ENBE | JULY 2016 |DMZ 1 SCHOOL OF ARCHITECTURE, BUILDING & DESIGN Research Unit for Modern Architecture Studies in Southeast Asia Foundation of Natural Build Environment (FNBE) Elements of Natural Built Environment ARC30105 (FNBE 0115) Prerequisite: None Lecturers: Ms Delliya Zain, Miss Noorul Iffa, and Mr Paul Nickson Project 1 Experiencing, Documenting & Appreciating Nature 15% Group Work + 15% Individual (out of the 100% overall marks) Site Visit: 26 th – 28 th August 2016 at Taman Negara, Pahang Individual Component Submission: W7 12 th September 2016 – MONDAY before 12 noon Group Component Submission: W9 29 th September 2016 – THURSDAY 8:30AM – at CODA Introduction Objectives of Project The objectives of this project; 1. To create awareness of the elements of the natural and built environment 2. To expose the elements of the natural and built environment in their basic unit, form and function Learning Outcomes of this Project On successful completion of this subject, students will be able to demonstrate the following: 1. To recognise and identify the different elements of the natural and built environment 2. To describe the different characteristics of the natural and built environment by exploring the basic elements such as natural topography, landscape, space, building and infrastructure. Taman Negara was declared for conservation in 1938 and has become Malaysia's premier national park and the largest in the country covering over 4343 square kilometres (434,300 hectares) of primary forest, spans across three states Kelantan, Terengganu and Pahang and is situated in the centre of the Peninsula Malaysia. Taman Negara is the most extensive protected area of pristine, lowland, evergreen rainforest in the country. The main idea of this project is for the students to experience, observe and appreciate nature. Students will have to present their experiences in a photo journal scrapbook. As a group the students will need to suggest a stamp design for a good cause related to nature.

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SCHOOL OF ARCHITECTURE, BUILDING & DESIGN Research Unit for Modern Architecture Studies in Southeast Asia Foundation of Natural Build Environment (FNBE)

Elements of Natural Built Environment ARC30105 (FNBE 0115) Prerequisite: None Lecturers: Ms Delliya Zain, Miss Noorul Iffa, and Mr Paul Nickson Project 1

Experiencing, Documenting & Appreciating Nature 15% Group Work + 15% Individual (out of the 100% overall marks) Site Visit: 26th – 28th August 2016 at Taman Negara, Pahang Individual Component Submission: W7 12th September 2016 – MONDAY before 12 noon Group Component Submission: W9 29th September 2016 – THURSDAY 8:30AM – at CODA


Objectives of Project

The objectives of this project;

1. To create awareness of the elements of the natural and built environment 2. To expose the elements of the natural and built environment in their basic unit, form and function

Learning Outcomes of this Project

On successful completion of this subject, students will be able to demonstrate the following:

1. To recognise and identify the different elements of the natural and built environment 2. To describe the different characteristics of the natural and built environment by exploring the basic

elements such as natural topography, landscape, space, building and infrastructure.

Taman Negara was declared for conservation in 1938 and has become Malaysia's premier national park and the largest in the country covering over 4343 square kilometres (434,300 hectares) of primary forest, spans across three states Kelantan, Terengganu and Pahang and is situated in the centre of the Peninsula Malaysia. Taman Negara is the most extensive protected area of pristine, lowland, evergreen rainforest in the country.

The main idea of this project is for the students to experience, observe and appreciate nature. Students will have to present their experiences in a photo journal scrapbook. As a group the students will need to suggest a stamp design for a good cause related to nature.

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Tasks - Methodology INTRODUCTION The aim of this project is to allow the students to experience and observe the natural environment and give a conscious impact to the students to appreciate and love nature. This exclusive experience should be documented expressively and eloquently and to be share publicly to build awareness for everyone around the world. Therefore students are required to create a photo scrapbook journal and to create an Awareness Infographic Pop Up poster. The aim of the assignment is be to be more sensitive to nature and the natural environment. The students are required to do the followings;

A. The Taman Negara Awareness Pop Up infographic Poster Group Work 15% B. The Photo Scrapbook Journal – Individual Work 15%

As part of the independent learning exercise, students are encouraged to investigate and understand the following information and explain during tutorial session what they understand and how they will apply it to their project; (self-study)

a. Infographic Poster (what makes a infographic) b. Awareness Poster (what makes a good awareness poster) c. How to record and appreciate nature (the photo scrapbook journal)

THE TASK A. The Photo Scrapbook Journal – Individual Work 15% The Merriam Dictionary describes “Scrapbook” as; A book with blank pages to which you attach photographs, letters, newspaper stories, etc., that help you remember a person or time.

http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/scrapbook And the word “Journal” as; A book in which you write down your personal experiences and thoughts.

http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/journal?show=0&t=1392557232 This individual Photo Scrapbook Journal should show your personal experiences and thought, attach photographs, information and also information of elements that you personally investigated. The scrapbook journal should include the followings; (in no particular order)

i. YOUR OBSERVATION – about Taman Negara, interesting scenery, natural environment and elements etc. Photograph of the activities and the scenery etc.

ii. Compulsory for you to describe and elaborate about the followings items that is distinctive to Taman Negara supported by diagrams, illustrations and photos; - 1 type of plant, 1 type of animal or insect and 1 type of area/environment

iii. Compulsory to provide justification, elaboration and photos of your the MINI SHELTER at Latah Berkoh. You may submit 2-3 design or ideas but you will need to provide some personal though and quotes. Imagine those quotes from your toy miniature character. Maximum 10 pictures minimum 5. One must show the location of your mini shelter in relation with the Latah Berkoh river.

iv. Your personal thought, observation and reflection on the things that you have been documenting and experiencing, and what interest you the most. (maybe life changing event)

v. A section for your collection data and observation on your group topic from Taman Negara plus other research.

vi. Organised your finding and thought systematically and clearly on your papers. Do provide a gap to for biding purposes. And do include content page, introduction separator page and “tabs”.

vii. It is best to have a final conclusion of your trip and about the natural environment at the end of the scrapbook. Conclusion content should relate to your experience with the natural environment especially in Taman Negara.

viii. 30-40pages only, wire bind and the cover should be a magazine cover using one of your best photo of nature. The cover should be laminated.

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B. The Taman Negara Awareness Pop Up Poster – Group Work 15% Students are required to produce 4-5 boards of Pop Up Infographic Poster. The poster should be an awareness poster base on one of the topic below. These topics will be given randomly. The aim of the posters is to create public awareness and appreciation about nature and the environment in Taman Negara.

^Topics for the awareness pop up infographic poster^

^Examples of Pop Up Infographic Poster^

Examples of how you will present on presentation day

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Submission Requirement

This is a group work project with individual component. It is compulsory to attend the site visit organised by the lecturers. Students with issues attending the site visit will have to submit a letter from their parents or guardian and the students are required to find their own site and make extra effort. Tutorial session and site visit activities will be marked under progress and development. A. The Photo Scrapbook Journal

The size should be A4 size. Landscape or Portrait. Min20 and max 40 pages with cover.

Please prepare this document on loose A4 paper (any type) and wire binds it for submission. Design your own cover however it must be an A4 size photo of TAMAN NEGARA like a magazine cover. Cover will need to be laminated.

Only photos are allowed to be printed. However any information must be handwritten (do try to apply architectural handwriting). Please include more visuals note taking, sketched diagrams and avoid long paragraph. Printings of page templates are allowed.

Scan and take pictures of all the pages for e-portfolio compilation before submission.

Please upload the document on to your Online TGC Portfolio the week after.

Will provide a template for the “personal info cover page” B. The Taman Negara Awareness Pop Up Infographic Poster

May use any type of material, board (preferably sandwich foam boards as backing), paper and medium as long as it is clear, appropriate and presentable. You may prepare the poster digitally however you will need to cut and paste some items to make it pop up.

4-5 panels posters, all A2 size all portraits or all landscape.

Please keep the pop up poster save until the end of semester for moderation purposes and upload the photo on to your eportfolio.

Group verbal presentation should not exceed 5 minutes.

Poster information must be in a diagrammatic annotation method with fewer paragraphs. All sketches, doodles, research, planning, discussion to be place in the e-portfolio. It’s the responsibility of every student to make sure they record the process and final product of their work.

Assessment criteria The assessment for this assignment will be based on;

Demonstrate clarity of understanding and depth of content and facts related to the topic as presented (substance + critical understanding + personal thought)

Originality, creativity, clarity of graphics and layout design of the photo scrapbook journal and awareness pop up infographic poster to convey the content and ideas. (clarity + legibility)

Team collaboration (team effort, cooperation, progress)

Marking criteria Marks shall be distributed as follows: A . The Photo Scrapbook Journal - 15%

Demonstrate clarity and depth of content and facts Based on the observations and meeting brief requirements (observation + critical understanding +personal thought + substance of content provided) 10%

Originality, creativity, clarity of graphic and layout design Of the photos, diagrams, sketches, text, layout, content, structure and ideas (clarity + legibility) 5%

TOTAL: 15%

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C. B . The Taman Negara Stamps Awareness Pop Up Infographic Poster- 15%

Demonstrate clarity of understanding and depth of content and facts Related to the topic presented, observation, elaboration of topic and understanding of the topic (substance + critical understanding) 8%

Originality, creativity and suitability of the graphic and design (infographic pop up poster) The poster outcome and effectiveness as an awareness poster 5%

Team collaboration For part P1B (team effort, cooperation, and progress) 2%

TOTAL: 15%


Suggested References These are just some links that should start you with your independent learning through research. Please don’t just refer to these links.

1. http://koransky.com/Trackers/Other/NatureAwareness.htm 2. http://www.experiencingnature.com/ 3. http://omtimes.com/2012/03/11-ways-to-appreciate-nature-that-you-never-thought-about/ 4. http://stamping.thefuntimesguide.com/2010/07/scrapbook_journaling.php 5. http://visual.ly/what-is-an-infographic