Emotions NON Verbal Communication of Emotions

Emotions (Non-verbal communication)

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Page 1: Emotions (Non-verbal communication)


NON Verbal Communication

of Emotions

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We can observe people’s emotions

When we “read” their bodies,

When listen to their voices and look at their faces.

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All of us communicate verbally as well as non-verbally.

For Example: “When we tense our body, press

our lips together or move our eyebrows; we are communicating non-verbally”.

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“Kleinke (1986)”

With a gaze, an averted glance, or a stare we can communicate

Intimacy, Submission or Dominance.

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NON Verbal Threats

Most of us are good enough at reading non-verbal cues to judge the emotions in an old silent film.

We are especially good at detecting non-verbal threats.

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James Edward Hansen

In a crowd of face, a single angry face will “pop out” faster than a single happy one (Hansen and Hansen 1988).

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It is true that some people are more sensitive to these cues than

other some people can smell the situation also.

Expressions not only communicate emotions, they also amplify and regulate it.

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Description about some Emotions

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Zillman 1988

Some say that fear; anger, anxiety, love and grief are basic emotions.

To understand psychological difference among fear, anger and sexual arousal is much harder.

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Fear anger and sadness certainly feel different.

A terrified person may feel

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Epstein (1984)An angry person may feel hot under the collar and will probably experience a pressing inner tension.

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Epstein (1984) The sad person may be chocked up and

have an empty, drained feeling.

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Introduction Your face depicts when you are

afraid of something.

Psychologists always take interest in simplifying the phenomenon of fear.

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When we are feared Body becomes tense Our stomach does not feel well Our heart beat becomes faster Sinking feeling in the middle

of chest.

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John B.Watson Argued that there were only a few

innate unlearned fears; As fear of loud noise, Sudden loss of support and pain; Other fears were learned through classical conditioning.

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We cannot feel good and we can’t sleep during fear.

It is a very strange condition. Fear of real or imagined enemies

binds people as families or nations. People think, it’s a very dangerous

thing fear of injury protects us from harm; it stops us from harming one another.

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Your face is broad when you are happy and its red strict when you are at anger.

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“James Averill”

He concluded that Often the anger was a response to

a friend or loved ones perceived misdeed.

Anger commonly when Another person’s act seemed willful, unjustified and avoidable.

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“But blameless annoyances, foul odours, high temperatures, aches and pains also have the power to make us angry (Berkowitz 1990).

Anger is an emotion related to one’s psychological interpretation of having been offended, wronged, or denied and a tendency to react through retaliation.

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William James (1902)

He observed that secret motive for most men at all times is

How to gain, How to keep and How to recover happiness. The state of happiness colors everything

else. .

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According to Johnson and tversky (1983), people who are happy perceive the world as safer, they make decisions more easily (Isen and means 1983), rate job applicants more favorably (baron, 1987) and report greater satisfaction with their whole lives (Schwartz and clore, 1983).

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When we feel gloomy, life as a whole seems depressing,

But when mood brightens suddenly our relationships, our self-imagine and hopes for the future all seems more promising.

In all conditions fear, anger and happiness your face shows what are you feeling. Happiness is a very good thing.

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When we feel that we are happy, We try to help others in different

positive ways. We accept different challenges because

we feel happiness. We think positive and good about many

things. We do not try to hurt anybody we do

not try to injure anybody’s

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Some non Verbal Emotions

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