Energy Drink Research Name: Hayley Roberts

Energy Drink Research

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Page 1: Energy Drink Research

Energy Drink Research

Name: Hayley Roberts

Page 2: Energy Drink Research

Overview of Product

FRS Energy drink is an organic sports drink that is aimed at both males and females but the drink is promoted more towards a male audience who are especially intrigued in sports and athletics. The drink is designed to provide an organic approach towards giving energy rather than using caffeine and sugars to provide energy and this particular drink is meant to leave you feeling refreshed from all the low caffeine. The age range for this drink is early 20’s up to mid 30’s as they aim the product towards a younger adult audience because they want to aim it towards athletes who are starting out so they can persuade them to start off with their career with this drink and promote it. There is also a certain point where athletes get to a certain age and they can’t carry on as they are classed as too old for the sport so designing the product at a younger audience is a lot more practical than at an older audience who won’t benefit from the drink itself. For the lower calorie drinks, they use more feminine colours and for the energy packed drinks they use more masculine colours. This is because females are interested in drinks and foods with lower calories so they don’t feel like they are gaining weight so using more feminine and bright colours will attract that particular gender towards the drinks and then when they see it’s low calories, it will make them want to buy it more. The more masculine colours will stand out to the male audience for this drink because they will want something that looks slightly masculine and they won’t be bothered about the low calories and so having the masculine colours on the energy packed drinks will cause them to be more interested especially as they like more energy for when they are training and at the gym. This drink is also aimed at people who suffer from being tired and this is why it’s also aimed at athletes because they can drink this energy drink and gain energy from it and not feel tired as it gives them an extra boost that they need. The packaging on a whole doesn’t contain a lot of colours on the front and they keep the main background of the can is white and then they have chosen a certain colour which mainly matches the flavours in the drink and all the writing and the name of the drink is all in that colour. For example the ‘Low Calorie Wild Berry’ flavour has a white background and the writing on the can is all in a deep pink colour because that’s what the colours of some berries are so they link the flavour to the colours. Also, the colour of this can will intrigue the female audience more to this can because they like sweet and refreshing flavours and this can especially is a low calorie one which will attract them as well. Then there is the ‘Orange’ flavour which isn’t a low calorie drink so this would attract a more masculine audience and the orange flavour is a more sugary and tangy flavour and this is something that would attract a male audience rather than a sweet and refreshing flavour and they will also like the full calorie one rather than a low calorie one. Again, for this packaging they use orange colours against a white background and the colour from the orange matches the flavour of the drink so it links the flavour and the colours together.

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Overview of Product

The reason they have done this is because it could be easier for people to see the colour and instantly think of what flavour it could be so it attracts people to the shelves and look at the product and they will also stand out a lot more with the colour against a white background because it’s very simple but clear to see. They also place an image of the fruit/fruits that are used within the drink on the front so that it can be clear to see by the audience when seeing the drink from a distance on the shelves and this also gives the can a bit of imagery to it. The drinks mainly have two different fruits in them so the graphic of the fruit on the front is split into two as one half is one of the fruits and the bottom half is the second fruit. But the ‘Orange’ flavour only features one fruit in it so they have shaded one half of the orange slice in a darker orange and the second half in a lighter orange. The title of the drink ‘FRS’ is in a bold font and is placed down the side of the can on it’s left side and the font is large and it’s a grey colour. The website matches the layout of the product they have designed. They have a clear and simple website that is clean and uses a white background just like the product itself. They use little graphics on there of people playing different types of sports, so they are keeping with the athletic and sports theme which matches the drink and every individual graphic is in the colour of one of the flavours of drinks. This keeps the website looking clean instead of using people actually playing sports they have gone for a simple approach. They use images of men mainly on their website and they have an image of a man who has been running and is really sweaty and it’s a very natural image and they have placed a quote at the side of him that he has said himself to promote the drink and how it has kept him running and below the image they have an image of him after the run with his towel and the drink in his hand. They also use a natural image of the ingredients they have used as they have an image of blueberries and so it shows the audience the organic and natural side to the drinks. They have a section on the website that is under ‘FRS Champions’ and this section displays loads of stories from ordinary people who have drunk the drink and they are all training or running a marathon and how it helped them achieve things that they have been wanting to for ages. They also include tweets that people have put and Facebook statuses from people on there so then people can see what people are saying about the drink and how it’s changed them. There is also a section on the website where you can see the ingredients that they use inside the drinks so you can see what they add to them and they tell you about everything just so people can chose a drink that satisfies them. All the images on the website features some sort of physical activity that someone is doing to promote the idea of it being a sports drink. But, the organic sports drink is in partnership with the well known Pepsi-Cola company which causes controversy about if the drink is really as good as it’s made out to be because of it being in partnership with a well known sugary drink company.

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The name of the drink is in a bold font that makes it easy for the audience to read and see even though it’s been rotated onto the side it’s still easy to read. The colour of the font is just a plain grey as it sticks with the neutral and calm colours of the drink and stands out still because of the white background.

The top of the can and the colour of the hexagon around the fruit logo is in the same colour as the fruit that the drink is.

The graphic of the fruit has been split into two because the drink contains two flavors so they have split the fruit into two so that they are showing what the two flavors are. The first half is of the peach and the bottom half is of the mango.

The can has a clean and simple approach and the white background helps the writing and colours stand out more especially with it being on the shelves. The drink is organic so having a clean and simple look to the can matches the organic side to the can.

Under the name of the brand, they have included the words ‘energy + endurance’ because they are showing that it’s an energy drink and how it provides energy.

They haven’t included any images or many graphics and also haven’t labeled it as a sports drink on the can as they want to keep it as open as possible to people.

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Analysis of advert

The first type of advertisement that I looked at for this energy drink was a print based advert. The advert is aimed at a younger audience between the 20’s and 30’s age range and it is also aimed at people who enjoy sports and are athletic. The style of this advert is the opposite to the layout on the can and on the website. It features a black background with white and yellow writing against it. The website uses a clear and clean approach to it whereas the advert is very busy and bold and makes a statement which is needed to advertise the product clearly. The font used for the slogan for the drink is bold and big on the page and is clearly placed in the right corner of the advert. The top line of the slogan which states ‘Stay Active’ is in a bright yellow colour and this catches the audiences attention straight away and the second line which says ‘Stay Healthy’ is in a white so it separates the two sayings but keeps them together as a slogan for the drink. Once the audiences eyes are focused on the yellow writing they will automatically read the next line. They are also promoting in the slogan that the athletes are saying active but choosing a healthy drink to give them energy but keep them healthy and that’s what the drink is getting across at. Under the slogan they show the selection of drinks and the different flavours they are and these images have been cut out and placed all in a row. Then on the left of the page, they use an image of Tim Telbow who is an American Football Quarterback. They are using an athlete to promote the sports drink and they are using someone who plays a fast and physical sport that most teenage boys will look up to as American Football can be a common sport played by most boys. This then limits the audience to a male audience rather than female as he is an iconic figure that people can look up to. He is holding an American Football so people can see what sport he plays and he has a concentration face on and giving direct eye contact to the camera so it makes the advert more personal to the audience. Underneath the image of Tim Telbow they place his name in yellow, bold writing and then underneath his name, they say what he plays (sport wise) and his achievements so that if people don’t know who he is, it shows how skilful he is. Then in the bottom right of the page they have the name of the drink in a shaded box over the drinks and underneath the name of the drink it says in yellow ‘Healthy Performance’ to promote that it’s a healthy choice of drink to have especially when being athletic. The yellow writing and the white writing is really bright against the background and this is what their approach was for the drink because they want the audience to see the advert when flicking through a magazine as it is very eye catching and very formal and direct with not much writing at all. They use a form of persuasion as well to get people to buy the drink. They use ‘reward power’ as a factor of persuasion because in the advert they are expressing that if they drink this energy drink they will get a healthy performance out of it and will stay active but healthier. They also use ‘star power’ as a form of persuasion because they use the celebrity Tim Telbow who is an American Football player promotes the sports drink and also links his performance in life to the sports drink because he has done so well in his career. Having an athlete to promote the drink also lets people look up to him and persuades more people to buy the drink because they want to do well like him. They also use ‘referent power’ as the bottles of the drink on the advert shows the fruit they use in the drink and people will see the healthy drink and all the healthy slogans and will think it’s a healthy drink and then they will see the fruit on the bottle which shows the healthy ingredients used in the drink which matches the viewers interpretation of the drink.

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Print based advert:

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Analysis of advert

The TV advert for the energy drink is aimed at around 20 to 30 year olds who are young adults and fit enough to play sports and are really athletic. They use a male role model in the advert so I would sat that males are the gender that are being approached in the advert. The advert can’t be aimed at anyone younger as they have to stick to the ASA rules and by promoting energy drinks to a younger audience, it would get the company into trouble and that’s why they use a mature and sophisticated approach in the advert so it can aim it at an older audience. The advert is a TV commercial that is displayed on websites and on YouTube and also has featured on TV and there is also the print based version. The advert is based on the American Football Champion, Tim Telbow who throughout the video is expressing the negativity that he got all the way through high school and college about how he couldn’t and wouldn’t be able to do everything that he has done now. For example, a sentence that he says in the advert is ‘They said I wasn’t good enough, that I couldn’t make it’ and this is one of the most powerful lines in the whole advert. This is because he is saying that he got told he couldn’t make it at all and no matter what he did he always got the negative comments and this then contrasts with how well he has done and how far he has got in his life and this is a silent message in the advert saying that no matter what people say, you can do it if you believe in yourself. At the end of the advert he says ‘Appreciate that’ and this is also really powerful because he is saying a really snide comment to all the negative comments he got and because he has made a real big success out of his athletic career he never listened to the comments so he appreciated the low amount of help he got but still made a success At the start of the advert is shows him chained to a large amount of chains and for a couple of seconds it’s all in slow motion. The camera then goes in closer to the athletics face and he is all sweaty and giving the camera direct eye contact with red eyes to show he is straining and running low on energy. It then goes to a normal speed and shows him flipping over a huge tire and trying to break free from the chains he is attached to with no energy and then he has a sip of the FRS energy drink and then it goes back to him tied up in all the chains. He then groans while pulling free from the chains as it is now showing that he has the all the energy to break free from them because of the energy drink and he flips the tire again and throws an American football through a small hoop perfectly and then the advert changes to a black background. All the way through the advert he is in locations with really low lighting and empty spaces because it keeps the attention on him and the low lighting keeps a more serious approach to the advert. At the end of him talking, it changed to a black background with yellow bold writing in a large font saying ‘What Fuels You’ asking the audience a rhetorical question so they feel that if they haven’t got anything to fuel them and give them energy then they can use this product as he is trying to say that the drink fuels him. After that it shows all the drinks lined up on the black background as the colour from the drinks stand out a lot against the background and in yellow writing again it gives the web address and above it in white it says ‘Find Your Fuel At’ and then this then gives the audience the link to the address so that they can buy the product and Tim Telbow is reading it out. They use persuasive factors within the advert. The first one is ‘star power’ as they are using Tim Telbow as the main figure for the advert and this gives young sports men someone to look up to and a lot of people already do. They also use ‘reward power’ because when you drink this energy drink, you can do anything you want to because the energy is given to you from the drink, just like Tim Telbow when he breaks free from the chains. The colours and fonts and celebrity in the TV advert all match the print based advert as they are making them both link together and not too different as it is a lot more formal this way.

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Overview of Product

Rockstar energy drink is a drink that is aimed at more towards a male audience rather than a female audience and I would say they aim the drink at the age range of 20’s to early 30’s and no younger or older. This is because on some of the cans they use images of young females to try promote the drink to the male audience as they use the females in a stereotypical sexual way so that the male audience are more tempted to buy the can with a young model on the side of the can. They also use very masculine designs and colours on the product as they use a lot of dark colours and a lot of blues, blacks, reds and oranges on the can as this will persuade the audience to see the cans on the shelf and be intrigued because of the colour on the cans. I would say that they aim some of their products at a female audience as they use some feminine colours on some of the cans to promote the drink towards that gender and it widens their audience doing this. But looking at some of the picture, a lot of models drink the energy drink to promote it at events so it’s more towards a male audience rather than a female audience. The energy drink contains a lot of caffeine and sugar to give you the energy rather than being organic like the last drink and so this is why the male audience will prefer the drink because they will be happy with drinking the sugar and caffeine rather than wanting to lose calories because it will give them the energy they need especially because the drink is promoting sports so it gives them energy for sportsmen. The can looks very busy and bright and this will catch the audiences attention and the graphics link back to energy so this promotes what the drink is for and looks very masculine. I think that because the drink is advertising sports, it is more towards a young adult style of audience because they will be the age range that gets involved with sports because an older audience wouldn’t be as athletic and sporty especially because the sports are very daring and fast and full of action. The logo links really closely with the name of the drink as it is a big star at the bottom left of the can with the letter ‘R’ facing the right way with another ‘R’ facing the opposite way so they are back to back. It’s a very bold and attractive logo which is quite simple so people recognise it really easy on the shelves and it’s not too complicated to understand as the two ‘R’s’ stand for the two R’s in Rock and the big star links with the Star part of the name. The colour of the star matches the colour of the name and the colour changes depending on the can and the flavours. The logo takes up quite a lot of the space on the can because this then makes it very eye-catching on the shelf and it has a bold outline so it stands out equally on the can and gives it that definition so it is obviously made as the logo. They also use the star in the name too where the letter ‘A’ is in ‘Star’ they have changed it to the star and this links the name again to the logo so it links everything together. The colours on the can are very masculine and bold and this is because the drink is more masculine so the colours link to the gender and approach that side of the audience more.

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Overview of Product

There is a lot of blues, yellows and blacks on the can and this comes across really masculine and the boldness is used so it becomes really bold on the shelves and stands out to the audience when they are walking past it. For some of the cans, they link the flavour of the drink to the colours on the can so that it can become quite obvious to the audience when they walk past it what flavour it is by looking at the can first. For example, the ‘Bubbleburst’ flavour has a blue can with pink writing and logo on the can as this bubblegum sweets and flavours are all associated with pinks or blues so this then is placed on the can of the drink and links the different features on the drink together. Some of the cans look very feminine compared to masculine so you could say that these are approaching a feminine audience and some of the flavours on the cans come across more sweet which also could apply more to a feminine audience than a masculine one. The general look of the can is very bold and bright and looks very busy on a whole compared to the last energy drink which was very clean and spacious. They have the name of the drink bold and placed at the top of the can with black under it so that it stands out a lot more to the audience and then the logo is in the left corner really big in the same colours as the name of the drink. Then at the bottom it features a black band that looks like paint splatters and the background of the can is in a bright or vibrant colour that contrasts with the black and then there is an outline of the name of the drink around the can in the same shades of colour as the background so it still stands out from the background. It comes across as really busy and energising from the colours but this then links to the drink as a whole. Rockstar was originally owned by Coca-Cola but in the summer of 2009 it switched distributors to PepsiCo. Rockstar sponsors a range of different sporting and music events to promote the drink and because of the age range and target audience they are promoting the drink to, it links to the events really well. They sponsored a metal rock festival called Mayhem Festival and also sponsored a rock event called Uproar Festival. The website has a black background with white and yellow writing which contrasts really well with the black. They have a section where they show the products they make and this goes through all the flavours and they show them very boldly. They also have a section where they show pictures of models drinking the drink or promoting it and this is why it is a more masculine drink because they get models to pose with the drink. They also have a section to show off the pictures and videos from events that they sponsor as well and they show a range of sports and music events that they sponsor so people can have a look and attend if they wish to. This drink is very different to the last drink I was looking at because it’s not about being organic with this one and it’s high in caffeine and sugar whereas the FRS drink is low in caffeine and sugar. Rockstar is also based around fast, energising sports whereas the FRS drink is more at softer sports that aren’t as thrill engaging and this then links to the packaging and colours of the cans. The FRS drink uses hardly an colour and very plain and simplistic but still eye-catching whereas the drink Rockstar is very bold and busy but this is also very eye-catching. They both aim their drinks at a similar audience but Rockstar promotes it in a completely different way to FRS as they use the models and girls to get the male audience engaged with the drinks.

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The drink has a very bold and bright background which contrasts with the colours of the name of the drink and the logo. They also use very masculine colours that attract with the male audience as it’s mainly a drink for males rather than females. They also link the colours on the can to the flavour of the drink. For example this drink is ‘Bubbleblast’ which is based around bubblegum so the blues and pink like to the flavour.

The font on the can is very big and bold and this helps it stand out from a distance so it becomes eye-catching on the shelves towards the audience. The writing is also in capitals rather than lower case so it stands out a lot more and looks energising just like the drink is so they try and link everything together on the can.

The bold logo on the can takes up a large quantity of the can so that it sticks to the mind and so you can recognise it easily on the shelves in stores and it helps so it’s the first thing you would see on the can.

The star graphics on the name of the can and use of bullet points as stars help link the graphics as well to the name so that everything all links together and doesn’t look out of place.

The tire track design on the background of the can relate the can to the kind of sports that they sponsor as it’s all mainly motorbike sports they sponsor.

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Analysis of advert

The advertisement that I first looked at was a print based advert that aims the advert towards people who like to watch dangerous and thrilling sports or even plays these sports and at a more masculine audience because these are the people who engage in these types of sports. I would say that the advert is being aimed at the age range 20’s-30’s because of the maturity of the advert and because the people who play these sports will be in this age range and not really older because they would be classed as too old to play the sports so it’s at a young adult style audience. They wouldn’t be able to aim the drink at a really young audience as energy drinks are not supposed to be for anyone who’s really young because of the ingredients so they have to aim the advert at a more appropriate audience. The layout of the advert is very bold and bright which matches the layout on the can. They have a background which fades from black to a dark red to black again and in the background they have a black graphic of some mountains as this links to some of the sports that are linked to mountainous areas and it also has a shadow so the mountains look really 3D on the page even though it’s a simple graphic. They use 4 images of the drinks can that have been cut out and placed going across the bottom 3rd of the advert so that the audience can see what the can actually looks like. They also use the 4 cans that use the same colours and tones that the advert uses so all the colours link together rather than getting one which doesn’t match the theme. They have 4 images going across the first 3rd of the page and each image consists of a sport that they sponsor so the energising rush is being shown in the image and they are all in a circle which fades out into the background. They are quite small and don’t overpower the advert but they also grab the attention of the audiences eyes quite easily. They have the name of the drink really bold at the top in the middle of the advert and it’s quite large on the page so that it catches the audiences attention first and it looks like it’s being thrown out of the page to look like it’s being shouted out and there is a little white border around the name of the drink so that it stands out from the background and highlights it a little and because the background it black and the highlighted area behind the name of the drink is black, the white edge just separates it a little more from the background and stand out more. At the bottom of the page, they use a large, bold font for the writing at the bottom which says ‘Drink It…’ and ‘Feel It…’ and these phrases are trying to say when your drink the energy drink you will feel the energy you gain and so it’s promoting you to drink it by using commands to try and get people to drink it so they can feel the result and this will get people pumped to try the drink if they haven't already. They use the condensation that you would get from the can as the border for the two commands at the bottom and this just makes it stand out from the background and it also links in with the drink as well. A factor of persuasion that the advert has is ‘reward power’ because it says once you drink the drink you can feel the result and so it’s promoting a positive outcome from the drink. Another factor of persuasion is ‘referent power’ because from an energy drink people will expect that they should feel more energy in them and because they show extreme sports and say at the bottom feel it, it means that you will feel the outcome of the drink and feel more energy.

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Print Based Advert:

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Analysis of advert

For another way of advertisement that they use is that they have several vehicles that people in the company will drive around and use it as advertisement so that people will see it and they may also give out free cans to people so that they can promote the drink to people which is a really effective way of advertisement and more interactive with the public. They use 4x4 cars and then use lorries as well that have the advertisement at the side of it so then people can see it and because they are using big vehicles to promote the drink which will be easier to see when driving/walking past it. The audience of this type of advertisement is mainly at the public of any age range and any gender unless they drive to a specific place to promote the drink, like at events that they sponsor. If they do that then they will aim it at sportsmen around 20-30 and at younger adults who like to attend rock festivals and like heavy metal rock bands. But then when driving around, it’s engaging different people to the drink who may not necessarily fit into the intended audience of the last form of advertising because this then widens their audience and gets more people involved. The car that I am looking at is the official Rockstar car which is a black 4x4 and it has blacked out windows as well so the whole car is very dark and toned down so it links with the style of the drinks can. They have the logo in the top left corner of the car really big and in gold as this links with the name of the drink which is placed just under the window and really big across the two car doors. They really stand out against the toned down car and I think that they did this so that the first thing the public sees is the logo and the name of the drink. They also have purple writing on the background that say Rockstar so it adds some colour to the background and isn’t too bright so it doesn’t take the attention away from the name of the drink or the logo. The font of the name is really big so that it stands out to the people and they use the white border around the writing so that it helps it stand out as well. No images are used on the car apart from the graphic of the logo and there is also no factors of persuasion but if they give out random free samples to the public it will persuade them to buy the drink and gives a different way of advertising that is more interactive.

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Overview of Product

Powerade is classed as a sports energy drink and is mainly used for people who are athletic or like to keep fit as it keeps them going with the high caffeine. The drink is aimed at mainly towards males rather than females as it is more of a sugary energy drink and so I think that males will prefer this energy drink as females will prefer more organic energy drinks that are low in sugar and calories. The drink is mainly for adults and young adults who like to keep active as it’s really bad for people who aren’t active as the sugar turns to fat whereas when your exercising you can burn it off and it gives you lots of energy. The age range for this drink is around 20’s and early 30’s as it’s for young, sporty adults who play any type of sports as this drink gives them the right amount of energy they need to play sports. The bottle is quite chunky which means there is a lot more in the serving portion and this means that the bottle size links with the target audience because it’s more of a masculine portion and the bottle is a lot bolder rather than a dainty and smaller can/bottle. They have also designed the bottle so that it is easier to hold as where your hand is meant to go, they have curved the bottle in so you can hold it better when participating in an activity and this just makes it easier to grip. There are a few different logos depending on the style of the drink. One of the logos is of a graphic of a man running with a fingerprint pattern over the top and this represents the type of drink it is and what it’s been designed for using the logo. The other logo that they have is just the letter ‘P’ in a fancy graphic style but so it’s still recognisable to what the logo is. The bottle is clear so that you can see the colour of the drink and these are very bright and vibrant as some are bright blue and red so these add to the colour of the bottle. They match the flavour of drink to the colour of the drink so that they link together and this makes it easier for the audience to see from a distance as they can see what flavours they have by purely looking at the colour of the drink and it also makes it really colourful and bright on the shelves. For example, the flavour ‘Mountain Blast’ is the colour blue and this is because when you relate back to mountains you think of water as well which is blue so it’s a very strong colour to use for the colour of a drink as it looks really bright and powerful and this is the impression they want to give off as it’s an energy drink which gives you the energy and power to achieve something. The label that goes around the bottle is black and the name of the drink is in white with some of the other writing in the same colour as the drink. The colours of the drink are all very masculine colours and not many feminine colours and this also links back to the target audience as they aim the drink more towards males rather than females so using really dark colours that are masculine makes the audience notice it more when they are on the shelves and this will attract the right audience that they are targeting by using masculine colours. The black of the label contrasts with the white writing and the colour of the drink and this is very different to the first drink that I looked at as they use more bolder and darker colours to advertise the drink as they feel the bolder colours will help it stand out more on the shelves.

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Overview of Product

The overall look of the bottle is really well designed as it’s bright and colourful which will attract the audience. It’s a very masculine design but some of the colours can come across quite feminine but all the colours are very deep and dull colours rather than bright pinks and reds and so this can come across more masculine. They have designed the drink so that the drink is easy to hold and grip when doing physical activities as it curves in near the bottom where you generally hold a drink and this is well designed. It is quite a clean design compared to the last energy drink I looked at but it’s not as clean and spacious as the first energy drink. The black makes it less clean as using a white would make it look a lot more cleaner but with it being a sports energy drink, it is designed to show energy rather than being organic like the first energy drink I looked at. The graphic on the label shows someone doing sports so it is promoting what the drink does and what it is designed for so people don’t use it for the wrong reason because if they drink it without doing physical sports then it could become really unhealthy because of all the sugar and high caffeine in it. The website has a similar design to the drink as it’s a very busy and energising website compared to the first website I looked at. The whole background is black and so this doesn’t make it very clean but the purpose of the drink isn’t to be clean and to be energising. The florescent blue on the website makes it look really energising and is advertising how the drink makes you a lot brighter and when you scroll over one of the headings, they light up and this relates to how the drink makes you feel. They have a female athlete when you first click on the website as they are advertising the 2012 Olympics but the female athlete makes me think that they are advertising the fact that the drink is for both genders as well and females can drink it. Having a sports athlete on the website gives you a role model and it is also linked to sports which is what the drink is for. They describe what the drink is about and they also have a section full of different images linked toSports and the drink and the effect the drink has. It also goes into detail about what you do Before and after exercising and the different fitness routines you can do and then this helps Promote the drink as people will be doing these exercises and drinking the drink to help keepThem hydrated. Coca-Cola manufactures and markets the drink sports drink Powerade and the Coca-Cola Company are with creative control under Glaceau. It’s main competitor is PepsiCo’sGatorade brand which has a similar design and purpose to Powerade.

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The drink has a really strong contrast from the colour of the drink to the label. The bright coloured drink stands out a lot especially when it’s on the shelves because it’s very bright. The colour of the drink matches the flavour and the colour scheme on the label and the black label contrasts with the florescent blue on the label and the drink itself.

The can design is very interesting as it curves in near the bottom and this is where you generally hold a drink. This makes it a lot easier to hold and get a grip of and if your running then you can hold the drink without it slipping because you will have a good grip of it which is a really good design as it’s an energy drink designed for sports and athletes so when holding the drink and running it’s a lot easier.

The name of the drink is all lit up as if it’s got lights behind it to link with the idea of generating energy because that is what the drink is designed to do so they are advertising that by doing so in the name of the drink.

The design on the bottle looks like trainer marks which are designed on the bottom of trainers and this is to link back to the fact that the drink is designed for sports and by using a trainer design is interesting.

The black label isn’t very clean and becomes really dull and the whole colour scheme comes across really masculine as the blue is really masculine.

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Analysis of advert

The first style of advert I looked at was a print based advert which expresses the drinks intentions really well. The intended audience for this advert is definitely athletic and sporty people who need the drink to give them he energy and power that they want. I wouldn’t aim the advert towards children as it’s not a drink designed for children and I would aim it at young adults starting out in the sporting world who look up to athletes for inspiration as it contains a famous footballer. The age range would be around 20-40 and I would say that the gender would be more males than females because not many women are into football and a lot of men are and because it’s a footballer advertising the drink, it will become more recognisable to males than females so I do feel that it’s aimed more towards males. The design of the layout is really busy and not very clean but this links with the design of the drink itself. They haven’t used a full image of the bottle and only used the top half but this is a really good way of advertising the drink because then they still have the important part of the bottle which is the label as this then lets people know what the bottle looks like so they know what they are looking for in the shops. They have used a really bright and what seems a normal setting to start off on the left side of the advert and at the right side when the drink is introduced into the advert, it goes really dark and more of a surreal sky which you wouldn’t normally see in day to day life. They place in the left hand corner the name of the drink in a bold font and they have used a white colour for the name of the drink as this stands out well against the dark background because if they used black it would get lost into the background so it stands out really well. The advert is landscape which is quite different and so I don’t think this advert would appear in a magazine as they normally are portrait so an advert like this could have appeared on a billboard or on a leaflet. The imagery is really clever and has been designed really well and been thought about really well. The footballer starts off on the left side of the advert and he is about to what looks like shoot in a net and is building up the power to do so. He then moves across to where the bottle has been placed and then drink is coming out of the bottle and spraying where the footballer is and as soon as it touches him he is running up towards a big jump and then kicks the ball. The imagery has a blurred effect to it because this shows the power and the speed he is gaining from the drink and I feel this is a very powerful effect to add to the advert. The imagery is really powerful in the advert because it is showing what the energy drink does when it hits you as you gain a lot more energy and power to do really big things and this makes you gain extra power and energy than what you felt before you had a bit of the drink. As soon as the footballer goes to jump to kick the ball, the mood in the background and in the sky changes as it shows how the power from the drink reacts with you and the setting around you and makes you feel better than you did before. Your eyes always get drawn to the brighter element in an image so having the brighter side where the footballer starts off helps start your eyes at the beginning and then your eyes follow it to the end which is really creative. The advert contains star power as they use a famous footballer in the advert and this gives the audience someone to look up to in the advert and when they are drinking the drink and this is an interesting factor of persuasion. There is also reward power as a factor of persuasion because they say when you drink the drink you gain more energy and this is shown in the advert.

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Print based advert:

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Analysis of advert

The second advert style that I looked at for the drink was a TV advert. I feel like this style of advert is aimed more towards young adults in the age range early twenties to early thirties because the video features a young boy around this age range so I feel that they have aimed it towards a younger audience by using a younger actor in it. I feel that it’s aimed towards males rather than females because the young actor is a boy and not a girl so I do feel that the actor in it is the intended audience as young adults who are males will look up to the advert more than females. The advert is advertising a sports drink so it will be mainly towards athletes or athletic and sporty people who are into fitness and this is expressed in the advert. The advert starts off with the young boy breathing heavily with his back faced to the camera and then it fades out and then back in and it’s the young boy tying his show lace and it then fades out and back in again to the boy who is putting his hood up. It then fades out and back in to a macro shot of a bird of prey which is looking frantic and then when it’s faded out then in again, the boy is drinking the energy drink and it zooms into him drinking it. He is then getting ready to run as he is in the starting position and it then zooms in and out of the person and different sections of him with the camera setting being really blurred and out of focus. It then goes back to the bird which is looking in every direction and is still looking frantic. It then views the boys hand which is on the floor and fades out. At this point the music is really quiet and it’s really calming music and as soon as it turns to the boy who is now sprinting it picks up speed and becomes a really fast and upbeat music. The boy is then sprinting off and the bird sets off and flies away and then it keeps going back to the boy running and then it fades out to black completely. The whole video is in monochrome and there is no colour throughout and this is slightly different to the other videos I have seen to other energy drinks as they have all been in colour. But I feel that the video is really effective because there is no speaking and it lets the video do the talking because after the boy has drunk some of the energy drink the tone of music changes which shows that the energy drink has a more uplifting and an upbeat effect when you drink it and when it shows the bird of prey flying with the boy sprinting as well it’s showing that the speed you gain from it is about the same as a bird flying and you can gain immense power from the energy drink. After it’s faded to black, it still has the music playing and it comes up with the drinks name but first comes up with Power and then the ade after and the ade is in the same colour blue as the blue on the bottle so it links the colour scheme together and with the background being black it looks like the label from the PowerAde bottle. Then it shows the bottle which will help people see what they are looking for if they have never heard of it before. It then comes up with the statement ‘Sport is what you make it’ and this is saying that you can become whatever you believe if you make it happen and the energy you gain from the drink will help you do that. The words sport, what and make are all in white and is, you and it are all in the same colour blue and this then links back to how they presented the name of the drink in the advert and it also makes the word ‘you’ stand out a lot and it’s very direct. The music then fades out with the advert itself. The persuasive factor that is in this advert is reward power because when he has drunk the drink, he gains a lot of power to run and feels really prepared and it also links to the bird of prey and how fast they are so they say when you have the drink your reward is gaining energy and the power to do something.

Page 20: Energy Drink Research

Overview of Product

Redbull is an energy drink that can be linked to everything and anything that you want to do so it’s not just a sports drink or a drink you need to just boost your energy for studying it’s for everything that you want to do and need the energy for. It’s one of the most well known energy drinks and it’s a very popular one to many people and is bought by a wide range of people. The target audience for this drink is both females and males, the packaging for the drink is quite masculine and doesn’t look very feminine but because it’s such a popular energy drink quite a lot of females do buy the drink. But I do think the whole design is aimed towards males rather than females purely because of the design. The age range can be anything between teenagers to adults so from 18-40 because on some of the adverts they have done it has featured an older age range so I think that anyone from a teenager who is trying to revise for exams and needs a boost to anyone who is just wanting one for everyday life and just to give themselves a little boost or is into sports and athletics then it can be aimed at them too. The logo for Red bull is two bulls that are about to charge each other and they are both in red. The red is a connotation for danger and adrenalin and this is something that comes across in the drink. Behind the two red bulls is a yellow circle which looks like the sun and a connotation for the yellow would be really calming and relaxing and happy so the two colours contrast really well and it’s a very subtle contrast between the colours but between the connotations it’s very strong. The two bulls represent how strong and energetic you can feel after having the drink and you can push yourself into any activity as the two bulls are ready to push into each other. Using the bulls and the red for the colour of the bulls links to the name of the drink as it is exactly what is being said and so the logo links really well together with the name. The name of the drink is in a red colour as this stands out on the can really well and links with the logo really well. The font for the name is really bold and is a soft rounded font so it isn’t too sharp but the words are evenly spaced and it stands out really well with the bright red as this is what will attract the audience to it. In the background there is blue and silver which are the colours for the background and it looks like an uneven checker board pattern with more of a slant to it. The blue contrasts with the red really boldly but it doesn’t make it unappealing and really hard to read it just helps the name of the drink stand out a lot and the hint of blue helps it become more appealing on the shelves and helps it stand out a lot more as it’s quite a small can which can get lost in the background so having some really bright and bold colours helps it stand out a lot more. The word ‘energy drink’ is in a bold colour and is in red again, it’s not as bold as the name of the drink but it can be seen and it’s just so people can see what the drink is for people who don’t know what it is already. There isn’t a slogan with this energy drink can and this is because the logo does the talking for the slogan and I feel that this works better not having a slogan because the can is so small it would make it a lot more busier than it already is. The colour scheme isn’t clean it’s very busy compared to the first energy drink I looked at which is very clean and the Red Bull energy drink design is so busy because of the colour scheme and the bright colours and this matches the energy drink on a whole as the energy drink provides power and a lot of energy.

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Overview of Product

The website for Red Bull is very toned down and not as vibrant as some of the other websites I have looked at and because the Red Bull can design is very bright, I would have expected the website to be as well to go with the can design. They have a massive image of a celebrity at the top of the website and they have Jessie Ware on at the moment as she is a famous singer so people can look up to her and so this helps promote the drink towards females as they have a female on the website which she is singing for the company and that’s why they have put her on there so people will look up to her. They make it the central focus on the website as it takes up a third of the website so they want people to see this and get people watching the video they have done and this will help promote the drink. They have used a white coloured font and they have used quite a large font which is rounded off so it’s the same as the font for the name of the drink and this stands out a lot against the picture and it’s really easy to read for people. For the rest of the website, they use the same style font but a lot smaller and in some aspects it can be really hard to read as it’s really small compared to the other websites I have looked at. They have kept the colour white as it stands out against the background colour they have chosen. For the banner at the top where all the sub headings are, they have used a dark blue background colour and this helps the font stand out against it and the dark colour contrasts with the bright colour. They use a grey which fades into white for the background of the bottom of the website and they use black and red writing and this again contrasts with the white background and it stands out really clearly. I feel that the website is really clean and clear compared to the actual design of the energy drink can and there is a real difference between them. They put images up on the website of the shows that they sponsor as they sponsor a lot of fast sports (e.g. motorsports, surfing and skateboarding) and they promote this on the website by uploading images and explaining a bit about the events that they sponsor. They also have a little section at the top which they feel is their hot topics so people can see what is trending and get involved and this is promoting the drink and the company a lot by getting people involved. Red Bull is a privately owned company which was founded by Dietrich Mateschitz who was an Austrian entrepreneur and he created the Red Bull formula and launched it in Austria in 1987.

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The name of the drink is in a soft font which makes it a lot more rounded and softer when people are looking at the name of the drink. The colour of the name is a bright colour so it’s easy to see on the shelves and the enlarged font makes it stand out on the can and so it’s the first thing that the audience sees on the can and reads first.

The whole can design is very simple and there isn’t that much going on with it. The background is simple colours which are bright to help it stand out on the shelves. The font is really bright and bold and this also contrasts with the colours of the background. There isn’t much information being placed on the can about the drink and they haven’t put their slogan on it which is very different compared to the rest I have looked at.

The words ‘energy drink’ stands out really boldly on the can because they have used a really bold and bright font so it makes it obvious to people what the drink is. They haven’t included their slogan on the can either.

The blue contrasts with the red really well and this helps the name of the drink stand out and the checker board pattern adds texture to the can rather than it being all one colour as it would make it a lot more plain and boring on a whole.

The colours of the logo contrast really strongly as the connotations contrast with each other but the colour and the animal in the logo links exactly with the name of the drink.

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Analysis of advert

This is one of the print adverts I could find as there wasn’t that many out there for the energy drink. The print is landscape not portrait so I doubt it is used in magazines as they are normally portrait so I think that it is either used on billboards or websites as web banners. I think that this advert is aimed at people who either enjoy watching extreme sports or for people who do extreme sports as this is what they are trying to advertise on the advert by having someone do extreme sports. I think the advert can be aimed at both males and females as there isn’t anything in there to promote the drink towards one gender more than the other so it can be aimed at both equally and I think because they are advertising extreme sports, the age range for this advert would be early 20’s to late 30’s as anyone older would struggle with extreme sports and anyone younger would struggle as well. As the person in the advert has their back to the camera, it’s hard to see if it’s male or female and this again helps the advert be aimed at males and females because it doesn’t tie the advert down to one gender. The name of the drink is in the centre-top of the advert as this is where the audiences eyes will go to first with it being in the centre of the advert and they have placed it in the middle third of the advert and they have also placed the logo for Red Bull largely on the page. They have done this because the logo is quite recognisable for some people so as soon as they see the logo it will stand out to them as to what is being advertised and so this becomes a main focal point for the advert. With them being really bold and bright on the page this helps it stand out against the imagery because they are so bold and really bright and the red is what will catch the audiences eyes and with the logo being red too it also draws the audiences eyes to this part of the advert and this is what they will want the audience to be drawn to first so they know what is being advertised. They have used a whole image for the whole advert as the background and to frame the person in the advert they have put writing at the top and bottom so that they don’t overlap with the important part of the advert which is seeing the person jumping. They have chosen this image of the person jumping off the ramp because they sponsor extreme sports events so it ties in with what they sponsor but they are advertising the fact that Red Bull ‘Gives You Wings’ so seeing somebody jumping is showing that you do gain your own wings from drinking it and gain a lot of energy and power from it. The snow that is near the front of the advert which also frames the person who is jumping as they make the snow out of focus which makes it really soft and this then draws the audiences eyes towards the middle of the advert which is the person jumping. At the bottom of the advert they use the same font as they have been doing for the name of the drink and they are advertising the fact that Red Bull gives you wings and they do this in a large font so people can read this easily. This is there slogan as well so when people see this statement it will help them relate back to the drink and this is a very well known slogan. They also make the font look really 3D so it stands out a lot against the background and the red contrasts with the image. The factor of persuasion for this advert is reward power because they are saying that when you have some of the drink you are gaining wings and this then is your reward as you feel a lot more energy and power from this feeling.

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Print based advert:

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Analysis of advert

For my second advertisement, I looked at a TV advert for Red Bull. This advert contains a lot of extreme sports within it which is slightly different to some of the other TV adverts that I had looked at for different energy drinks. It’s contains a lot of things within it so it’s a very packed advert but it isn’t too busy and it works as an advert. I think that the intended audience for this advert is people who are interested in sports or are very athletic but are mainly into extreme sports as this is what the advert contains. The age range would be from 20-35 year olds as this is the best age range to be doing extreme sports as you don’t want to be too young or too old for it as it’s very dangerous. I feel that this advert can be aimed at both women and men but there is a lot more males in the advert advertising the extreme sports as it’s men that mainly do them so I feel it’s leaning towards males rather than females as I think that males will be more interested in the advert and feel persuaded to buy the drink more from the advert. The advert starts off by playing quite calming and relaxed music and it then zooms into different locations in the mountains and is viewing people getting ready to do some skiing and extreme winter sports. It is panning in slow motion as this gives a more relaxed feel to the video and links in well with the music they have chosen. It then goes to a location for surfing and again in slow motion views somebody getting ready to surf but not actually doing it. This is showing that before anyone has had the drink or before the drink has it’s effect they are getting ready and preparing for what they are doing so it’s like an introduction to the drink. It then has a close up shot of somebody’s eyes who starts to speak and he says ‘The challenge of my life is to find out how far I can take it’. It then shows someone putting on a Red Bull helmet ready for a race and this then introduces the name of the drink because at this point the advert could have been for anything. The voiceover comes on again of the man saying ‘The only thing you can think of is the moment right there’ and while the voiceover is speaking you can see different sportsmen looking in one direction and focusing before they start their sport. The music at this point changes to a more upbeat and brighter tune and isn’t so relaxing now and it then pans over to somebody jumping out of a Red Bull helicopter to ski down a mountain and then shows somebody paragliding over some mountains so they are keeping the similar sports together in an advert without mixing it too much so it keeps a pattern going. It then goes back to slow motion and shows different people doing different sports for a couple of seconds and then there is a voiceover of someone who is about to do a race saying ‘Yes I’m ready’ and this then goes back to a normal pace rather than slow motion and then views different people jumping and then the changes of sports get faster and at the end shows people who have achieved and finished the sports all happy and relaxed. The voiceover comes back on saying ‘If you believe then anything is possible’ and at this point the screen has gone black and red writing comes on saying ‘Red Bull’ and the writing zooms out and the black screen fades to a brighter background and the writing ‘Red Bull’ places itself onto the can and this pans out so that the writing ‘Red Bull gives you wings’ appears at the bottom. The factor of persuasion for this advert is reward power because they are showing that if you drink the energy drink then you can achieve and believe in anything you do or want to do.