English today-vol-10

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Page 2: English today-vol-10

FE lnre,nstktyratEnglish TodcylO. Lower inlermediole level book two

@ 20,l0 E-ducotion.it S.p.A., Florenfo, ltolioAII righls reserved

Director editoriol: Cinzio CoiozzoRedoctor-gef: Meri Bortolocci, Filippo MelliRedoclori: Frqncesco Bionchi, Borboro Boddi, Giulio Ricci

Aceosld edilie 2010 penlru Ediluro Lileroopore sub licenfo E-ducotion.ii S.p.A., Florenfo, ltolioToole dreplurile rezervole

Edilie originol6O 2006 English Todoywww.e-ducolion. [email protected]


Edituro LiteroO. P. 53; C. P.212, seclor 4, Bucurepii, Romdniotel.: 031 425 1619; e-moil: [email protected]

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Troducere: Morino Loghin

Editor: Vidropcu 9i fiiiCoordonore proiect: llieg COmpeonuCopert6: Vlqdimir Zmeev, Vlod PonfilovTehnoredoctore gi prepress: Anco Suciu

Descriereo CIP q Bibliotecii Nofionole o RomdnieiEnglish Todoy,/ fod.: Morino Loghin - Bucuregti:

Liiero lnterncfionol, 2Ol 0.lO vol.rsBN 978-973-67 5-944-4Vol. lO . - ISBN 978-973-67s-912-O

l. Loghin, Morino (trod:)


rsBN 978-973-67 5-942-0

Tipnrit lo G.Conole, Bucuregli




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Leclio 4

Thot's life! Something odd's going onSceno l: l'm worried oboul Jqck...

Sd infelegemFocus

Recopiluloreo formelor de viitor17 Exercifii

l8 Scenq 2: Moybe there's q womqn in the picture?19 Sd infelegem20 Focus

Prepoziliile de loc gi de migcore30 Exercifii

3l Vocqbulor

lecfio 5

Thoi's life! Off to Jopon33- Sceno l: Going lo Jopon is moking you much more fun!36 Sd infelegem

37 Focus

intrebdrile cu ,,Simple Posl"41 Exercilii

43 Sceno 2: Thot's whot you lhink...44 Sd infelegem45 Focus

intrebdrile cu ,,like"5l Exercifii

52 Vocobulor







Lecfio 6

Thot's life! Life's confusing55 Sceno l: This is such q surprise!

57 Sd infelegem

58 Focus

,,Posl Conlinuous"63546667




Scenq 2: I thoughl we were iust friends!

Sd infelegem


,rSott gi ,rsuchttExercifii


Television Progrommes

Trovel75 Copsule holels

77 Sd inlelegem

78 Focus

Cerul inlr-o copsul683 Exercifii

Cinemo85 Bollywood

88 Sd inlelegem

89 Focus

Bollyrood: olti c:nemotogrofie91 Exercifii

92 Solufiileexercfiilor

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Lecfio 4

Thot's life!Something odd's going on








Aflotd Tmpreund cu felele lo micul deiun, mdtugo lui Jock,

Corolino, igi exprimd ingriiororeo pentru nepoi. Poote

Shoron sd oibd grii6 de el?

in po*eo de gromolicd recopituldm formele verbole ,,will"9i ,going lo". in incheiere vedem principolele prepozifii deloc, distingdndu-le in prepozifii cqre denoid stot pe loc aimigcore.

l'm worried qbout Jock,..


Anne: Alice, whot ore you going to do iodoy?Alice: I don't know... Why?

Anne: l'm going to do some shopping for this evening...Would you like lo come olong? l'd like to moke dinner forJock's qunt. I qlso wonl to invite Shoron ond Peler.

Alice: My lesson is oi lhree. I don'l know whqt time l'll finish.

Anne: Don'l worry. l'm going io do some work before thoi.I don'l think l'll finish before five... So, whol do you soy?

Alice: Okoy... Bul only if you loon me your red hot!

Anne: Okoy, l'll lend you the hot. But be coreful, if you lose

it, l'll get very ongry!

(lnfrd mdlugo Corolino.)

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Aunt Cqrolino: Good morning, everyone.Anne: Oh, good morning, Mrs Andreini.

Aunt Corolino: Whot ore you tolking obout?Anne: We're deciding whot we ore going to do todoy. Howore.you going to spend yovr doy?

Aunl Cqrolino: I think l'll go for o wolk in ihe city cenire,moybe do o little shopping... (uit6ndu-se Io fereoslrd). Oh,I rhink it's going to roin. Just look st lhose clouds!

(lnlrd repede Jock.)

Jock: Hi, guys! Hi, ountie!Aunt Corolino: Morning.

Jock: l'm on my woy out...Aunt Corolino: Jock! Aren't you going lo hove breokfost?

Jock: Oh, I con't, qunlie. l'm meeiing o Joponese client...lf I get there lote, my boss will hove o fit...Aunt Corolino: You con'i go on on empty slomoch!

Jock: Oh, don'i worry, l'll hove somelhing lo eot ot lunch.Anne: Oh, woit Jock, l'll come wiih you! (Adresdndu-i-se luiAlice) So, we'll see eqch other ot five. Don'l forget!

Uock si Anne ies.)

Aunt Corolino: l'm worried oboul Jock... He's so thin,moybe he isn'l eoting enough?Alice: Oh... He won'l slorye if he misses breokfost!

Aunl Corolino: He seems so run down ond so distrqcted...He's olwoys thinking obout something else.

Alice: Moybe he's in love... (Sund lo ugd.) Excuse me

o momenl, l'll gei thol.

So infelegem(Solufii lo pos. 93)

E totul clor in oceostd primd scend? Acum inceorcd sd vezicdt oi infeles, rdspunzdnd lo tntrebdrile core urmeozd. Docd

fi-e greu, te pofi uito din nou lo episodul video de pe DVD

sou pofi consuho vocobulorul de lo sfdrpitul lecfiei.

E Whot hos Anne got to do this ofternoon?tr o)Work until five o'clocktr b) Go to o lessontr c) Meet o customer

E Anne wonts lo prepore dinner for Jock's ount.E Truetr Folse

E Whot is ount Corolino's progromme for the doy?tr o) Go for o wolk in the centre ond reod o booktr b) Go shopping ond go to o museumtr c) Go for o wolk in ihe centre ond do some shopping

E Why is ount Corolino worried?tr o) Becouse Jock works too hordtr b) Becouse Jock seems tired ond dislroctedtr c) Becouse Jock hos too mony girlfriends





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ReccnpSluloreq formeJor de viitorSd focem o recopilulore generold o formelor de viiior pecore le-om intdlnit pdnd ocum. Pe porcursul metodei noostreom vdzul cd este posibil sd consiruim viiiorul cu ,,going lo",cu ,,will", cu Simple Presenl gi cu Present Continuous. Sd lerevedem pe scurf.


Sd vedem in ce cozuri se pooie folosi viitorul cu ,,wi11".

. Penlru o exprimo ogo-zisele ,,snop decisions" (hotdrdride momenl), odicd oc,tiuni viitoore holdrdte in momenlulvorbirii, ogodor, neprogromole onlerior:

Look ot the weolher! l'11go Uile ce vreme! O sd md ducskoiing sd polinez

. Peniru o fo,ce previziuni sou onunfuri ori pentru q vorbidespre evenimenle ce se vor intdmplo cu siguronfd,independent de voinfo ori de conlrolul celui core vorbegle

{tipic previziunilor meteorologice ori onunfurilor lronsmisede moss-medio):

Tomorrow it will beo bright, sunny doy

Mdine vo fio zi frumoosd cu soore

. Pentru o foce promisiuni, oferte sou omeninfdri:

Will you toke cqre of Jock? Vei oveo griid de Jock?

. Pentru o comunico o certitudine cu privire lo un rezultot,lo o ocfiune ori lo o situofie (prezentd gi viitoore). Tn ocestesituofii, folosireo lui ,,will" nu e otdt o indicolie referiloorelo viitor, ci folosireo tipicd o verbelor modole ce exprim6certitudine:






Sd revedem ocum pe scurl construcfio formei viitorului cu

,,will". Coniugoreo viitorului cu ouxiliorul ,,will" e lo fel pentrutoote persoonele verbqle, dor se poote folosi 9i ,,sholl"pentru primo persoond singulor 9i plurol (l/we), chior docdocum se preferd formo unicd ,,will". Pentru o construi formoofirmoiivd gi, respectiv, negotiv6, ?nointe de formo de bozdq verbului principol {infinitiv fdrd ,,to") se pune ,,will" {formocontrosd ,,'ll") sou ,,will not" (formo controsd ,,won'|" sou ,r'llnot"). ln ce privegte propozifio interogoiivd, se inverseozd

,,will" cu subiecful, urmol de formq de bqzd o verbului (lo

infiniliv fdrd ,,to"). Schemele 9i propozifiile din exemplelece urmeozd propun formo ofirmotivd, respectiv negoiivd 9i


Subiect + will + verb lo infinitiv 1616,,to' + delermhdriuherioqre

The bus is lote. They will be Aulobuzulon strike grevd

Or fi in

Cred cd guvernul nu Yo

micporo niciodotd tsxele

Ce 2i...O sd md duc sd m6 cu/c

* verb lo infinitiv fdrd ,,1o"

Nu o sd moi fac ocel lucru

I think the governmenlwill never lower toxes

Whot o doy...I'llgo to bed

Subiect + will + nol {won'tf+ deienmkldri ufterioorc

I won't do thot ony more

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(Parliculd interogolivd +) will f subiect + verb ls infinitivfdrd,,lo" f determindri ulterioqre + ?

Fii otent: se poote folosi giformo interogotiv-negotivd o lui

,,vrill", moi oles cu formele conlrose (exemple: Why won'lhe cook dinner lomorrow? ) De ce n-o sd pregdfeoscd elcino mdine?; Why won't you come wilh us? ) De ce n-o sdvii cu noi?).

vllToRUt cu ,,GolNG To":coNsTRUCTrE tt FOLOSTRE

Sd vedem in ce cozuri se poote folosi viitorul cu ,,going lo".

. Penlru o vorbi despre oQiuni progromole onterior (cdnd,de exemplu, se vorbegte de propriile obligofii):

l'm going to visit my Mdvoiducesd-mivddpdrinfiiporenis in two weeks' lime peste doud sdplimdni

. Penlru o exprimo intenfio de o foce un lucru in viiior.Ceeo ce conteozd in qcest coz nu este reolizoreo efeclivd oproiectului (cum esle, in schimb, cozul ocfiunilor progromoteonierior), cdt voinfo gi dorinfo celui core vorbegte:

Willyou meet himon Sundoy?

l'm going lo be qn

engineer when I grow up

O sd-lintdlnegliduminicd?

Cdnd voi fi more, md voi foceinginer

. Pentru o indico o situofie cqre este pe punctul de o se

reolizo sou core se prevede cd se vo reolizo pe bozo uneiconstotdri sou o unei deducfii logice:

Oh God! f'm going to miss O Doomne! Voi pierdemy troinl lrenul!

ConstruQio viitorului (formo ofirmoliv6, negoiivd gi interogotivd)cu ,,going to" corespunde cu coniugoreo lo Preseni Continuouso verbului ulo go", urmot6 de prepozifio uIo" gi de infinitivulverbului principol (fdrd ,,to"). Schemele 9i propozifiile dinexemplul ce urmeozd propun din nou formo ofirmotivd gi,

respectiv, pe ceo negotivd 9i inlerogotivd:

Subiecl + ,rlo go" lf, Presenl Conlinuous + to +determindri uherioore







She's going to gofor o wolk

Eo vo foce o plimbore(infenfioneozd sd o focd)

Subiecl + ,,to go" la Presenl Conlinuous (formonegolivd| + lo + verb lu infinitiv tilr6,,loo + determindriulterioore

They oren't goinglo meel tomorrow

Ei/ele nu se vor intdlni mdine

(Porficuld inlerogolivd +l ,,to be" lu prezenl * subiecl *going + to + formo de bszd s verbului + delermindriulterioore + ?

How ore you goingto spend your doy?

Cum ifi vei petrece ziuo?

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Fii otent: se poote folosi pi formq interogotiv-negotivd olui ,,going lo" (moi oles cu formele conlrose) construit6 cuverbul ,,lo be" urmot de negofio ,,nol" , de subiecl, de ,,goinglo" gi de infinitivul verbului principol {fdrd ,,to") (exemple:Aren't they going to toke ihe tube? ) Nu vor luo ei/elemefroul? Aren't you going to leove? i Nu vei/veti pleco?|.


in oford de ,,will" gi de ,,going lo", peniru o vorbi de viitore posibild gifolosireo Presenl Conlinuous, moi oles penlru oexprimo ocfiuni viitoore plonificote onterior gi pentru o vorbidespre progrome gi despre proiecte pe termen scurl. Aceostdformd se conslruiegte pur gi simplu coniugdnd verbul inchestiune lo Present Conlinuous. Observ6 cd, otunci cdndse folosegte Presenl Continuous pentru o vorbi despre viitor,de obicei se oldiurd verbului o expr"esie temporold (cum orfi ,rlomorrouy'', ,,next week" elc.):


Modolitoteo de o te referi lo ocfiuni scu lo evenimenleviiloqre e destul de osemdndloore ?n englezd 9i Tn romdn6.Cdnd viitorul este clor 9i ocfiuneo despre core se vorbegteesle proelic sigurd gi nu poote suferi modificdri, se folosegteSimple Present, de oceeo Tntre englezd gi romdnd nu existddiferenfe Tn ocest coz. Sirnple Presenl se pooie folosi numoiin cozuri{e in core exisld un progrorn siobilit ,din oficiu", gi

nu cdnd hotdrdreo esie luold in momentulvorbirii. Compor-dcele dou6 propozifii:

The troin to Turin leoveso17.24 p.m.

The concert slcrls ot 10 p.m.

Whot iime do you flnishwork tomorrow?

Trenvl penlru Torino pleocdlo 19.24

Concerlul incepe lo 22.00

Lo ce ord lermini lucrulmdine?




Anne's flying io Florencenext week

l'rn going to the dentistin lhree weeks'time

Whot are you doingtomorrow?

Sdptdrndno viiloore, Anne seduce lo Florenlo cu ovionul

Pesfe lrei sdptdmdni, rnd ducls dentisl

Ce foci mdine?

I leove on Fridoy morning

ll's roining...lwon'l leqve ony more!

Plec vineri dimineofd

Ploud...Nu o sd moi plec!


Pentru o vorbi despre viitor se poote recurge gi lo SimplePresent, moi oles stuncicdnd este vor,bo despre ocfiuni legotede cevo prestobilit, de exemplu despre ororele de plecore gi

de sosire ole lrenurilor, ole ovioonelor etc., despre orele detnceput gi de sfdrgit ole spectocolelor sou ole evenimenielorgi despre lot ceeo ce nu poole suferi schimbdri:

Cdnd viitorul e deslul de sigur gi de previzibil, in englezd sefolosegle Present Continuous (pe cdnd ?n romdn6 se preferdincd o dqtd indicotivul prezent):

Whot qre you doing tomorrow? Ce foci mdine?Tomorrow I'm working Mdine lucrez

Cdnd viitorul e preo pufin sigur ori cdnd se foce o previziune,se preferd folosireo formei cu ,,will" (in romdnd, viitorul),odeseoinsofitd de un odverb sou de o expresie de nesiguronfd,cum or fi ,,probobly'1 (probobil),,,perhops" (poofe), ,,1 exped/th i n k/wonde r" (Md ogtepl / cred / md infreb) etc. :

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Whot ore you doing lomorrow? Ce vei foce mdine?

I don't know, I thinV Nu gtiu, cred cd voi lucro/perhops I'llwork poole voi lucrs

inlre formo cu ,,will" gi ceo cu Presenl Continuous se ofldviitorul cu ,,going to", core exprim6 un grod de certitudinemoi mic fofd de Present Continuous, dor moi more fof6 deviitorul cu ,,will":

Whoi ore you doing lomorrow? Ce foci mdine?Probobly l'm going to work Probobil cd md voi duce

Io lucru

,,Will" gi ,,going lo" se folosesc omdndoud penlru o comunicohotdrdreo de o foce un lucru, insd, Tn limp ce viitorul cu

,,going lo" se referd lo o hotdrdre luold onierior, viitorulcu ,,will" exprimd o hotdrdre luotd in momentul vorbirii.Observd exemplele core urmeozd:

A: The lqlest CD by REM

is iusl out

B: Reolly? l'll buy il!

B: I know, l'm goingto buy it tomorrow

A: Iocmoi o opdrut celrecenl album REM

B: intr-odevdr? Atunci o sdJcumpdr!

B: $fiu, mdvoi duce sd-lcumpdr mdine

,,Going io" 9i Present Continuous exprimd omdndou6o ocfiune viitoore progromold onterior. Spre deosebirede viitorul consiruil cu ,,going io" (sou cu ,,will"), PresenlConlinuous nu poole fi folosil penlru o foce previziuni:

It's going to roin lomorrow Mdine o sd ploud/va plouo

dor NU

It's roining tomorrow

Exercif ii(Solufii lo pos. 93)

Exerseqz6-fe cu o recopilulore genero16 o formelor de viiiorgi sd vedem docd le-oi osimiloi pe loole.


Completeozd propozif ii le u rmdloo re olegdnd formo corectd.

[ ... to ihe city centre todoy? E l'm sorry, ... oll morning.







tr o)Willwe gotr b) Shollwe gotrc) Dowego

tr o) l'm workingD b) lworktr c) l'm going work

ofternoon lhen.D o)Wetrb) r

tr c)We'll

E Aunt Corolino ... do some H Okoy. ... meel her thisshopping this ofternoon.tr o) is going totr b) sholltr c)willto

EXE RC rTr Ur 2

Compleleozd propoziliile urmdtoore" introducdnd formopotrivitd o viitorului verbelor dintre poronteze.

Efhe museum ot9 p.m. iomorrow.(lo close )

E Okoy. I ............ you ot 8 p.-. oulside the museum lhen.(to meet)

E lf I don't see you, you on your mobile.(to coll)

E lt's very cold. lt tonight.(to snow)


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Moybe fhere's o womsn in the piclure?


Alice se inloorce in bucdtdrie lo mdlugo Corolino, impreundcu Shoron.

Alice: Shoron, this is Jock's ounl Corolino.Shqron (intinzdndu-i mdno): ll's o pleosure to meei you,l'm Shoron Evons. I live next door.

Aunt Corolino: Another womon! And very prefry, I mightodd! Lel me guess... You're Jqck's friend, too... Who knowswhy my nephew prefers femole friends!Alice: Excuse me, I hove to go... Shoron, why don'l youstoy? You con get lo know eoch olher better! (lese.)

Aunl Corolino: Shqron, l'm o little worried obout Jock.He's so distrocted these doys... Moybe lhere's somethingyou know I don't?Shoron: Me? I don'f know onything! Reollyl

Aunl Corolino: li's stronge... I know his work is going verywell. Moybe there's o womon in lhe piclure?Shoron: Listen, l'm very sorry... As I told you I don't knowonything obout it. Now I reolly musl get going...

Aunl Corolino: Okoy, okoy... Whot's lhe motler Shoron?You look o little upset.Shoron: l'm fine, iust, just o little tired, lhot's oll!

Aunl Corolino: Listen, Shoron, you seem like such o nicegirl... Moy I osk you o fovour?Shoron: Cerloinly, go right oheod.

Aunl Corolino: You know thol l'm going lo leove in o fewdoys... When I leove, will you loke core of Jock? lt wouldmoke me feel so much better!Shorcn: Oh, well... I don't know... I don't know if I con do thot...

Aunt Corolinq: And why not?Shoron: l'm nol reolly the right person... And l'm olsocngoged to Peier... We live togelher!

Aunl Corolino: Engoged? Thot's stronge...Shoron: Why do you soy ihot?

Aunl Corolino: Becouse love is ioyful, my girl! And you!oem... Well, you seem so... unhoppy!

So infelegem(Solufii lo pos. 93)

Verificd docd oi infeles sceno, rdspunzdnd lo urmdloorelelntrebdri:

I Whot does ounl Corolino soy to Shoron?tr o) Thot she's hoppy obout Jocktr b) Thot she's worried obout Jocktr c) Thot she wonis to get to know Shoron better

E Shoron soys thot she knows why Jock is in such o sirongemood.E Truetr Folse

E Aunt Corolino thinks thot ihe problem could be:tr o) Lovetr b)Worktr c) Not eoiing enough

U Wny doesn'l qunt Corolino believe thol Shoron isengoged?tr o) Becouse she knows thot Shoron is fond of JockE b) Becouse she is too prettytr c) Becouse she looks so unhoppy







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Prepozfiile de loc gi de migcore

Englezo ore un sistem de prepozifii complex pentru o definiroporluri spofiole 9i, nu roreori, esle destul de diferit de cel

din romdnd, de oceeo e ugor sd gregegti. Sd oruncdm oprivire osupro principolelor prepozifii de loc, distingdndu-lein prepozifii core morcheozd slore pe loc Ai migcore.

pREpozrTtl CARE MARCHEAZA STARE PE LOC:,rlNtt, ,rAT" tl ,roN"

. Prepozifio ,,in" se folosegle penlru o indico o pozifie ininteriorul unui spofiu lridimensionol sou gi in inleriorul oceeo ce se vede co ,,suprofofd". Privegte urmdlooreleexpresii 9i propozifii, doie co exemplu:

i n o box/room/bu i ld i n g / gor den / cily / covnlry / ...

inlr-o cutie/ comerd/ cl6dire/ grddind / intr-un orogfinfr-olord/...

l'm slonding ol lhe endof lhe row

Eu slou Io copdlul rdndului

. Prepozifio ,,on" se folosegte in cozul unor locuri ce sunlvdzule co suprofefe sou co liniitn spofiu:

on lh e w oll / floo r hoble / poge / is I o n d/n ose/. . .

pa perele / podea / mosd / pogi nd /insuld / nos...


Prepozifio ,,o1" se folosegle gi pentru ocele locuri cqre ?n

mod normol cer prepozifio ,,in" cdnd se doregte indicoreounor puncle de inidlnire sou cdnd se dou indicofii. Compordoxemplele urmdloore:

I sow him in the slotion L-om vdzut in gord

Lel's meel qt the stolion Sd ne inldlnim lo gard

He works in thot bonk

Turn right qt the bonk. Folosim prepozifio ,,o1" penlru pozifii precise, cu locurilepercepute co ,,puncle in spofiu". Observd exempleleurm6toore:

ol the window/he door/the bus stop/the end of the street/...

lo fereaslrd/uSd/in stofio de oulobuz/lo copdtul slrdzii/...

She wos woiting ol lhebus stop

I found it on the floorLondon is on the Thomes

[-om gdsif pe podeo

Londro se ofld pe fomiso

El lucreozdin bonco oceeo

Cofegfe lo dreopta la bqncd

Fronk is in his roomI live in Argeniino

Fronk e in comero luiEu lrdiesc in Argentino

Eo ogtepto in sfofio deoulobuz

Se moifolosegte prepozifio ,,ot" peniru oroge gildri (core suntintroduse ?n mod normol de ,,in") cdnd sceste locuri nu sunlspofii generice, ci puncte precise, de exemplu ilinerore oleunei c6ldlorii moi lungi. Compord propozifiile urmdtoore:

I live in Florence frdiesc in Florenlo

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The troin slops d Florence Trenul opregfe Io Florenla(ond then goes on) (dr$ core ipi conlinud


Cu clddirile se pol folosi qtdi ,,oi" cdt gi ,,in", chior doc6se preferd ,,o1" cdnd edificiul esle vdzui co loc Tn core se

intdmpld cevo, in vreme ce ,,in" se folosegle pentru o focerefere lo clddire Tn sine. Compord urmdtoorele propozifii:

We hod lunch atlinRicci's Resiouronl

I wos ol ihe cinemaThere ore five screensin thot cinerno

in the sky/world

in o book/newspoper/mogozine/letter

Noi om luot prdnzul lorestauronlul lui Ricci

Eu om fost lo cinemolografSunt cinci sdli ?n

cinemologroful ocelo

in cer/in lume

i ntr -o corle /i nl r -u n zi o r /i nt r -orevi std /i nlr -o scrisoore

on o poge

on lhe leftlrighl

on the ground/first/rrcond floor

on o mop/menu/list

On the woy to


ln bed/hospitol/prisonql home/worVschool/university

We were cl seqfor lhree months

pe o pag,no

lo stdngo/dreoplolo porler/lo primul/lo oldoileo etojpe o hortdftnfr-un meniu/peo lisfd

pe drumul cdtre

in pol / spital /inchi soore

ocosd/lo lucru/ lo gcoold/louniversifofe

Noi om fosf pe more/noi omnovigol irei luni

Cdnd se vorbegie despre o sfrod6, se folosegle prepozifio

,,in", Tns6, cdnd se dd odreso compleld, se preferd ,,ol":

I live in Munich Sireet Sfou pe slrodo Minchen

I live crt 28 Munich Street Sfou pe strodo Mtnchen,2S


Sd vedem ocum c6ievo cozvri speciole core privescprepozifiile ,,in" 9i ,,on":

in o line/roVqueue in/lo rdnd

in o picture/phoiogroph/ in fologrofie/in oglinddthe mirror

,rAT SEA" (PE MARE) VERSUS,,tN THE SEA"(lx mane)

Primo form6 indicd elemenlul, suprofofo in generol, o douolc referd lo spofiul fizic specific pe core il putem ocupo.Prozenfo qrticolului hot6rdt ne poote oiuto s6 ne omintimoceostd diferenfd 9i sd osociem ,,igr lhe seo" cu loculporliculor:

I like swimming in lhe seq imi ploce sd inof ?n rnore

,,At" se folosegle penlru spofiile ?n core ou loc evenimenterou penlru cosele oomenilor, penlru mogozine etc.:

Yesterdoy evening we were lp.ri seord, noi erom ls Sorohol Soroh's (house) (ocosd)

I wos ol the doctor's/ A^ fosf lo doctor/lo cooforhoirdresser's

Page 13: English today-vol-10






Prepozifio ,by" e plurivolentd 9i se poole folosiin multe cozuri.Poote indico modul in core se foce un lucru, poote inlroducecomplementul de ogent ol verbului lo diotezo posivd, ins6

ore gi o serie de semnificofii spofiole. Sd vedem cdtevo:

Adeseo se folosegle,,by" pentru o indico miilocul de lronsportcu core se cdldioregle.

by co r/iro i n / pl one / bo ol / ship / bv s / b i cyc I e/etc.

cu m o gi no / tren u! / ovi on ul /vo por ul / barco / oulobuzul /biciclelo/elc.

?tlPOZlTll DE MItCARE:,,1N" tl ,,lNTO",,roN" 9l ,,oNTO", ,,OUT OF", ,,OFF"

'l ,,TO'

Prapozifio ,,in" se folosegte ol6t penlru o indico un spofiu fix(:tot pe loc), cOt 9i finto unei migc6ri (migcore cdtre loc) spreintsriorul unui spofiu sou ol unei zone. ,,lnlo", ?n schimb, poolefl folositd door ?n cel de ol doileo coz. Compor6 exemplele:






I usuolly go lo workby bus

De obicei md duc lo lucru cu


l'm swimming inlha swimming pool

He dove inlintolhs swimming pool

The dog is on the choir

The dog iumpedonlonto the choir

Inol in piscind

El s-o oruncol in piscind

Cdinele e pe scoun

Cdinele o sdril pe scoun

Acalogi lucru este volobil gi penlru ,,on" 9i ,,onlo": in timpca primo prepozifie morcheozd otdt o store cdt gi o migcorecdlre suprofofo unui obiecl, o douo se folosegle numoipcnlru migcore:I prefer trovelling by troin Prefer sd cdldforesc cu lrenul

Fii qtent:

- pentru o spune ,,pe ios" nu se folosegle prepozifio ,,by" ,

ci ,,on" (exemplu: I cqme on foot ) Am venif pe jos);

- cu miiloocele de lronspotl, prepozifio ,,by" nu poote fiurmotd de odiective posesive (,mt'', ,,you(' etc.) sou de

orticole hoidrdte ori nehotdrdle (rrthe", ,,o" , ,,Qn"l. ln oceste

situofii e preferobil sd folosim prepozifio ,,in" penlru ,,cor" 9i

,,loxi" gi prepozifio ,,on" penlru miiloocele de tronsport publice

gi pentru biciclet6 (l come in my cor/by cor ) Am venit cu

mogino meo/cu mogino; She trovelled on ihe 5.10 p.m. troin/by troin ) Eo o cdldlorit cu lrenul de 17.10 /cu lrenul).

Prepozifio ,,by" se poote folosi 9i cu semnificofio ,,l6ngd,oldturi" gi, in ocesl cezt e sinonimd cu olte prepozifii, cum

or fi ,,beside" gi ,,nexl to".

Come ond siond by me Wno gi stoi ldngd mine

The mon wos woiling Bdrbotul ogtepfoby the door l6ngd ugd

,,lnto" gi ,ronlo" indicd o migcore cdlre un loc. in schimb,penlru o ne referi lo migcoreo ce se exdculd ,,plecdnd de lo"un loc (migcore din loc) sou cdnd se losd, se pdrdsegte unloc, lrebuie s6 folosim prepozifiile ,,oul of" gi ,,off". Primo seraferd lo o migcore de plecore dintr-un spofiu sou dinlr-orond (odic6 din interiorul unui loc, fopt core, in cozul stdriipe loc, cere prepozifio ,,in"), o douo indicd o migcore deplecore de pe o suprofofd (insofit6, in cozul stotului pe loc,de ,,on"). Compord exemplele:

I goi out of the swimming pool Am iegif din piscind

The dog iumped off Cdinele o sdrif ioslhe choir de pe scoun

Page 14: English today-vol-10






Penlru migcdrile in loc gi penlru verbele de migcore cum

or fi ,,go to" (o se duce), ,,lo come" (o venl), ,,to lrovel"(o c6l6fori), se folosegte gi prepozifia ,lo".ln ocesl coz,prepozifio exprimd o migcore c6tre un onumit loc sou cdtrelocul in core trebuie sd se petreocd un eveniment (sportiv,

muzicol etc.). Privegte exemplele:

l'm going io the pork Md ducin porc

We went to the concert leri seord noi sm fosflost night lo concertShe hos gone lo lrelond Eo s-o dus in lrlondo

Fii otent: s6 nu troduci niciodold cuvdnt cu cuvdni dinrorndnd fiindcd, de exemplu, in timp ce ?n romdnd se spune

,ro merge lo Poris" squ ,,o merge lo bonc6", in enghzdmigcoreo cdtre un loc nu se exprim6 niciodotd cu prepozilio

,,o1" sou ,,in" gi se vo spune intoldeouno ,,to go to Poris"gi ,,to go io the bonk". Moi fine minle c6, pentru o soluto,se spune rrwelcome io" (9i nu ,rwelcome ot...").


Sd incheiem studiul prepozifiilor cu o recopitulore o lulurorprepozifiilor pe core le-om luot in considerore pdnd ocum:

sbove (deosupro, pe, pesfe: cdnd un lucru nu esle chiordeosupro oltuio)

We flew qbove Morocco Am zburot deosupro Morocalui

ocross (de-o lungul, in lungul, de pofieo ceololtd o)

She ron Grcross ihe slreel Eo o frorrersof sfrodo ohrg6nd

olong (de-o lungul)

Wolk o*ong thot rood Mergi de-a lungul acelei strdzi

lrcUnd (ln iur, de iur impreiur)

They wcnt for o sirolltnDund lhe city

brhlnd (in spotele)

Thc murderer wos behind Asosinul ero in spofele eiher

brlow (sub, jos: cdnd un lucru nu e chior sub un oltul)

Brighton is below London Brighton e sub (odicd lo sudde) Londro

boldc (l6nsd)

$lt boide me Agazd-le l6ngd mine

brlwcen (intre, in miilocull

The child wos between Copilul sldfeo inlre pdrinlii luihis porents

down (ios, exprimdnd migcore)

He ron down the sloirs EI o olergot in ios pe scdri

lrom (de Ia, din)

Mqnuel comes from Spoin Monuel vine din Sponio

ln front oI ffn fofa, inointe, fold in foldl

f 'm stonding in front of Stou in folo mogazinuluilhe shop

lnside (ndunlru, inJ

She went inside the church Eo o inlrol in bisericd

Ei/ele ou fdcul o plimborede iur imprejurul orogului







Page 15: English today-vol-10

JF', -





neor (ldngd)

My house is neor the pork

nexl lo (oldfuri de)

The cinemo is nexl tothe bonk

The school is oppositethe supermorket

outside (oford, in oforol

I sow him oulside the cof6

Coso meo e l6ngd parc

Cinemologro f ul se ofld oldlu ride boncd

$coolo se ofl6 fald in fol6cu supermarketul

L-om vdzul in oforo borului

Eo o troversat pddureonoopleo/ o lrecul noopleoprin pddure

Ei/ele s-ou dus lo Dublin

on top of (deosupro giin contoct cu un oli lucru)

The newspoper woson lop of the shelf

Ziorul ero deosupro roflului

opposile (faf6 in fof6, vizovi del

over (deosuprot pe: cdnd un lucru esle chior peste oltul)

There wos o bridgeover the river

round (vezi ,,oround")

through (prin)

She weni through the woodot night

to (lo, cdtre)

They went to Dublin

Ero un pod peste rdu

llwordr (lo, cdfre, spre)

Hl'r coming lowords me El vine cdtre mine

Hoi sd ne odihnim subcopoc

Eo o urcol scdrile

96dar (rub, ios: cdnd un lucru nu e exoct sub un oltul)

Thol homcless mon lived Vogobondul ocela lrdioUndrr lhc bridge sub pod

Undtnrsth (sinonim cu,,under")

!d'l rrrl underneqlhlhr lrlr

UF (rur, cxprimdnd migcore)

lhr wrnt up lhe stoirs








Page 16: English today-vol-10





Exercifii(Solulii lo pos. 93)

inceorcd ocum sd exersezi cu toole prepozifiile pe coreiocmoi le-om vdzut. Fii otent in mod speciol sd nu confunzi

,relt' , ,rin" gi ,ron".


Compleleozd propoziliile u rmdloore introducdnd prepozif io


I they don't wotch the news television.

H they prefer lo reod it ............... the newspopers.

H Sne lives .......... London.

E tliue,l3,

Clifton Villos, London W9.


Compleieozd propozifiile urmdloore introducdnd prepozifiocorecld.

E St''ott we meet inside the museum or .........................?

E Are you coming ................ cor?

E No, l'm coming ............... fooi.

E So let's meet ......... my house first.


edd (lo) o oddugoehrod inointe, in fofd€unlb mdtugicdbt ln lovr (to) o filndrdgostit/dbr on one's woy out (to)e dq sd iosdClnlro cenlru (orogului)eleud noriom. olong (to) o veni

116 porticipi lo cevo)dreldr (to) o hotdri,c dccidedlrlrqcted distrot/d,elurit/6door u9d

lgvour fovoore, pldcerehrl (to) o simfi, o probo{renrofii, sentimente)hmolc (de sex)femininflnlrh (lo) o termino,€:fdr9illt (to) o se potrivi, o-fi stoblne cu cevo pe tinehrgrt (to) o uitohol pdldrielnvltr (to) o invitoJoponese ioponezf oyful fericit / d, vesel/dleon (lo) o imprumuiolon (fo) o pierde, o rdtdcinlr (lo) o se pierde, o seriltlci; o pierde din vedere,

o l6so sd-fi scope; o simfilipsomuch muh, destulmusl o trebui, o fi necesornephew nepot (de unchi)person persoondpretty drdguf/d, grofios/oosdroin (to) o plouored rogurun-down epuizot/d,extenuot/dshopping cumpdrdturi,ochizifiislqlve (to) o muri de foome(9ifig.); o suferi de foomestomqch stomocslronge stroniu/e,neobignuii/d, ciudo/d,singulor/6loke core of (to) o oveogriid de'thin slob/d, subliretired obosit/dunhoppy nefericit/d, trist / dupset frdm0nto/6,tulburoi/dworry (to) o se nelinigti,o se ingrijoro, o sepreocupo


Page 17: English today-vol-10

F'- -=- :'i-

lrlllo 5

Thot's life! Off to Joponkil:r o forl selecfionot pentru un rol principol intr-unipfdecol muzicol celebru, de oceeo vo lrebui sd se muleh Jeponlo.,.ln ptitt.o de gromoticd vedem folosireo lui Simple Posl lofarmlh inlerogotive cu verbul ,,o fi". invdfdm sd folosimHv0nlul ,,like" co sd formuldm onumile intrebdri.

Oolng to Jopon is mokingyou much more fun!

lCrnr t

i nard gi Anne e singurd ocosd. Sosegfe Peler, vizibil!Fluriosmof.

?llrr; Hello Anne! You're very beoutiful this evening! Come98,,, Would you like o nice, big kiss?

Annr: Bul, Peler, qre you crozy?! Whot's the speciolgCeorion?

hhr: l'm so hoppy. l'm eloted!Annt: But, you're never like thisl Whot's hoppened?

lrbr: Do;you remember thol fomous director who wos otmy performonce?Annr: Whot did he look like?

hlrr: You know, thot toll, well-dressed mon, obout fiftyyaors old. He looked like Clork Goble.Annc: Oh, yes, now I remember...






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Peler: Well, he soid he wonled lo direct o musicol in Jopon'

Anne: Yes, ond... But so whqt?

Peter: And he sqid he wonled me io do on oudition'

Anne: Yes... I con'l slond lhe suspense"' Whot obout


Peler: Well... Todoy I ouditioned'.. And listen to this, Anne!

He wonts me to go with him to JoPon!

Anne: Oh, conirolulotions, Peier! Thot's fontostic' l'm so

h.ppv for you!\ow tell me everything"' Whot wos the

oudition like?

Peler: lwos very nervous... At firsi he osked me to sing' ond

ihen he osked me to qct like o snob"' You know, they're

putting on ,,My Foir Lody'' ond they ore looking for on ocJor lo

loytn'" Professor of Pronunciotion' Remember, ihis professor

ironsforrn, o simple flower girl into o high society sior'

Anne: Oh, wow! A leoding role! You ore perfect for the

port! You like weoring foncy scorves"' You enioy using o

,uperio, tone of voice... Are you going io move to Jopon?

Peler: Of course! l'm so excited qbout lhe ideo of living

lhere. I wonder whot it will be like?!

Anne: Whot does Shoron think obout oll this?

Peler: Well, she doesn'l know yet"' You know, she's so

-ooav. I need io find the right words"' Anywoy"' All

I con think qbout now is celebroting! Do you wonno

doncing?lAnne: But you hote doncing, Peler!

Peler: I know. Bul I wonno be crozy tonight! Pul on

best dress... I woni you lo look like Sophio Loren!

o sdruld pe frunte Pe Anne.)

Xbtr Hay, whol's hoppening here? You're kissing eochelher I

Fttrn Aliee, now hold on... l'm leoving for Jopon!

Jkrr For Jopon? Whot ore you going to do in Jopon?lltilrr l'm gonno qct in o greot musicol... My Foir Lody!

Jhrr Thol'a omozingl And when ore you going lo leove?ldfn I don't reolly know yet. I ihink we're gonno leovelF A/v6 or lhrse weeks ot the most.

Ihrr And whot does Shoron think obout this?Ffrn Shoron, Shoron! All you wqnnq know obout is

3heran,,. I imogine she'll be very pleosed to come withffiE',, Al ony rolo, il's time to porty! We're going doncing,reUld you likc to ioin us?

illGl I Doncing?l Why or.en't you olwoys like this? Going tokpan ir moking you much more fun!







(sosegfe Alice gi-i surprinde pe cei doi ?n efuziuni echivoce.)

Page 19: English today-vol-10





Sil lnfelegem(Solufii lo pos. 94)

Verificd docd oi infeles diologul rdspunzdnd lo intrebd

core urmeozd. Doc6 fi-e greu, te pofi uitq din nou

episodulvideo de pe DVD sou poli consulto vocobulqrul

lo sfdrgitul lecfiei'

E Whot did the fomous direclor look like?

tr o) Short, with glosses, obout fortY

tr b) Toll, well'dressed, obout fiftY

tr c) Toll, very thin, obout seventY

E Whot port in ihe show is Peter going to ploy?

tr o)The Professor of Pronunciolion in My Foir Lody

tr b) Donny Zucoin Greose

tr c) The stor in the Rocky Horror Show

H Whot does Shoron think obout going to live in Jopon?

tr o) She is very hoPPY

tr b) She is sod ond doesn't wonl to go

tr c) She doesn't know obout il Yet

E When is Peter going to leove for Jopon?

tr o) Next weektr b) ln two or lhree weeks ol the mosl

tr c) Next month


Infrbirile cu ,,Simple Pqsl"

la lacltllt snlgrioore om invdfot Simple Post ol verbelorEfUlcb ;i ncregulote. Am v6zut cum se formeozd lrecutul€tl€rE ;i cum se construiesc propozifiile ofirmotive,RffCtlve ;l inierogotive. Poole ifi omintegti cd ocest timprcrbel ra folosegte lo descriereo unor ocfiuni gi situofiihl€mplote pi incheiote inlr-un onumit momenl definit dinFCCuI pl corospunde limpurilor imperfecf, perfeci simplu gi

F:drcl compus din limbo romdnd.b€ mgi focom cdtevo exercifii cu Simple Post, moi oles inEEIC c: privcale conslrucfio intrebdrilor. Vo fi o ocozie bund$ r:eopiluldm verbele neregulote gi sd ne qnirendm lof€lctlrro ouxiliorelor.

lnrr!!Anr cu RAsPUNs scuRr

Fermo interogotivd o Simple Posi esle uno singurd otdlle vrrbelo regulote cdt 9i lo cele nereguloie gi coniugoreoe lA fel lo loole persoonele. Se conbtruiegte cu quxiliorul

rdld" urmot de subiect 9i de formo de bozd o verbului (lolnflnltiv fdrd ,,to"), dupd cum pofi observo in schemo coregffficozd:

Dld + tubiect + verb lo infinitiv fdrfr ,,1o" * determindriUllrrloqro + expresie de timp determinot + ?

Dfd you go to the cinemo Ai fosf Io cinematogrof ieri?yeelerdoy?






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Lo intrebdrile cu verbul ,,to be" se inverseozd ordineo dintresubieci gi verbul predicot, cum se orql6 in urmdiooreoconstrucfie:

Wos/were + subiect + determindri uherioorc +expresie de limp determinat + ?

lrrrrltm TNTRoDUsE DE o pARrrcutAlH?rrooAnvA

b lnfubCrila inlroduse de o porticuld interogotivdERrlrueflo cllo urmdtooreo:

|3:lhult lnlrrogotivd + did * subiecl + verb ls infinitivfft€,rlo" * drtrrmindri ulterioore + expresie de timpddtrmlnot + ?

Rfispunsurile lo oceste iipuri de tntrebdri sunl mereu foortescurfe (do sou nu) 9i se construiesc ostfel:

Wos she ot the pofilosi week?

Formq ofirmotivdYes,*subiect+didYes,+subiect+wos/were

Did you reod thot book?Yes, I did/ No, I didn'tWere you ot the portyyesierdoy?Yes, Iwos/No, Irrcsn't

A fosf eo lo pefi'eceresdpfdmdno trecut6?

fornm negofivdNo,+subiect+didn'tNo,+subiecttwqsn'Vweren'l

Ai citil corleo oceeo?DolNuEroi ieri lo pelrecere?DqlNu

Whu dld you cotp:hrdoy?

Ce oi m6ncol ieri?

Frupozifiile inferogotive cu verbul ,lo be" urmeozdEF:hucfio:

|lrtleult inlerogolivd + wss/were + subiecl +idrtmlndri uherioore + expresie de timp determinol+t

l{hrrr wos he lost week? Undeero/ofosf elsdpfdmdnolreculd?

Fii qlent: in vorbireo curenl6, formo negolivd se folosegtein generol controsd: ,rwosn'/werent" pentru propozifiile cuverbul ,,lo be" gi ,,didn't" pentru tooie celelolte verbe.

Page 21: English today-vol-10






56 vedem in cele ce urmeozd cum formuldm intrebdriplecdnd de lo propozifii ofirmotive.

Exarcif iilSelufll lo pos. 94)

ACum exerseozd-te cu Simple Posi.

lllrclTlut I

Tfanrlormd propozifiile ofirmotive in intrebdri, folosindpitilculole inlerogolive dintre poronteze (c6nd sunt


3l::::::: ::::: '*::l

Il: ::: :: :::ll:: :tt: : ::::: 1*::: *Tl

I :: ::::: :::: :::: TI ::l::::'-'*:ll

I n. rong well......i...........



I sold it yesterdoyWhen did you sell it?

I mel him on MondoyWhen did you meet him?

I cqme by iroinHow did you come?

I hod q problemWhot problemdid you hove?

I boughl it in Englond L-om cumpdratin AnglioWhere did you buy it? Unde l-ai cumpdrol?

I found it on ihe bus L-om gdsif in oulobuzWhere did you find it? Unde l-oi 96sir?

He wos of homeWhere wqs he?

lflew by BAHow did you fily?

I sow o film yesterdoyWhor did you see?

I dronk some wineWhot did you drink?

I took on ospirinWhot did you loke?

L-om vdndut ieriCdnd l-oi vdndut?

L-am inldlnit luniCdnd l-oi intdlnil?

Am venil cu trenulCu ce oi venit?

Am ovu| o problemdCe problemd ai ovul?

El ero ocosdUnde ero el?

Am zburot cu ,BACu ce componie oi zburol?

Am vdzut un film ieriCe oi vdzut?

Am bdul nigfe vinCe oi bduf?

Am luot o ospirindCe oi luol?

Page 22: English today-vol-10






Com pleteozd u rmdtoorele propozifii olegdnd formo verbo16


I Wqs the director very old? No, ...tr o) he didn'ttr b) he isn'ttr c) he wosn't

E Where ... Anne ond Peter lost night?tr o) wostr b)weretr c) ore

E Wny ... to the iheotre?tr o) didn't go Shorontr b) didn'r Shoron gotr c) didn't Shoron went

E Were you oi work yesterdoy? No ...tro)trb)trc)


?hal't whot you think.""

lElttl z

lnna pt Alice, foorle elegonte, se pregdtesc sd iosd in orog,C€nd rosagfe Jock.

fifkr Hi, everybody! Wow! l'm reolly pleosed lo see

friryone dressing up like this for me!knr: Hol Ho! You'd like to be the centre of ottention,l*Buldn'i you?

fiekr Well... Of course! Anne, thol colour reolly suits you!And Alice, mode up like thot you look much... older. Whot'shEppening, onywoy? Why ore you oll so elegonl? Did I

fargat something?

ilhr: No, Jock! We're going oul to celebrole wilh Peter.

Hl lr going io ploy o role in o musicol... And he's movingts Japonl

ftk: To Jopon?! Whot does Shoron think obout oll this?

lnn} She doesn'l know... Anywoy, occording to Peter,

:hr'll be ecstotic obout the ideo of moving to Jopon...

lftlt: Moving to Jopon?!Whoi does Slloron hove lo do withFffcr's musicol onywoy?!

lllcr: Well, you know how it is, Jock... When two peopleEft togelher, ihey moke chonges together... And, onywoy,ilhy do you core if Peter ond Shoron move io Jopon?

JCck: t don'l cqre... But I reolly don'l rhink lhot Shqron isgoing to be hoppy qbout moving io Jopon.Anne: Thot's whol you think...

Jqck: Well... Of course I could be wrong...Allce: ln ony cose, it's useless to moke guesses... Hey Jock,do you wont io come with us?





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Jock: Not reolly. Tell Peier l'm sorry, but I don'i reolly

like celebroiing tonight...Anne: Well... You don't know whol yor.r're missing"'

Alice: Soyonoro, Jock!

Sd Tnfelegem(Solufii lo pos. 94)

Verificd docd oi infeles sceno, r6spunzdnd lointrebdri:

il Wittr moke up Alice looks:

tr o) Prettiertr b)Tollertr c) Older

H Where ore Anne ond Alice going?

tr o) To the theoiretr b) To meel Shoron ot the restouronitr c) Out with Peter lo celebroie

H According to Jock whoi will Shoron soy oboutto Jopon?tr o) She'll iell Peter she hqs to think qbout it

tr b) She won't be hoPPY oboul the move

tl c) She'll be enlhusiosiic

E Jock is going out with lhem to celebrole.tr Truetr Fqlse


lnrrbarile cu ,,like"€gv€nlul ,,llka" s6 poole folosi co verb gi tot ol6t de bineE preparlfic, ln primul coz, ore semnificofio ,,o pl6ceo"

!i se feloselle penlru o exprimo, in generol, gusturile unei

F€F:EFEnE, ln plus, lo condifionol ,,lo like" se folosegte

F€nlru o oferi sou pentru o propune cevo cuivo intr-un mod

Felllbsa sou peniru o monifesto dorinfe ori preferinfe.

*Llke" r,rr prepozifie, in schimb, ore semnificofio ,,cum",e€€n ti ae folosegte de obicei penlru o foce comporofii. Se

ffiei ploote ulilizo impreund cu verbul ,,to be" gi cu verbul

r€ lpok" penlru o foce referinld lo ospectul fizic sou loFBreclet ul unei persoone.

ts vedcrn impreund core sunt intrebdrile cele moi frecvente

€€r: folosssc cuvdnlul ,,like".


Fgnlru o ne informo despre gusturile unei persoone, de

S:mplu despre hobby-urile ei, se folosegte expresio ,,whotd€:l he/she /like?" (pentru persoono o lreio singulor), dup6€UFn orotd exemplul urmdtor:






WhEt does he like?


He likes ploying bosketboll,footboll ond going io lhelheotre

Ee i ploce lui (sd focd)? ii ploce sd jooce boschef, sd

iooce fofbol pi sd meorgd Ioleolru

Page 24: English today-vol-10








Whot would they likelo do?


They'd like to hove dinnerin o nice restouroni

Ce le-or pldceo sd focd Le-or pldceo sd io cinoinlr-un restouronf frumos

Where would you liketo go ihis weekend?

l'd like to go lo the seo

lJnde oi vreo sd le duci Io Mi-or pldceo sd md duc

ocesf sfdrgif de sdpfdmdnd? la more

Would you like some wine? Yes, thonks

Vrei pulin vin? Do, mullumesc

lxrrEBARrLoR cu

tr kmc lntrrogotivil, ,,would like" se construiegte pundnd

tE pHmul loc ,would", urmot de subieci gi de ,,like", opoi* CmFlcmanlul obiect (direct) sou de verb lo infinitiv

ts r€'1, dupd urmdtooreo schemd:

flfuld * rubbcl + like + complement obiecVverb loffinltlY * drlrrmindri ulterioqre r ?

lhutg you liko lo come Ai chef/li-or pllceo sd rzii

fli wlth ur tonighi? osfd-seord cu noi?

E h*eb0 ril c i ntrod use cu o po rticu I 6 inferogotivd consl:ucf io

E UffiElooroo:

€€lt?ructlArH€UfD tll(I"





Expresio ,,would like" se folosegte in generol in intrebdripentru o oferi sou pentru o propune politicos cevo cuivo.

in propoziliile ofirmotive, ,,would like" exprimd o preferinfd

sou o dorinfd core opore chior in ocel momenl (,,1'd like"

corespunde cu ,rmi-or pldceo", ,ro; vreo", ,rmi-or prinde

bine sd"). Acum uitd-te lo urmdloorele exemple:

kttlculC interogolivd +ffiFbment obiect/verbIkloorc + ?

Hhet would you likeI rtdrr?thl would you likeh Co tonisht?

would + subiecl + like +lo infinitiv + deternriniri

Ce oi yreo sd comonzi?

Ce fi-or pldceo sd fociosf6-seord?

lllolrnt:-= ltr pr"opozifiile interogotive nu existd forrno conlrosdl= lfi rdspunsurile scurfe (cele core cer un ,,do" sou un,nu")e: rapetd ,,would", precedot de subiect (exemplu: Wouldyait like io drink o beer? Yes, I would/No, I wouldn'l iAt t lrcf sd bei o bere? DolNu).

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Lq formo ofirmolivd, ,,would like,, se puna m6reu dupdsubiect gi poote fi urmot direct de complemanlul obiect soude verbul lo infinitiv (cu ,,1o"). in limbo curcnld re preferdfolosireo formei conlrose ,,,d like,, (un ,,d,, cu aposlrofimediot dupd subiect). Observd schcmcls urm610rrrc:

Subiect + would like/,d likc + compbmrnt obiocVverb lq infinitiv + determindri ultrrlosru


Pentru o oveo informofii despre ospectul fizic ol uneipersoone se folosegle expresio ,,whot does helshe looklike?" (cu referire lo persoono o lreio singulor), dupd cumpofi observo din exemplul core urmeozd:

intrebore Rdspuns

Whqt do they look like? They're toll ond hondsome

Cum orqtd ei?/Ce ospecf ou? Suntinalyi gi frumogi


,,Whot is he/she like?" (pentru persoono o treio singulor)este intreboreo ce se pune pentru o primi informofii desprecorocterul ori despre personoliloteo unei persoone. Observdexemplul urmdtor:

intrebqre Rdspuns

Whot is he like? He's very cleverond quite generous

Cum esfe el/ Ce fel de lip e? E foorte degtept gi destulde generos

Expresio ,,whol is helshe/it like?" se folosegte gi pentru ocere pdrereo oltuio despre cevo gi peniru o primi informofiidespre vreme. Observd exemplele ce urmeozd:

intrebore Rdspuns

Whot wos lhe film like? Terrible!







Fii otent: ,,would like" e maruu urm€l d: brmc verbololo infinitiv gi niciodotd de formo tn .lng e v:rbglui,

Lo formo negotivd, se introducc na$fl€ rnglr lnlre ,,would,,gi ,,like".- in limbo curentd r. irldr6 furmu .r,,t,ora,,wouldn'i". Observd schemo urmdloEFll

Subiect r would + not (wouldn'tf + llkf * tfmpl:rnonrobiect/verb ls infinitiv + detrrminirl glhCf,tn'

lwould like q beer

l'd like to drinko beer

lwouldn't liketo go out ionight

Jock wouldn't likelo wotch W tonight

,49 vrao o b:rr,49 vno 16 breu c bprs

N-om chlf J€ Jct €tf€=rerrct

Jock nu vrug I€ t€ u,t€osfd-ssori la tslevi*cr


Cum o fosl filmul? Oribil!

Page 26: English today-vol-10

F;'- -









F_{ €Fnrlruir;ti ?ntrebdri cu verbul sou cuFr filnC qbnl lo diferitele semnificofii pe corehfpi,

grt'Hlxt,i[ em r Shoron?

ffeli Annc?lltiirr rr

l.or pldcco s6 iosd cu Jock?lllrrrrrrrrrrr.rr

ng t olemoneq celorlqlte fele.

l?ruL 4h rcmdna,

|lu llkc trovellins?lllltirlr,'...'.

h your fother todoy?

I l'C reolty like to hove o long holidoy.iiillllrrrr',"'.'

I Yu, look iust like your mother.iltl+tlrr',,,...

inlrebqre Rdspuns

Whol's the weolher like? Fine ond sunny

Cum e vremeo? E frumoosd gi ?nsorifd

Fii otent: pentru o cere descriereo unui obiect se potdeopolrivd expresiile ,,whot is it like?" gi ,,whot does illike?" (exemplu: Did you see my English book? Whol'slike?AVhot does it look like? ) Ai vdzul corteo meaenglezd? Cum e? Cum orold?|.


,,How is he?" esie inlreboreo pe core o punem cdndsd ofldm ce foce o persoond, cum se simte in ocel

9i core e sloreo ei de sdndtole. Cdnd lroducem dinin englezd focem odeseq gregeolo de o confundoexpresie cu ,,whol does he look like?". Asto sepeniru cd intreboreo ,,how is he?", trodusd cuvdnt cucorespunde cu expresio noostr6 ,rcum e el?". Nu uilocd oceosld inlrebore nu ore nimic de o foce cu ospeclulol unei persoone gi deci esie gregit sd o folosim Tn

sens. Observd exemplul core urmeozd:

intreboreHow ore you?

Ce foci?


l'm o bit tired

Sunf pufin obosit

Page 27: English today-vol-10


oct (to) o reocliono;o se comporio; o recilo,o interpreto un roluloclor ocioromozing surpri nzdto r f oore,minunoi/dof ony rqle oricum, in orice

coz, in orice felqt the mosl in cel moi bun

cqzottention otenfieoudition (to) o do o probd

be elqted (lo) o fi exoltot/d,enluziosmot/6, freneiic/dcore (to) o-fi pdso, o se

interesol o se PreocuPocelebrole (to) o sdrbdtori,o foce o petrecere;

o celebro, o comemorocenlre cenlru, miez

chonge schimborecolour culoorecongrolu lotion fel icito re,

urore de binedonce (to) o donsodirect (to) o regizodirector regizor; director;odministrolordress up (lo) o se Prefoce,o se trovestiecstotic enluziosl/d,foscinot/6elegonl elegont/d

exciled excitot/6,polpitont/dfomous foimos/oos6foncy excenlric/d, ciudoi/6,bizor/6flower girl flordreosdfun glum6, coroghiosl6c;ironie; hoz, umor,omuzomenihigh Tnolt/dhold on (to) o ogtePto,

o slo pe locJopon Joponio

ioin (lo) o se ol6luro,o se uni cu

leoding princiPol, dominomoke up (to) o se fordomove (to) o (se) migco,

o (se) tronsfero, o (se) muio

nentous nervos/oosd,ogitot/doccosion ocozieport porteperformonce sPeclocolteotrol, piesd de teolruprofessor profesorpronunciotion pronunfieput on (to) o pune in scend

role rol; podescorf 9ol, fulorsimple simplu/6sing (to) o cdnlosociety socieiote

Sttlel aFE€lell€iF efac, rterHlif{Cr rupctier/trurotsil| inclt/a {d:rpre outttetti)lFi *en

ffighrm (le! o honsfornroE5E llgl a folnri, c ulilirs[E!hr trrulillo, rrefolosilor/Frcnal ltelu putlet,

E lmbratgEll-drud birre

hbr€eel/offiFF srEPit

Page 28: English today-vol-10

I Life's confusingifilrr ll comunicd, ?n cele din urm6, lui

rt pbcc ln Joponio 9i ii propune s6t r foortc nedumeritd.

Sfmeilc6 lnvdfdm o noud formd verbold, Posi

lfd llmp rc folosegte pentru o descrie ocfiunilnlr-un timp delerminot din trecul gi

dilfdgurore core sunl inlreruple de olte

Fm lolotlrco odverbelor de intdrire (forme de

rlg'tl ,tuch'.

q turprise!

frlrfon, Peler se plimbd nervos prin camerd!E ro rd lermine convorbireo.

I hltfon): Yes, sure. Okoy, four o'clock is fine.letrr, bye, (lnchide.)mra you speoking to, Shoron?

?e lhr museum I seni my CV to. l'm gonno hovefhir ofternoon.

Ermll Bul I reolly don'l undersiond why you oreI rurh to find o iob!

You know very well I don'l enioy being o tour, Now, lel's get bock to us... Where were you lostYou didn't get home unlilihree in the morning!I wgr out with Anne ond Alice... Listen Shoron, I hove

pu romething very importonl.






Page 29: English today-vol-10






Shoron: Whol's ihe motler, Peter? ls something wrong?.

i.r.tt W"f f , nol reolly wrong, but"' Yesterdoy"' Remember

*fr"n f wos'woiting for you outside ihe gym? You sow thot

director, didn't You?

Shqron: The one who wonts to put on o musicol in

Jopon?;;i;;, Yes, thol's lhe one. Well"' He osked me to oudition"'

5rr irrfelegemlEclufti hr pog. 95)

Yertitr n rlocd oi infeles diologul, r6spunz6nd lq intrebdrile€gfe unndoz6. Doc6 fi-e greu, te pofi uito din nou loepi<r=rrfirl video de pe DVD sou pofi consulto vocobulorulde le rlnrgilul lecfiei.

E Wlt,, wcrs Shqron tolking to on the phone?

E ef lo Arrne

tr bl In lror motherElgl i., llro rnuseum where she sent her CV

Wtrnl is Shoron going to do this ofternoon?Bf Hnve on inlerview for o iobbi Toke o group of lourisis to ihe Tote Gollery€f t5n to lhe gym

! Wtrlt wore they doing ot the lheotre when Peler orrived?El ef f leorring up the stoge

@ bf ilrrvirrg quditions

Ei El Relruorsing the firsi scene of My Foir Lody

! Whur rlid lhe direclor do while Peler wos singing?Elel Fle s;ot ongryEl bl tle irrlerrupled ond shouted ,,lhe port is yours"tr el il" told Peler to try ogoin




=oJShoron: And...?

i"i"tt Well, we hod o meeling"' And the oudition went very

welll lt's o shome you weren't there' I wos fontosiic! Let me

rell yo, whot hoppened. Firstly, when .l .orrived they were

J"orring rhe firit scene of ,,My Foir Lody": o girl wos selling

flowers on the street, people were possing by withoui noticing

her, two men were wotching the scene loughing oll the while'

ifrun f sot down becouse t-dldn't wonno inierrupi onything!

After thot, oll of o sudden, the director noticed me"'

."ii"a "ria me qnd osked me to ploy one of lhe roles'

i"r" .orn"t the best port' Finolly, while I wos singing' hr

i"t"tr"pt"J *" ond he shouted: ,Greol, my boy'.the port i

il;tli C;; you believe it Shoron? I sot the leodins port!

Shqron: l'm reolly hoppy for you, Peier!

Peler: You should be hoppy for both of us!

Shqron: WhY is thot?

Peler: Becouse we ore gonno leove for Jopon! ln t*o-?'

weeks ol lhe mosl... YoJ'll come with me, won'l you' Shoron

Shqron: Jopon? But... Bul"' How? This is such o surt

1... I don't know Peler. I certoinly wosn'l expecling this'

Peler: Whot's the problem? A cironge will do us both good

ffi;i;t keeping you here? You don't seem hoppy with you


shoron: Thot,s true... lwonted o chonge... But I certoinlywosr

"l<pe;i"g ihis. This is so sudden"' l'm completely confused!


Page 30: English today-vol-10


:#i Focus

,rPost Continuous"

Posl Continuous se folosegte co timp trecui ol Present

Continuous pentru t i;;i;; ; ocfiune in curs de desf6gurore

(durotivd) inrr-un rnot"Lii"J"tti"tt din' irecut' Corespunde

i;;;;j", rl'p't itf"'fu"t ol modului indicotiv'


Lo formo ofirmotivd, Post Coniinuous se construiegte cu

trecuiul verbului ,,to ULJ t*"t/1"*.1 urmoi de formo in -ing o

verbului principol tg";''iti"t' dupi cum se orqtd in schemo


Subiect + wos/were + formo in 'ing o verbului +

determin6ri ulterioore

I wos woshing my cor Eu lmi spdlom mo;ino

You were wolking fu te plimboi?n porc

in the Pork

He/she wqs working on

cl new Proiect

It wos roining

We were wolching TV

You were lisleningto the rodio

They were reoding o book

El/eo lucra lo un nou Proiect


Noine uilom lo lelevizor

Voi osculfoli radioul

Ei/dle citeou o corte





Formo negotivd se obline oddugdnd negofio ,,nol" imediot

dupd verbul ,,lo be" coniugot lo lrecut. ln limbo curenld se

prcferd formele conlrose ,,wosn't", pentru persoo.no intdi 9i

€ lreio singulor, 9i ,,weren't", pentru loole celelolte siluofii'

Observd schemo urmdtoore:

3ubiect + wos/were + nol * formo in -ing o verbului* delermindri uherioqre





I wosn'l woshingmy cor

You weren't wolkingln the pork

He/she wosn'l working onq new proiect

ll wqsn't roining

We weren'l wotching TV

You weren't listeninglo the rqdio

They weren't reodingo book

Eu nu imi sp6lom mogino

Tu nu le plimboi in porc

El/eq nu lucro lo un nouproiecl

Nu plouo

Noi nu ne uilom Io TV

Voi nu oscultoli rodioul

Ei/ele nu'cifeou o carle

Page 31: English today-vol-10

F'-l rq




_--__'- 'r__'i


Lo formo,interogotivd, verbul ,,to be,, precede subiectul,urmql de formo in -ing o verbului, dupd cum pofi observoin schemo core urmeoz6:

Wos/were + subiect + formo ln -ing o verbului +determindri ulterioorr * ?

Lo ?ntrebdrile inlrodusc de o porliculd interogotivdconstrucf io este urmdloqreo :

Pqrticuld interogotivd * wor/wrrt I rubircl f formsin -ing o verbului + dttrmlndrl ultrrloor. + ?

Who wqs I tolking io?Whot were you doing?Where wos helshe going?Whot wos hoppening?Whqt were we looking for?Which book were youreoding?

lVhot were they woiting Co opleptcu ai/ale?for?

Fii otent: lo rdspunsurile scurle (cele core cer un ,do" oriun ,,nu") se repetd numoi ouxiliorul ,,wQsfwere" precedotde subiect (exemplu: Were you working? Yes, I wos/No,lwosn'f ) lucroi lu? Do/Nu).


Propozifiile interogotiv-negotive se construiesc cu verbul

,,lobe" , urmol de negofio ,,nol" , de subiect gi de formo Tn -ingo verbului. in limbo curenld se folosegte formo conlrosd 9i lopersoonq Tnl6i singulor, dupd cum pofi observo in schemo


Verbul ,,lo be" + nol + subiect + forma in -ingo verbului * determindri ulterioore * ?

Wosn'l lworking? Nu lucrom eu?

Weren'l you working? Nu lucroi lu?

Wosn't helshe working? Nu lucro el/eo?Wosn'l it working? Nu funcfiono?Weren'l we working? Nu lucrom noi?

Weren'l you working? Nu lucrofi voi?

Weren'l they working? Nu lucrou ei/ele?


Post Continuous se folosegte:

o) pentru o descrie o ocfiune core se desfdgoord inlr-unmoment delerminol in trecut:

Anne wos cooking posto Anne pregdfeo posfe

Peter wos woiling for Peler o ogtepfo pe Shoron

Shoron ouiside ihe gym ofard din solo de gimnosficdyesterdoy ofternoon ieri dupd-omiozd

Wos I singing thotold song?

Were you working hord?Wqs he/she doncing?Wos it snowing?Were we cooking?Were you hoving dinner?Were they slccping?

Cdntom eu cdntecul ocelovechi?

Munceoi tu din greu?

Donso el/eo?


Gdlaom noi?

Cinoli voi?

Dormcou ei/ale?

Cu cinc vorbaom eu?

Cq fdctsituSUndc at ducao al/eo?Cr rr lnt0mploF

Cc cdlulom noiF

Ca corlo eilsali voi?





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Exercif ii(Solufii lo pog. 95)

Acum fd exercifii cu Post Continuous.


Arotd doc6 propozifiile sunt corecte (right) ori gre9ile (wrong)

9i rescrie-le corect cdnd e nevoie.

RWtrtrll Yesterdoy John wenl lo


E while he trovelled he

wos meeling Jone on lhelroin.

H She wos goingto Noples.

E they were chottingwhile they trovelled.





Completeozd frozele cu formele verbelor dintre poronleze lo

Post Simple sou lo Post Continuous, in funcfie de conlexl.

E When John wos in Rome he ............ some books (buy)

E tte ... one of the books (reod) when ihe troin ... (orrive)

H tte the troin (miss) becouse he .'........... (reod)

E White he ... for the next troin (woit) he ... the book (finish)

b) pentru o descrie o ocfiune in curs de desfd^lurqre intrecut, core esle intreruptd de o oltd ocfiune. ln ocesl6situofie, cele doud ocliuni sunl exprimote cu limpuri diverse.Acliuneo intrerupi6 este ceo lo Post Coniinuous, pe cdndocfiuneo core intrerupe se exprimd cu Simple Post. Celedoud ocfiuni sunt legote inlre ele prin odverbe de timp cuvoloore coniuncfionold ,,when" (c6nd) gi ,,while" (pe cdnd,in timp ce), core se pol regdsi gi lo inceputul propozifiei.Observd exemplele urmdloore:

Acfiune inlreruptdWe were wotching TVNe uitom lo fV

Acfiune core intrerupewhen you orrivedcdnd oi sosil

While she wos hoving o shower the lelephone rqngPe cdnd eo fdceo dug o sunol lelefonul

Aceeogifrozd se poote deci exprimo in doud fuluri:

John qrrived while I wos John o sosil in timp cespeoking on lhe phone eu vorbeom la lelefonWhen John orrived I wqs C0nd o sosif John,speoliing on ihe phone eu vorbeom lo telefon

c) peniru o descrie doud ocfiuni ce so desfdgoord simuhon:

Jonet wqs wolching Wwhile lwos lidying upthe house

He wqs reoding o bookwhile lwos cooking

Joncl sa uito lo televizorinfimp ca au fdceom ordineprin cosd

El citeo o corle in vremece eu gdlaom





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I ftoughl we were iusl friends!


E seord. Anne e in bucdldrie lo arogoz. lnlrd Jock.

Jock Hi, Anne... Whoi's thqt smell? Whqt ore you cooking?Anne: l'm cooking roost beef.

Jock: Wow! l'm storving... You know, my sweel Anne,I wos thinking obout you fodoy, obout how you toke core ofAlice ond me... You ore foniostic! lt's something l've been

wonting to tell you for o long lime.Anne: Come on, Jock! Stop it! Stop moking fun of me!

Jock: But it's true Anne! Whot's the mqtter? Why ore you so

nervous todoy?Anne: I know everything, Jock... I know oll obout you ondShoron!

Jock: And... Whot is it exoclly thot you know?

Anne: Thot you hod o relotionship mony yeors ogo ondthot... Moybe... You sre siill in love with her.

Jock: And how did you find lhis oul?Anne: I wos tidying up in the living room the night of Peter's

performonce when I sow your iockel. I wos toking ii lo your

room when something fell out... lt wos o phoio... A verymeoningful photo... You were kissing herl So I spoke toShoron...

Jock And whor did she soy?

Anne: She rold me everylhingl Tell me lhe lrulh, Jock-..

Are you still in love with her?

Jock: Well... I hove to odmit ihol seeing her mokes me

feel...Anne: But... Whot oboul me, Jock? I thought... I thoughtthere wos something speciol between us!

Jock: And lhere is, Anne! I core very much oboul you,

but...Anne: But?

Jock: Well... I thought we were iust friends!Anne: Oh... Okoy, Jqck... I understond now!

Jock: Woit, Anne... I didn't meon to hurt your feelings...Anne: But it doesn't motler, Jock! Jusl remember: Shoron

is going to Jopon!






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Sd Tnfelegem(Solufii lo pog.95)

Verificd docd oi infeles sceno, rdspunzdnd lo urmdlooreleTnlrebdri:

E Whot is Anne cooking?tr o) Losognotr b) A coketr c) Roost beef

E Whot does Anne know oboul Jock ond Shoron?tr o) Thot Jock is in love with Shoron but she isn'l in lovewith himtr b) Thoi lhey were engoged some yeors ogotr c) Thol they ore going lo get morried soon

H How did Anne find out obout Jock ond Shoron?tr o) Peler iold hertr b) She reqd o love letter from Jock to Shorontr c) She found o pholo of them kissing

H Whot did Anne believe oboul her relolionship wilh Jock?tr o) Thoi lhey were iust friendstr b) Thor lhere wqs somelhing cpeciol between ihemtr c) Thot ihey were very different


,rSo" gi ,rsuch"Al6luride odiectivele colificotive, de odverbe gide substontivese folosesc odeseo cuvinie core occentueozd gi ou rolul de oconferi moi multd emfqzd enunfului noslru. Aceste cuvinlesunt ,,so" gi ,,such", ce corespund qdverbelor ,,oSot' , ,,olAf' ,

,,lot ol6t de". Folosireo lor depinde de prezenfo sou deobsenfo unui substontiv dupd odiectiv.


,,So" se folosegte pentru o occenluo odiectivul sou odverbulin propozifiile in core ocesiq qpore singur sou neurmotde un subslontiv. ,,So" precede intotdeouno odiectivul oriodverbul, dupd cum orold schemq:

So + odiecliv/odverb

Tibet is so interesling Tibetul e oldt de interesonf

The instruments oreso difficult to ploy

The monqsterieshugeli wos so cheop

lnstrumentele muzicole sunlogo de gireu de folosif

ore so Mdndstirile sunf al6l de mori

Era otdl de ieftin

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,,Such" se folosegie pentru o occentuo odiectivul inpropozifiile in core oceslo este urmot de un subslonliv.Docd substoniivul este lo singulor gi numdrobil, odiectivule precedot gi de orticolul nehotdrdl (,e", ,en',).

,,Such" poole fi folosit gi numoi cu substontivul pe coreil precede, cum orotd schemq ce urmeozd:

Such + articol nehotdrdt + substontiv numdrqbillo singulor


,,So" se poole folosi gi drept coniuncfie in propozifiileconseculive, odic6 oceleo core orotd cd propozifiosecundord esle o urmore o regenlei sqle. in ocesld situofie,e urmol de ,,thol" gi ore semnificolio ,ogo... inc6t". ,,Thol,,poole fi omis. Observd conslrucfio urmdloore:

So + cdiecliv/udverb + (thotf

She wos so interesting Eo ero ofdt de inferesonfd,.(lhol) lhey invited her bock incdt ou invitot-o din nou

The test wos so eosy (thot) Exomenul o fost ogo de ugor,everyone possed ?ncdf l-ou trecul cu lolii

,,So" poote fi folosit gi drept coniuncfie conclusivd o unuidiscurs. in oceosid siiuofie ore infelesui de ,,ogodo r" , ,deci,, ,,rofo c6", ,ele" , rrde oceeo".

Such + sdicol nehotdrdrnumdrobil la singulor

It wos such on inlerestingtripIt wos such o differentexperience

+ odiecliv + substontiv

A fosf o cdldtorie otdtde inferesontdA fost o experienll afdtde diversd

Docd substonlivul e lo plurol gi numdrobil, odiectivul nue precedot de orticol neholdrOl:

Such + odiectiv f substontiv numdrqbil lo plurot

This is such q surprise!You qre such q friendto me

They song with suchdeep voices

They wore suchstronge hols

Ce surprizd!

Egti un prieten otdt de bunpentru mine

Cdnlou cu glosuri atdlde profunde

Purlou pdldrii otdlde ciudofe

I hod o lot of timeso lvisited the museum

She hod some extro moneyso she gove o big porty

Am ovut o groozd de limp,ogo cd om vizilot muzeul

Eo o ovul nigfe boniin plus, ogo cd o orgonizolo pelrecere rnore

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$i ,such" se poote folosi drept confuncfie pentru q introducepropozifii conseculive. ln oceostd situofie, e urmql de,,lhel", core poote fi omis, gi ore Tnfelesul de ,,ogo... c6/otdl... incdt". Conslrucfio cu,,such... lhol" este lo felcu ceocu ,,such", odicd substonlivul numdrobil lo singulor, fie elsingur, fie precedol de un odiectiv, este insofit ?ntotdeounode orticolul nehotdrdt:

Such + srlicol nehotdrdt + (udiectivf * substontivnumdrqbil la singulor + (thot|

Exercif ii(Solufii lo pos. 95)

E momenlul sd exers6m pufin cu formele de inidrire ,,so"gi ,,such"


Completeoz6 frqzele olegdnd formo deintdrire gi coniuncfiilecorecle.

E John wos reoding ... interesting book thot he missed thelroin.tr o) so tholtr b) such otr c) such on

E Jone osked why the book wos ... foscinoting.tr o) suchtr b) such otrc)so

E She wos ... John promised to buy her o copy.fl o) so curious lholtr b) such o curioustr c) such o curious thol

E When they orrived John hod finished it, ... he gove itlo her.tr o) so thottr b) such thottrc)so

Thot work wos sucho difficult tosk (thot)she osked for some help

It wos such on expensivehouse thot she didn't buy it

Treobo oceeo ero oinsdrcinore otdl de greoincdl eo o cerul oiulor

Coso ero o16l de scumpdincdl eo nu o cumpdrot-o

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Arol6 docd propozifiile suni corecle {rightl ori gregile (wrong)gi rescrie-le corect cdnd e nevoie.

E lt wos such o lovelyporty.


E You reolly looked so tr trbeoutiful.

HThere wos so wonderfulfood.

E t hoa so o good timethot I stoyed loie.




odmit (to) o odmite,o recunoogtebelvneen intre, fn miiloc (intre

doud lucruri sou persoone)both omdndoicolloul (lo) o chemo cuglos tore; o strigo, o fipocore (to) o se intereso,o oveo grii6, o se preocupoconfused confuz/6exoctly exocl, precisexpecl (to) o se ogteptofoll out (to) o cddeo;o se intdmplo; o se certofinolly in sfdrgit, in cele dinurmd, lo finolfind out (to)o descoperi,o gdsifirstly in primul 16ndflower flooreget bock (to) o se inloorce,o se reintoorceinlerrupt (lo) o intrerupeinterview colocviu,intrevedere de lucru; interviu

locket hoind, iochetdkeep (to) o fine, o menfine;o continuoliving room solon,sufrogeriemeoningful plin/d desemnificofie, sem nificoliv/dmuseum muzeu

notice (lo) o noto; o luoominte; o-gi do seomo;o observooutside ofor6, Tn exleriorposs by (to) o trece pel6ng6, pe ol6turiperformonce spectocolrcheonse (fo) (ieotru, cinemo)o repelo, o do proberelqtionship roporl, relofierush grobdsell (to) o vindeshome pdcol (pifig.);rugine, dezonooreshout (to) o fipo, o urlosit down (lo) o se ogezo,o sto ogezot, o fi ogezolsmell porfum, mirosslreel strodd, drum, colesudden neoglepto/d (oll ofo sudden: pe neogleptote)sweet dulcelour excursie, vizitd ghidotd;tur, c6l6lorietour guide ghid turistictrue odev6 rol/ 6, eyssf/ fi ;reol/6, outenlic/dunderslond (lo) o infelege,o pricepewqtch out (to) o fi otent,o fi pe foz6, o sto cu ochii-npolru, o oveo griidwithout fdrd

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Television Progrommes

Trovel: Copsule hotelsA cdldtori, se gtiq poofe fi foorte scurnp, moi oles cdndle duci in ldri co Joponio sou Anglio. Chrisfine, experfonoosfrd in cdldtorii, e oici penlru o ne propune o mefodd deo economisi cu locuinfo. ldeeo este, in mod sigur, dintre celemoi originole. Sd vedem despre ce e yorbol

Lucy: Good morning. Welcome to this week's edition of,,The Trovel Progromme" qnd welcome lo Christine Oleng,our trovel expert!Chrisline: Good morning, Lucy.

Lucy: Well, Chrisline, stqtisiics from lhe lnlernotionolTouristOffice show thot Jopon is the ,,in" deslinotion ol the momentfor holidoys.Christine: Thot doesn'l surprise me. Jopon's o foscinoiingcounlry!

Lucy: Yes, l'm sure it is, but tourists do worry obout highprices in Jopon.Christine: lt's true, Jopon con be expensive, but lhere orewoys lo sove money, visitors con sove on occommodotionfor exomple.

Lucy: Whol do you hove in mind?Christine: Well, l'm thinking of copsule hotels. There orelots of them in Tokyo ond in olher Joponese cities.

Lucy: Whoi on eorth is o copsule hotel?Christine: h's o low budget hotel. h doesn't hove bedrooms,insteod it hos,,copsules"! You sleep in o copsule,lhis is o plosticbox two melres long, one melre wide ond one metre high.




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Lucy: lncredible! li sounds like q coffin!Christine: Yes, bul ihey're more comforloble ihon o coffinlThere's evefihing you need: o bed, o conlrol ponel for thelight ond heoling, or oir-condiiioning, o smoll TV neor yourfeet, o rodio ond on olorm clock.

Lucy: Don'l tell me, there's o shower too!Christine: Yes, lhere is o shower, bui nol in ihe copsulethough! You shore showers ond ioilet fqcilities with otherguesls.

[ucy: And how much does it cosi?Chrisline: Aboui 25 euros o night. Copsule hotels orereolly for office workers who miss their troins home ot nighl,but iourists con sleep lhere too.

Lucy: Amozing ond only 25 eurosl Do you think thoi cnideo like lhol could work in Europe?Chrisline: Absolutely! ln focl, ihere's ol leost one copsulehotel olreody in London.

Lury: Does it hove copsules loo?Christine:_ No, il doesn'i. There ore trodilionol rooms, bulthey're very smoll, lhey're obout 7 squore metres. Mony oflhem don'l hove o window ond lhere isn't o wordrobe, iusltwo coot hongers! You need io poy extro lo woich W ond tohove your room cleoned. Bul there is o double bed, ond onen-suite bolhroom with o shower, toilet ond woshbosin.

Lucy: And how much does it cosl in London?Christine: A room cosis obout 40 euros o night, bul ifihere's o lol of demond lhe room con cost more. You see,the hoiel uses the concept of low cost flighls, ond the eorlieryou book the cheoper ii is.

Lucy: So... if you book oi the lqst minuie, you poy more.Christine: Thot's itl

Lucy: Well, there ore some inieresting lrovel ideos there. lfyou're looking for o cheop ploce to stoy in cenirol London, youcould try o copsule hotel. But remember to book eorly! On theother hond, if you're visiting Tokyo, why not spend o night inone of lhose copsules? lt'll certoinly be on unusuol experienceond you'll sove some money too. Thonks Christine!Christine: lt's o pleosure, goodbye.

Lucy: And goodbye to ollweek.

Sd inlelegem(Solufii lo pos.95)

Verificd docd qi infeles,lntreb6ri:

our lrovellers! See you nexl

rdspunzdnd lo urm6toorele

E There ore lots of copsule hotels in Jopon.E Truetr Folse

E ln o copsule hotel you sleep in o coffin.E Truetr Folse

E There ore showers inside the copsules.E Truetr Folse

E There is ot leost one copsule hotel in London.El Truetr Folse

H lf you book ol lhe lost minute il's more expensive.E Truetr Folse



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Cerul intr-o copsuld

lnteresont, nu? lotd o solulie optimd pentru o foce economii!Cu siguronfd este o experienf6 unicd pe core sd o pofi povestiprietenilor 9i s6-i logi pe lofi cu guro cdscotd! 56 vedem ocumcdfivo termenicu privire lo olegereo hotelului.

Jopon is one of ihe ,,in" Joponio esfe uno dinlredestinqtions qt lhe moment deslinoliile ,,in" ole


Sd vedem ocum, in schimb, cdievq focilitdli ce pol fi gdsiieinlr-un hotel normol:

En-suile bqlhroom Baie in comerd

Termenul ,ren-suite", clor de origine froncezd, inseomndliterol ,,cu servicii individuole". Deci, pulem oveo gi:




Copsule hotelLow-budget hotelAccommodqtion

Copsuld/hofel copsuld

Holel cu pref redus

Locuinfd, cqzore An en-suile room

All rooms in the hoielore en-suile

Alte cdtevo exemple:

Air-conditioningHeotingWordrobeShowerBothtubColour televisionRefrigeroted borSqfe

O comerd cu serviciiindividuole

Ioole comerele hotelului sunldofote cu servicii individuole

Aer condilional


Dulop, gifonier


Codd de boie

Televizor color

Frigider cu bor


Copsule hoiels ore Copsulele sunl hoteluri cu

low-budget hotels thot use prel redus core folosesccopsules insteod of regulor' copsule in locul camerelorrooms obignuite

To shore Aimpdrli ceyo cu cinevo

Copsule holels ore Copsulele sunl unele dintreomong the cheopesl cele msi ieftine lipuri deoccommodolions, but you cozore,insd serviciile soniforehove to shore the showers gi dugul sunl in comun cu olliond toilet wilh oiher guests clienli

Fii qlenl: iermenul ,,gu€si", core lroduce in generolcuv6niul romdnesc ,,oospele", esie folosit gi cu semnificofiode ,,clienl" in hoteluri.

To be rrin" Afi lo modd, o fi ,,in"

To be lhe ,,in" deslinqtion A fi destinolie ,,in" din ocesl

I sioyed in o room with Am locuit ?nlr-o comerd cuoll the comforls: there wos tol confortul: oveo un TVo big W, o sofe ond even more, un seif gi chior o coddo Jocuzzi. de boie cu hidromosoi. Mi-oI loved it! pldcul imens!

ot the momenl moment

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,,How much does... cost" (cdf costd?) este propozilio closic6folositd penlru o inlrebo cdl cosl6 un obiect ori un serviciu.


Sd vedem ocum diferitele tipuri posibile de cozore:





How much doeso room cost?

A room cosls oboul25 euroso night in o copsule hotel

To book eorly

lf you wonl to sove moneyon occommodolion, don'tforget to book eorly ond...enioy your stoy!

Cdf cosfd o camer6?

O cornerd infr-o copsuldcostd circo 25 de europe noopfe

A rezeruo din limp

Docd vrei sd economisegfiIo cozare, nu uito s6 focirezerYere din timp gi...voconld pldcutd!

Single room

Double room/double bedroom

Twin room

Fomily room

Connecting/communicoting rooms

Single-bedded roomDouble-bedded room

Twin-bedded room

Single bed

Single king-size bed

Single queen-size bed

Comerd single(de o persoond)

Comerd double,motrimoniold (cu pol dublu)

Comerd cu doud paturi

Comerd cu un pol dublu,cu unul de o persoond gi,

lo cerere, cu un pdtul

Comere comondote

Comerd single (: cu un pof)

Cornerd malrimoniold 1: ,upot dublu)

Corner6 double (: cu doudpoluri de o persoo nd, unile)

Pot de o persoond (obignuit)

Pof de o persoond king size(= de dimensiuni mori)

Pol de o persoond queensize (: moi more decdl potulnormql, dor moi mic decdlpolul king size)


O expresie devenild exlrem de populord in zilele nooslreeste,,losl minute" (,,in ultimo clipd"). in englezd se folosegteco in exemplele de moi ios:

At the losl minute in ultimo clipd

lf you book ot the lost Docd foci o rezervore inminule it's more expensive! uhima clipd e moi scurnp!

A lost minute holidoy O voconfd de ultimd clipd([n ocest ultim coz, ,,losi minule" ore funcfie de locufiuneodiectivol6.)

Un ultim lucru: dupd cum om v6zuI, in ,,copsule hotels"e imporlonl s6 focem rezeryore dinointe penlru o economisi.56 vedem cum se spune:

Fii otent: nu roreori se inldlnegle cuvdntul ,,bedded", lilerol,,cu pol", oldturi de tipul de comerd:

$i ce spui despre diferitele tipuri de poturi?ntre core oi de oles?

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Double bed

Double king-size bed

Double queen-size bed

When we sioyed in London,I slept in o single king sizebed, while my friendspreferred o doublequeen-size bed

Pal motrimoniol (dubluobignuit)

Pol dublu king size

Pot dublu queen size

Cdnd om fosf noi la Londra,eu om dormil inlr-un polsingle king size, pe cdndpriefenii mei ou preferot sddoormd intr-un pol dubluqueen slze

Exercilii(Solufii lo pog. 95),


Alege cuvdnlul corecl in ocesi exercifiu.

E ned is o populor colour lhis summer. Red is ...tro)ontrb) intr c) out

E,,Low-budgel meons" ...tr o) cheoptr b) expensive

E I don't know the exocl price. lt cosls ... 50 euros.tr o)ot leosttr b) more thontr c) obout

E ff you book your lickel ,,ol the lost minule" youvery...tr o) lotetr b) eorly

E When il's cold you use the ...tr o) oir conditioningtr b) heoting

E this hotel doesn'l hove ... bolhrooms.tr o) suiteD b) en-suite





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E l'd love to sleep in o ... bed.tr o) kingtr b) king size

EI ln copsule hotels you hove to ... the bothroom with otherpeople.tr o) dividetr b) shore

E People who sleep in o hotel ore colled ...tr o) hoslstr b) guests

E ... does o single room cosl?tr o) How muchtr b) How cost

Cinemo:BollywoodCine nu cunoogte Hollywoodul? insd nu loli ou ouzit

vorbindu-se despre Bollywood. Ce legdlurd ore Bombay

cu Hollryood? E simplv: sunt ce,e moi mori doud induslrii

cinemotogrofice de pe plonefd.

[ucy: Good morning ond welcome io this week's edition of

,Tolk Cinemo". And welcome to Sonieev Guplo, our cinemo

experl.Sonieev: Hi, Lucy, ond hello everyone.

Lucy: Well Sonieev, whot qre we tolking obout todoy?

Sonieev: Bollywood.

Lucy: l'm sure you're o reol experl, Sonieev, ond o fon!Sonieev: Absolutely, I odore Bollywood films, you know my

brother's o director in Mumboi.

Lucy: lnteresting. First of oll let's exploin to our viewers whoiBollywood is.

Sonieev: Of course. Bollywood's the norne given to the lndion

film industry ilcomesfrom Bomboyond Hollywood, Bollywood.

Bomboy's the centre of the lndion film industry. Bomboy's now

colled Mumboi, bul the nome Bollywood is still used.

Lucy: As you seem to be such on experl, I con osk you lots

of questions.Sonieev: Fire owoy.

Lucy: How mony films ore mode in Bollywood eoch yeor?

Sonieev: About 800! The some os lhe number of films tholore mode in Hollywood.





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Lucy: Wow! Film moking's reolly big business in lndio!Son[eev: Thot's right! Did you know thor l4 million peoplein lndio go to the cinemo every doy?

Lucy:14 million every doy, I don't believe it! Thot,s o hugenumber of people!Sonieev: Thol's righl, here ore lots of people in lndioremember, but even so, it's o lorge number of cinemo-goers.

Lucy: lt certoinly is! But tell us, is it true ihot Bollywood,snow becoming more known internolionolly?Sonjeev: Yes, il is! Mony people from lndio now liveoverseos especiolly in the UK ond the USA. Todoy in iheUK Bollywood films ore screened in normol cinemos ondore olso broodcost on W. The films ore becoming populorwiih new oudiences. Also you know, Hollywood's beginningto copy Bollywood, the film ,,Moulin Rouge,,, for exomple,used lols of ideos lhoi ore common in Bollywood films.

Lury: I see bul whot's so speciol qbout Bollywood films?Sonieev: The films ore full of colourwith beoutiful troditionollndion coslumes ond lots of lndion music ond doncing.But lhere's one thing I don'l like, the slory lines ore neorlyolwoys the some, love stories, I meon.

Lucy: I see. Whot obout the octors? Does Bollywood hoveiis own film stors?Sonieev: lt certoinly does! They're very fomous ond veryrich, iust like Hollywood stors.

[ucy: Well, stors ore the some everywhere! Bul tell usSonieev, ore there ony problems focing Bollywood?Sonieev: Unfortunotely ihere ore! lllegol copying is the biggestproblem focing the Bollywood Studios. They lose lots of moneybecouse of pirocy. Anolher problem is thot young oudiences orebecoming bored with the troditionol love story formulo. Todoylhe studios hqve io creole new story lines. A iypicol new film is

the one thot is set in o coll centre in Mumboi ond follows thelives of six young lndions working there. Did you know Lucy thotmony young lndion groduoles now work in coll centres? They

onsiwer colls in English from customers in the US ond the UK.

Lucy: Yes, I hove heord of the new coll centres in lndio.So the film mirrors reol life. lt sounds foscinoting! Well,Bollywood's booming ond is becoming more knowninlernotionolly. The slories ore rqiher similor, love stories,bul some new interesting slory lines ore creeping in. Right,Sonieev?Sonieev: Right!

Lucy: Thonks, Sonieev, ond goodbye.Sonieev: Goodbye.

Lury: See you ogoin nexl week for onother edition of ,,TolkCinemq"!







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Sd ?nfelegem(Solufii lo pos.95)

Verificd docd oi infeles, rdspunzdnd lo urmdtoqreleinlrebdri:

E Sonieev's fother is o direcior in Mumboi.tr Truetr Folse

E About eight hundred films ore mode in Bollywood everyyeor.D Truetr Folse

E t + million people go to ihe cinemo every week in lndio.lJ lruetr Folse

E Sonjeev doesn'l like the story lines of lndion films.tr Truetr Folse

H Yorng oudiences in lndio ore bored of troditionol loveslories.E Truetr Folse


Bollywood: oltd cinemqlogrofie

Cum sigur oi infeles din text, Bollywood nu este ,,soro moimicd" o Hollywoodului, ci o rivold directd o ocesluio, moregi puternicd in ocelogi timp. Sd vedem ocum Tmpreund

cdtevo expresii cu privire lq lumeo cinemotogroficd:

Film industry lndusfrie cinemotogroficd

Bollywood is lhe nome Bollywood este numele indus-

of lndio's film industry lriei cinemqfogrofice indiene

Cinemo-goerSrory line/plotLove stolyAudience

Speclofor (de cinemo)Povesfe, lromd, subiectPoveste de drogosfeSpecfofori, public

Most lndion films ore love Moreo moiorilole o filmelorslories, in fqct ihe story indiene sunf povegfi de

lines ore neorly oll drogoste, ior subiecful este

ihe some oproope infotdeouno ocelogi

To boom A cregte cu repeziciune

Bollywood is booming Bollywood crepfe din ce in ce

more ond more every doy moi muh, in fiecore zi


Verbele ,,lo broodcost" gi ,,lo screen" inseomnd qmdndoud

,,e emile". insd ,,lo broodcosl" (broodcost/broodcosi/broodcost gi, moi ror, broodcosted) inseomnd ,,o emite(o foce o lronsmisie) lo rodio sou lo lelevizot'', pe cdnd ,,loscreen" (screen/screened/screened) se folosegte moi muhpenlru cinemologrof. Observd exemplul:




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$i ocum s6 venim lo problemele pe core induslrio cine-moiogroficd, gi nu numoi oceosto, le infruntd in fiece zi:

ln the UK, lndion films orescreened in cinemos ondbroodcosl on W


lllegol copying is veryhord to stop

Bollywood loses moneybecouse of pirocy

indiene se lronsmif locinemotogrof 9i Io TV

Copiere ilegold


Copiereo ilegold e foortegreu de.opril

Din cauza piroleriei,Bollywoodul pierde boni

O ultimA curioziiole, cu siguronfd oi observoiTn texl expresio,,fire owoy!". Esle vorbo despre o expresie foorte colocviold,o cdrei lroducere este ,,vorbeglel", ,,dd-i drumu'!".

I hqve o queslion for you. Am o inlrebore penlru line.Fire owoy! Dd-i drumu'!

Exercifii(Solufii lo pos.95)


Alege cuvdntul corecl in ocest exercifiu.

E the lndion film industry is growing ond becomingsuccessful. h's...tr o) boomedtr b) booming

in Moreo Brilonie, filmele E Someone who goes to the cinemo is colled...tr o) o cinemo gotr b) o cinemo goer

ERfil- is... in o cinemo.E o) screenedtr b) broodcosi

ERfilm is... on W.E o) screenedtr b) broodcost

!l A: ,,1 hove lo lell you something."B:,,Ok, ..."

D o)fire offtr b)fire owoy!

E I ... to lhe cinemo yesierdoy.D o) wos gotr b)went

E Sne ... the film.tr o) didn't sowtr b) didn't see

E ... to the cinemo losi weekend?tr o) Did you gotr b) You wenl

EWho ... go with?tr o)you didtr b) did you

El Becouse of pirocy, Bollywood sludios ... money everydoy.tr o) moketr b) lose




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Lecfio 4



Scena I: I'm worried qboul Jqck...

Sd infelegem (pos. 9)1)o; 2l; True; 3) c; Alb

Exerci;ii (pog. l7)

EXERCTTTUT r1)b;2)o;3)o;4)c

EXERCTTTUT 2I ) closes2)will/'ll meet3) l'll coll4) is going to snow

Sceno 2: Moybe fhere's s womsn in the picture?

Sd infelegem (pog. 19)'l) b; 2) Folse; 3) o; 4) c

Exerci;ii {pog. 30)

EXERCTTTUL 31) on; 2) in; 3) in; 4) ot

EXERCTTTUL 4I ) ouiside; 2l by; 3) on; 4) ot


Sceno t: Going lo Jopon is moking you much more funl

Sd infelegem (pos. 36)1)b;2)o;3)c;4)bExerci;ii (pog. 41)

EXERCTTTUt II ) Why wos Peter hoppy?Z)Who did he hove on oudition wiih?3)Whot did he sing?4) Did he sing well?

EXERCTTTUL 21lc;2lb;3)b;4)c

$ceno 2: Thot's whot you think...

Sd infelegem (pog. 44)1l c; 2J ci 3) b; 4) Folse

Exercilii (pog. 5l)EXE RC rTrU L 3I ) Whot's Shoron like?zilnd whol docs Anne look like?3i Would Anne likc lo go oul with Jock?4)Alice isn't liko thc other girls.

EXERCITIUL 4t ) ti plocl sd cdli2) Cum sc simla I1)iii ploce sd cdldtorcgti?2) Cum sc simls lotdl tdu2i Cum sc simls lotdl tdu ozi?g) Chior mi-or pldcco sd pelrec o voconfd lungd.4) Semeni hil cu momo lo.

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$cencr I: This is such o surprise!

Sd infelegem (pos. 57)1lc;2)o;3)c;4)bExercilii (pos. 53)

EXERCTTTUL II ) Risht2) Wrong (Right; While he wos trovelling, he mei Jone onthe troin)3) Risht4) Wrong (Righl; They chotted while they were trovelling)


1) bought2) wos reoding, orrived3) missed, wos reoding4) wos woiling, finished

Scenq 2: I thoughl we were iust friends!

Sd infelegem (pos. 66)1lc;2lb;3)c;4)bExerci;ii (pog. 71)

EXERCTTTUL 31lc;21 c; 3)o;4)cEXERCtTtUT 41) Risht2) Right3)Wrong (Right; There wos such wonderful food)4)Wrong (Righl; I hod such o good time thot I stoyed lote)

Television ProgrommesTRAVET

Copsule holels

Sd infelegem (pog. 77)1) True; 2) Folse; 3) Folse; 4) True; 5) True

Exercilii (pos. 83)


1) b; 2) o; 3) c; 4) o; 5) b; 6) b; 7) b; 8) b; 9) b; l0) o

Television ProgrommesCINEMA


Sd infelegem (pog. 88)1)Folse; 2)True; 3) Folse; 4lTrue; 5)True

Exerci;ii (poe. 91)

EXERCTTTUt r1) b; 2) b; 3) o; a) b; 5) b; 6) b; 7) b; 8) o; 9) b; 10) b

Page 49: English today-vol-10

t"tlf i


Structura cursului

O incepatori nivel .,n., @ incepdtori nivel doi O incepitori nivel trei @ incepitori

nivel patru Cr5) Elemenrar nivel unu @ Elementar nivel doi O Et"rn"ntur nivel trei

Cil El.rn"n,ur nivel patru O Intermediar 1 nivel unu @ Int.r-.diar 1 nivel doi

@ Int".-.diar 1 nivel tr.i @ Intermediar 1 nivel patru @ Int.r-.diar 2 nivel unu

(D Int..*.diar 2 nivel Ooi @ Intermediar 2 nivel trei @ Int.rm.diar 2 nivel patru

6i Intermediar 2 nivel cinci @ Avansali nivel unu @ Alrut"t.utri nivel doi

@ Avansati nivel trei @ Avansali nivel Patru €D Avansati nivel cinci

in acest aolumLec{ia 4 - That's life! Something odd's going on

Rzrapitularea fomelor d'e uiitm . Prepozitriile dc stare pe lac Si d'e migcare

Lecfia 5 - That's life! Off toJaPanintrebd,rile cu ,,Simple Past" . intrebdrite cu ,,Iike'

Lecfia 6 - That's life! Life's confusing,,Past Continuous" " ,,5o" ti,,,such"

Programe TV - Travel: Capsule hotelsPrograme TV' Cinema: Bollyvood