End of Year Power Point

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A Year To Remember
By: Chloe Kuvaja

Class Info.

School year: 2011-2012


Teacher: Cheri Brody

My Name: Chloe Kuvaja

School: Arthur W. Edwards Elementary


I think the most surprising thing that happened this year is on the ride to the Ashville zoo, when me and my friend Iyanna sung 100 bottles of milk on the wall and made it to 0. By the end we felt like passing out. It took a lot of air and energy.

About This Year

School: Arthur W. Edwards Elementary y

Teacher: Cheri Brody

Grade: 4

RM. number: 27

Principal: Mrs. Leffeler

First day of school: July 14th 2011

Last day of school: June 7th 2012

What A Friend!

Someone whose been an AWEsome friend this year was Mckenzie Merkel. She Is nice, makes me laugh and she is a blast to be around! We have been friends since 2nd grade. She is funny and stands up for what is right. I hope to be friends with her for all an eternity.

What a great field trip!

My favorite field trip was when we went to the Ashville zoo. We went there to complete our study on animals. It took 4 hours to get there. It was really fun. We saw a lot of animals. There was a baboon or a monkey that was scratching it's toosh. A gorilla was giving us all fist pumps. Some weird monkey dudes had a really red behind. The poison frogs looked really cool.


One way I've changed this year is by becoming better at handwriting. In 3rd grade it was really sloppy.

Another way I changed is by becoming a better reader. I love reading books at higher levels because they are more interesting.

The 3rd way I changed is by being better with technology. Now I know different things to do with computers and a little bit on how to fix them.

Changes (continued)

The 4th way I changed is by reading much, much, much more. I love reading!!!

The 5th way I changed is by running a lot faster without running out of breath.


The award I'd give myself(not like I want to) would be the award of computers. I know how to fix them most of the time. I know certain buttons to press instead of looking around and trying to find it. I also know how to make internet load faster without it getting messed up.

My Favorite Subject

My favorite subject is math because it involves a lot of thinking. Math is in our every day lives. I find it very fun. For different things in math, once you know 'em, you know 'em . I like long division and perimeter. 5

An example of perimeter is:2

What is the perimeter?

The answer is 14.

My Favorite Subject(continued)

An example of long division is:

4 242

The answer to that is 60 R2.

Been There. Done That.

These are some of my favorite school activities.

The field trip we took to the Ashville zoo.( listed in slide 6) .

B.E.A.R. Club. 1st quarter we went to the aquarium. We got to pet an alligator. There was a lot of new stuff there. 2nd quarter we got to bring in our video game systems. It was really fun because I played P vs. Z ( plants vs zombies) multi- player with my best friend Mckenzie. 3rd quarter we went to Burger King for breakfast. Me and 3 other friends of mine shared 2 ultimate breakfast platers .

Been There. Done That. Continued

...we saved a lot of money that way. I got myself a mango smoothie. It was delicious!!! We all walked there. I didn't mind it.

The 4th quarter we went to Mario's pizza. There pizza is huge but delicious . I always get the olives on mine, nothing else. The olives were black. It makes a large taste difference whether your olives are black or green. Black was always my favorite. I got cheesecake also. It was the best thing in the world!!!

The Net-book...

We hate our net-books. They're old, have low battery life, they're so slow and internet is bouncy. They frustrate many people. My class got the oldest Net-books in the entire school. I, myself, rate it (1-5 stars) 1 star, possibly 2 on a good day.

Bye to everyone in this school. I will miss you all. You all were nice people all 5 years I've been here. I'm sad but happy to go. I'm now going to the Epiphany school in New Bern. Farewell Arthur W. Edwards. So long...


After Thanks!

I'd like to thank: Mckenzie Merkel, Jason Lee Hernandez, Kassia Tuura, Iyanna Lowe, Matthew FishBack, Patrick Caldwell, Chance Ruth, Brandon Arnt. They are getting thanked for being very nice and helpful. They have been my friends for the nice things they did.

Teachers to be thanked: Mrs. Mross, Mrs. Crewell, Mrs. Works, Mrs. Underwood, Mrs. Gares, Mrs. Foley, Mrs. Sanders, Mrs. Brody. I'd like to thank them for being my teachers and helping me all these years.