Equipment List: Hardware Angel Bird Anonymous Productions

Equipment List: Hardware

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Page 1: Equipment List: Hardware

Equipment List: HardwareAngel BirdAnonymous Productions

Page 2: Equipment List: Hardware

Apple Macbook

We had used an Apple Macbook before, during our GCSE media project, so we were already comfortable with how it worked.

This was the main laptop available to us during the project, so most work was completed on it.

Work was also completed on laptops and PCs at home and at school.

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Apple Mac & External Mouse

These pieces of equipment were used when we were editing our sequence.

We used the Apple Mac as it had the Final Cut Pro package that we needed to edit our sequence and had a larger screen which made it easier to see small details of our footage.

We used an external mouse as it was much easier to control than a trackpad.

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Sony Z1 Camera

We used the Sony Z1 camera to film our main project on.

We decided to use this camera, as it was the same one that we used in the preliminary task so we were already familiar with it’s features.

Also, as the cinematographer, I had already had experience with the camera from my GCSE project, which helped when filming this more complex sequence.

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External Mic

When filming, we used an external mic which we connected to the camera to improve the clarity and sound quality on our film.

When filming our rehearsal, we had problems with the mic as it wasn’t working properly.

However, this helped us when we filmed our final sequence as we made sure the mic was in fully working order before we signed out the equipment.

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USB Cable

Even though we didn’t use the USB cable very often, it played an essential part in our project.

We plugged the cable into the camera and Apple Mac so that we could transfer the footage from the tape to the computer so that we could edit on Final Cut Pro.

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Mobile Phone

As a group, we used our iPhones to communicate throughout the project - both through text and social media sites.

We also used the cameras on our phones for the reece, location, costume and makeup photos.

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Headphones were used at 2 main points during the project.

The first time we plugged them into the camera to listen to the sound that was being picked up.

The second time that we used them was when we were editing. This was helpful as it allowed us to listen to different soundtracks and effects that we added to our footage.

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Memory Stick (USB)

Throughout the project we used USB sticks to transfer and backup copies of our work.

This also enabled us to transfer work from one laptop to another, without having to use emails.

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DV Tape

We used our DV Tape in our camera when recording our footage for the main task and the preliminary task.

The tape was kept with us at all times so if we needed to record over the footage, we were able to do so.