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ESL 507 Observation Project: Your vs. You're

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  • 1. Observation Project:Your versus Youre Carrie LehmanApril 7, 2013Wilkes University

2. Method of Collection Written languageSocial Media Websites 3. Variants The use of your versus the use of the contractionyoure There was misuse of the term your in place of the termyoure There was no misuse of the term youre in place of the termyour Variants are broken down by Gender Age Education Ethnicity 4. GenderTotal Number ofIncorrect use of Femal e Femal e 5. Age8765peopleNumber of4321018 21 23 24 25 26 27 28 3031 3235 40 44Age inYears Total Number of PeoplePeople who used incorrect form of Your 6. EducationMasters Degree College DegreeType ofSome College High School DegreeNo High School Degree0 2 46810 12 14 1618 20 Number ofTotal Number of PeoplePeopleIncorrect use of Your 7. EthnicityTotal Number of Incorrect use ofPeopleYourWhite =White = 823 Black = 5Black = Other = 211Other = 6 8. ESL Resources for TeachingYour v. YoureI didnt find many lesson plans geared towards teaching the use of your versus youre however, these following websites could be used a references when creating lessons.1. Common Mistakes in English: Your vs. Youre Education Bug: Your vs. Youre Love Learning: Your vs. Youre How to use Youre and Your 9. Implications How to Teach this Skill:Teachers Should: Use visuals that show the Review the concept ofcontractions with students difference Thoroughly explain teach term;including grammatical factors Pre- and Post-test studentscomprehension of your vs. youre Use activities and tasks that keepstudents engaged with the lessoncontent Model the proper use with meaningful examples Have students correct written examples to demonstrate understanding 10. Conclusions I was surprised by the data I collected while doing myobservations. I thought there would be a significantly greater amountof individuals who incorrectly used your instead ofyoure. I learned that people despiteage, gender, education, and ethnicity are aware thatthere is a difference between your and youre and 11. AppendixIncorrect use of Incorrect useUtterance Gender AgeEducationEthnicityYourof Youre Its your turn to impress me nowMale27 High School DegreeWhite X Glad your goodMale31 College DegreeWhite X Your still hereFemale 28No High School DegreeNative American On your iPod Male23Some College BlackCall your motherFemale 30 College DegreeWhiteWhats your storyMale27 College DegreeAsianIs that your book?Female 23Some College WhiteYou hid your faceMale27Some College White X If your free on the weekendFemale 35Some College White Who is your favorite team? Female 24 College DegreeWhite X Your interested in purchasing itMale26 High School DegreeWhite Youre interested in music Female 25 High School DegreeBlack 12. Appendix (continued)Incorrect IncorrectUtteranceAge Gender EducationEthnicityuse ofuse of Your YoureIf youre going to cut one hair 24Female College DegreeWhite Mind your grammar25Female College DegreeWhite XIf your a lady23 MaleHigh School DegreeBlack XYour still reading that 44 MaleSome CollegeBlack Youre curious 30FemaleMasters DegreeBlackYoure a nice guy 32 Male Masters DegreeAsian XIf your around40 MaleCollege DegreeWhite White Hope youre having a good one21FemaleNo High SchoolDegree X Your not thinking correctly40Female High School DegreeBlack Black Youre going home? 27 MaleCollege DegreeI hope youre able to go see a show 23 MaleCollege DegreeFilipino 13. Appendix (continued)Incorrect use Incorrect use Utterance Age Gender Education Ethnicityof Yourof Youre X Your cool25Female College Degree Black Email me your resume 28Female College Degree White Go your own way26 Male Some CollegeBlackFollow your dreams18FemaleHigh School AsianDegreeYoure very artistic21FemaleSome CollegeBlack XYour interested in comics 31 Male High School WhiteDegree XYour looking for me 30 Male Some CollegeWhite X Your such a legend 18FemaleHigh School WhiteDegreeYoure pretty funny 25Female Masters DegreeWhite 14. Appendix (continued)Incorrect use Incorrect useUtteranceAge Gender EducationEthnicityof Yourof Youre XYour welcome25Female College DegreeWhite XYour welcome27 MaleCollege DegreeIndian If youre looking for a good folk band 21 MaleSome CollegeWhiteYoure not always negative26 MaleCollege DegreeWhite Black XAre you saying your special 25 MaleCollege DegreeYou know what you want to do with your 44FemaleHigh SchoolWhitelife Degree Listen to what your boss says25 MaleCollege DegreeWhiteBring me pictures of your dog 24Female College DegreeWhite