents can choose, making sure they are aware of the options available to them and by changing statutory guidance for local authorities.Single category of SEN Single assessment process Education, Health and Care plan (statutory protection) More transparency for parents Personal budgets for parents (2014) Improve the range and diversity of schools from which parents can choose Source: DfE (2011) Support and aspiration: A new approach to special educational needs and disability, [Online] Address: http://www.education.gov.uk/publications/eOrderingDownload/Green-Paper-SEN.pdf (Access date: 10th March 2011) 9. WHERE DO WE STAND? TEACHERS EXPECTATIONS Teachers may not examine their own assumptions and prejudices Teachers are aware that equal opportunity and equality issues are potentially explosive and may therefore ignore them Some teachers believe it is not their job to get involved Teachers say they never hear children expressing racist attitudes Teachers believe certain children fit in well (Can still hold generalised negative attitudes of a group of people)Gaine (1995) 10. Learning Objectives Setting suitable Learning challengesInclusionAccessOvercoming potential barriers to learningTeaching styles Responding to childrens diverse needs 11. BART STRUGGLES AT SCHOOL 12. BART STRUGGLES AT SCHOOL Whatquestion does this raise for you regarding inclusion? What do you think are the key messages coming from the clip? Have you seen practice like this on placement? 13. Of course, diversity has implications that reach beyond the classroom. Differences in culture, gender, language and wealth shape the totality of young lives. Sometimes these differences appear closely connected with educational success, but not all of them and not for every child.(Alexander, 2010) p110. 14. BEAUTY AND THE BEAST http://www.channel4.com/programmes/beauty-thebeast-ugly-face-of-prejudice/videos/all/judging-bylooks 15. EALG&TGenderSocialEconomicINCLUSIONEthnicitySexual orientationSEN/DisabilityReligion/belief 16. BARRIERS TO LEARNING AND PARTICIPATION Physical Psychological Social Cultural Environmental Who may be affected? How can these barriers be removed/minimised? 17. WHAT ARE POTENTIAL BARRIERS?adult expectationssocietyDeficit modelEthosPoliciesPhysical organisation e.g. accesschildfamilyschoolingHome-school relationsResources, books, toys 18. What is Inclusion? Inclusive education describes the process by which a school or setting attempts to respond to all children as individuals by reconsidering and restructuring its curricular organisation and provision and allocating resources to enhance equality of opportunity. Through this process, the school or setting builds its capacity to accept all children from the local community who wish to attend and in so doing, reduces the need to exclude children. Adapted from Sebba and Ainscow 199619 19. WAYS OF THINKING ABOUT FAIR TREATMENT People should be treated according to their merit or what they deserve People should be treated according to what they need Everyone should be treated equally and in the same way (see Smith, E. (2012) Key Issues in Education and Social Justice. London: Sage, p7) 20. USEFUL RESOURCES FOR SUPPORTING THE INCLUSION OF ALL LEARNERS INCLUDING THOSE WITHSENDhttp://www.brighton.ac.uk/education/environment/reso urces/sen.php?PageId=312 21. REFERENCES Alexander, R. (Ed). (2010) Children, their World, their Education: final report from the Cambridge Primary Review. London: Routledge Blair, M (2002) in Cole Education for all Dunne, M. and Gazeley, L. http://www.incoeducation.co.uk/cms/cms_features_benefits/website_accessi bility Hodkinson, A. and Vickerman, P. (2009) Key Issues in Special Educational Needs and Inclusion, London: Sage Matheson, D. ed. (2008) An Introduction to the Study of Education. 3rd ed. Oxon: Routledge Thomas, G. and Loxley, A. (2001) Deconstructing Special educational and Constructing Inclusion, Buckingham: Open University 22. REFERENCES http://www.deafnessatbirth.org.uk/content2/practice/know/04/content.pdf www.dfee.gov.uk/sen Multiverse web site Ofsted website Removing barriers to achievement: the government strategy for SEN (DfES2004m) Leading on inclusion (DfES 2005m) Promoting inclusion and tackling underperformance (DfES 2005o) Educational inequality (OFSTED 2000 HMI232 Bhattacharyya, Ison and Blair 2003 Minority ethnic attainment and participation in education and training: the evidence DfES Malik, H (1998) A practical guide to Equal Opportunities Mittler (2000) working towards inclusive education (see Smith, E. (2012) Key Issues in Education and Social Justice. London: Sage, p7)