enzymology and the 21st century (with reference to cancer)

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Presented by:-

Bakhtawar tufail

Presented to:-

Dr sajid.

Bbt 5th


Intoduction about ENZYMOLOGY.

Enzymology and cancer. (latest research)

Enzymology and biotechnology.

What is enzymology???

What is an enzyme???

Topics of interest in enzymology…

1. structure of enzyme.

2. enzyme deficiencies.

3. regulation of enzymes.


Food sciences.


Textile manufacturing.

Paper manufacturing.




Environmental remediation.

1. According to global cancer report by a leading US health organization .

Cancer kills about 10.9 million people every year with an estimate of 20,000 people a day.

2. Cancer has always been an issue of interest among scientist across the globe.

1. Cancer immunology:-

2. Telomerase enzyme and cancer:-

3. enzyme therapy:-

Scientists have started to unmask an enzyme that plays an important role in cancer formation.

Enzyme is “telomerase”. Two things to understand.. What is “telomere” and “telomerase”?? What is “telomere”????

it is stretches of DNA.It is protective cap at ends of chromosomes.it protects our genetic center.it holds secret to how we age and get cancer.it is like plastic caps on show laces.

It can reach to a length of 15000 bps.

Each time a cell divides some of the telomere is lost (usually 25 to 200 bps per division).

When telomere becomes too short , the chromosome reaches a critical length and cant replicate.. Hence it becomes old and die by apoptosis.

OR they sustain this damage and causes cancer…

Yes! There is…

It is the telomerase enzyme…..

It is also called telomere terminal transferase.

It is made up of protein and RNA subunits.


It elongates chromosomes by adding sequences to the end of existng chromosome


Fetal tissues, adult germ cells and in tumour cells

Its activity in somatic cells is negligible because they age..

The cells will continue to grow and divide…hence would form..

CANCER:-telomerase is major enzyme found in cancer cells.telomerase is detectd in about 90 percnt of cancer cells…tumour cells somehow activates the telomerase.if…the telomerase activity is turned off, could prevent the cancer cells from dividing uncontrollably and would change them from “IMMORTAL to MORTAL”

AGGING:-we could control agging by use of telomerase in a controldmanner.

We could combat cancer cells.

We could combat agging and agging related diseases.

We could improve quality of medical treatments.

Scientist are working nowadays to knw the complex structure of telomerase.

Reactivating the telomerase in a controlled manner could produce younger healthier and longer living tissues.


1. Stickies RemovalEnzymes are used by the pulp and paper

industry for the removal of “stickies” 2. Detergents

Enzymes have been used in many kinds of detergents for over 30 years, since they were first introduced by Novozymes

3. TextilesEnzymes are now widely used to

prepare the fabrics that your clothing, furniture and other household items are made of..

4. food and beverages:-Historically, humans have been

using enzymes for centuries, in early biotechnological practices ,to produce foods

5. Leather:-

There are enzymes that can be applied to the first steps of the process where fat and hair are removed from the hides.

6. Biodegradable plastic:-Plastics manufactured by traditional methods

come from non-renewable hydrocarbon resources.

7. Bioethanol:-

Bioethanol is a biofuel that has already met with widespread public acceptance.

8. Immobilized enzyme system:-

Using biotechnology, especially the technique of immobilized enzyme systems, it was possible to produce a variety of substances