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2. ENVIRONMENT TEST FACILITY ETF provides a wide range of environmental simulations for product testing during storage, transportation, operation, different stages of development, qualification, acceptance and production of electronic/ electrical assemblies in order to weed out the design, fabrication and integration deficiencies and to ensure product quality. Environmental testing is used to prove product reliability, verify manufacturer claims regarding operational limitations, and determine realistic warranty terms and preparation of procedures for safe product operation 3. LABS IN ETFAt our environmental lab, state-of-the-art test equipments are usedto simulate a variety of environmental conditions such as: 4. Dynamic Test Facility Dynamic testing is accomplished by introducing aforcing function into a structure, usually with sometype of shaker. Alternately, a DUT (device under test)is attached to the "table" of a shaker. For relatively lowfrequency forcing, servo hydraulic (electro hydraulic)shakers are used. For higher frequencies,electrodynamic shakers are used. Electrodynamic vibration provides a worthwhiletesting environment for transportation simulation,mechanical shock, mission profile, and EnvironmentalStress Screening (ESS). 5. 3500 kgf Vibration Shake System The brief specifications of theshaker are: Frequency range : 10 to 2500 Hz Maximum force rating : 3500 KgF Payload Capacity: 250 kg Maximum acceleration : 100 gpeak Maximum velocity : 1400 mm/ sec Maximum displacement : 50.8mm peak-peak Digital Vibration Controller : MakeDACTRON, Model LASER 6. Bump Test Machine The brief specifications of thebump test machine are: Bump duration : 6 to 16 msec Payload capacity : 250 kg Maximum acceleration : 40 g peak Bump rate : 60 to 180 bumps/ min Pulse shape : half sine 7. PNEUMATIC SHOCK TEST MACHINEThe brief specifications ofthe machine are: shock duration: 6, 11, 18& 30 msec payload capacity: 450 kg max. acceleration: 100 gpeak stroke: 21 inches pulse shape: half sine,saw tooth 8. ISAT facility(Intensive StorageAccelerated test) The brief specifications of the chambers are: Temperature Range: 00C to 1000C with accuracy of 10C. Average Rate of Heating : 30C per minute over entire temperature Average Rate of Cooling : 30C per minute over entire temperature Humidity : 20 to 97% RH 3% RH limited by minimum dew Point of +40C in climatic range of +20 to +850C. Recorder : Eurotherm make two point strip chart recorder, 100mm chart width and 20mm per hour 9. CLIMATIC TEST FACILITY The brief specifications of the chambers are: Size of Chamber : 1m X 1m X 1m (inside dimension) Loading Capacity: 150 kg maximum Temperature Range : -50 C to +125 C with accuracy 1 C Rate of change of Temp. : 4 C/minute on average Humidity Range: 15% TO 98% RH with accuracy 3% RH. 10. THERMAL SHOCK CHAMBERThe brief specifications of thechamber are: size: 600 x 600 x 600 (mm) payload capacity: 100 kg temp range: cold cabinet:ambient to -60C temp range: hot cabinet:ambient to +125C transition time: 5 to 30seconds Temperature accuracy: 1Cafter stratification Rate of cooling/ Heating: 5Cper minute on average 11. VACUUM EQUIPMENT The brief specifications ofthe chamber are: Size: 1 m x 1 m (H). Vacuum : 1 mbar. Payload capacity: 250 kg. 12. EMI EMC TEST FACILITY EMI-EMC facility set up in ETF to ascertain reliable performance of electronic equipments (developed in TBRL) in the electromagnetic environments. Test equipments set up in TBRL for conducting EMI-EMC tests: Conducted Susceptibility (CS01) Test Set Up Conducted Susceptibility (CS02) Test Set Up Conducted Susceptibility (CS06) Test Set Up Electrostatic discharge (ESD) Test Set Up Radiated Emission (RE01,RE02) Test Set Up Radiated Susceptibility RS103 Test Set up 13. EMI (ELECTROMAGNETICINTERFERENCE) 14. Coupling paths 15. Coupling paths 16. ELECTROMAGNETIC CAPABILITY Electromagnetic Capability (EMC) is the branch of electrical sciences which studies the unintentional generation, propagation and reception of electromagnetic energy with reference to the unwanted effects that such an energy may induce. To this purpose, the goal of EMC is the correct operation, in the same electromagnetic environment, of different equipment which involve electromagnetic phenomena in their operation. 17. EMC Electromagnetic compatibility is achieved by addressing both emission and susceptibility issues, i.e., quieting the sources of interference, making the disturbance propagation path less efficient, and making the potentially victim systems less vulnerable. 18. . 19. EXAMPLES OF EMC Your computer interferes with FM radio reception Operating your vacuum cleaner causes "snow" on your TV Your car radio buzzes when you drive under a power line A helicopter goes out of control when it flies too close to a radiotower You pick up CB radio conversations on your stereo Your telephone is damaged by lightning-induced surges on thephone line The screen on your video display jitters when the flourescent lightsare on Your new memory board is destroyed by an unseen discharge as youinstall it The clock on your VCR resets everytime your air conditioner kicks in Your laptop computer interferes with your aircrafts rudder control The airport radar interferes with your laptop computer display Your pacemaker picks up cellular telephone calls 20. EMI/EMC COUNTERMEASURES Source Elimination Grounding Filters Shielding Rerouting the cable 21. ANECHOIC CHAMBER Room with no echoes To suppress electromagnetic waves Absorbers should also have rsistance to humidity and should not dust into the surrounding air. Absorbers on walls and ceiling to have light reflective covers 22. . Ferrite tile absorber with impedance matched carbonimpregnated polyurethane foam absorber Antistatic vinyl floor tiles 1/8 inch(3mm) to coverthe floor panels Thick dielectric floor underlayment 1/8 (3mm)beneath the floor panels to resist moisture andmaintain electrical isolation Material - Galvanized steel/ Iron. 23. Antennas usedANTENNA TYPES FREQUENCY RANGEFEATURES 10KHZ - 30 MHz100 to 4,000 WattsE-Field Antennas & 100 to 500 V/m E-Fields Parallel Element, Strip Lines, Tri-Plates,Generators TEM Cell30 MHz 1GHzMetrology and PrecisionBiconical Antennas Standard and High Power Available in Commercial and Military gradesLog Periodic Antennas 30 MHz 1GHzCompact Designs 100 to 2,500 Watts Standard and High Gain1 GHz - 40 GHz Narrow and Wide BandHorn AntennasStandard and High Gain Standard and High Power Available in Commercial and Military grades. NAEMI & RF Invisible TripodsTripods, Masts and Antenna & EUT PositionersPositionersManual Antenna Masts 24. E FIELD ANTENNA 25. BICONICAL AND LOG PERIODICANTENNA(30MHZ TO 1GHZ) 26. HORN ANTENNA (1Ghz to 40 Ghz) 27. TESTINGS DONE TO CHECK EMI/EMC 28. Radiated Emission (RE01,RE02) RE(01)-Frequency range: 30 Hz to 100 Kz Re(02)-Frequency Range - 14 KHz to 10 GHz 29. Conducted Susceptibility (CS01) Test specifications: Freq range: 30 Hz to 50 KHz Amplitude: 10% of supplyvoltage or 5V rms Equipment used: High Power SweepGenerator Model 8850-1 30. Conducted Susceptibility (CS02) Specifications: 1. 50 KHz to 400 MHz 2. 1 volt rms across 50 Equipment used: Signal Generator - MakeIFR, Model 2023A 31. Conducted Susceptibility (CS06) Specifications: 1. 2.5 x DC supplyvoltage = 70V amplitudespikes 2. 10sec pulse width 3. 2-20 PPS (variable) Equipment used: Transient pulseGenerator- Make SolarElectronics, Model 8282-I 32. Radiated Susceptibility RS103 usingHorn antenna Frequency Range: 10KHz-40 GHz Electric Field 50 V/mfor full freq range 33. Electrostatic discharge (ESD) Specifications: 1. 20 KV pulses 2. 2 pulses per connectorand body Equipment used: Electrostatic DischargeSimulator -Make Noiseken,Model ESS 2002 34. Project-EMI-EMC PERFORMANCE EVALUATIONOF electrical unit 35. CONDUCTED SUSCEPTIBILITY (CS02) TEST as per - 461CS.NoDESCRIPTIONTEST RESULTSREMARKS 1.A Sinusoidal noise (CW) of 1 V RMS,50Functional tests were performed viawas injected onto EUTs power leads (Mains and Call monitoring between two EUT PASSED return) in the frequency range of 50 KHz to 400 subscribers and display of characters MHz for a duration of 300 seconds.on LCD and were found OK during PREET, INSET & POET. 36. CONDUCTED SUSCEPTIBILITY (CS06) TEST as per - 461CS.No.DESCRIPTION TEST RESULTSREMARKS 1. In the units, spikes of 70V amplitude, 10sec Functional tests were performed viapulse width, 2-20 (variable) were injected on Call monitoring between twoEUT PASSEDEUTs input power leads (Mains and return) subscribers and display of charactersseparately in parallel injection mode for duration on LCD and were found OK duringof 300 seconds on each line. PREET, INSET & POET.Test configuration is shown in Annexure C. 37. CONDUCTED EMISSIONS (CE01) TEST as per 461CSNo.DESCRIPTIONTEST RESULTSREMARKS1. From the unit, conducted emissions were Functional tests were performed on the monitored on the ESIB Receiver via current unit. The emission levels from unitEUT PASSED probe EZ-17 from EUTs power leads (Mains were below the limit line as defined in and return).MIL 461C. Test configuration and test results are shown 38. Set up 50T e rm in a tio n o n S ig n a l O u tp u t P o rt (O n e fo r E a ch L IS N )L IS N Pow er EUT LeadsL IS NC u rre n t P ro b e5 cmM e a s u re m e n t R e c e iv e r D a ta R e c o rd e r 39. CONDUCTED EMISSIONS (CE03) TEST as per 461CS.No DESCRIPTION TEST RESULTS REMARKS1. From the unit A2P-01 (QT), conducted Functional tests were emissions were monitored on the ESIB performed on the unit.EUT Receiver via LISN from EUTs power leads The emission levels PASSED (Mains and return). Test configuration and from unit were below results are shownthe limit line as definedin MIL 461C. 40. Set up. 41. RADIATED EMISSIONS (RE01) TEST as per 461CS.No DESCRIPTION TEST RESULTS REMARKS1. From the unit ULSB MK-II, Radiated Functional tests were emissions were monitored on the ESIB performed on the unit.EUT Receiver via Magnetic pick up coil HZ-10. The emission levels from PASSED Test configuration and results are shown unit were below the limitline as defined in MIL461C. 42. RE01 set up Power In p u t L IS N7 cmR e ce ivin gLoopM e a su re m e n tEUT R e ce ive r 43. RADIATED EMISSIONS (RE02) TEST as per 461CS.NoDESCRIPTION TEST RESULTS REMAR KS1. From the unit, Radiated emissions were Functional tests were monitored on the ESIB Receiver via Active performed on the unit.EUT rod antenna, Biconical antenna, Log The emission levels PASSED Periodic antenna & Horn antenna. Test from unit were below configuration and results are shown. the limit line asdefined in MIL 461C. 44. Set up of RE02 T e s t S e tu p B o n d in g B o u n d a ryS tra p ROD 80-90 cmC o u n t e r p o is e G r o u n d P la n e o rB o n d in g S t r a p f o r N o n - C o n d u c t iv eN o n - C o n d u c t iv e T a b le s T a b leF lo o r T e s t S e tu p B o u n d a ry B IC O N IC A L 120 cm80-90 cmG ro u n d P la n e F lo o r T e s t S e tu p B o u n d a ry DOUBLE 120 cmR ID G E H O R N80-90 cmG ro u n d P la n e F lo o r 1 m 45. RADIATED SUSCEPTIBILITY (RS03) TEST as per - 461CS.No DESCRIPTIONTEST RESULTS REMARK S 1. In RS03 test, the unit was exposed to electric Functional tests were performed via EUT PASSEDfield of 1V/m for frequency range of 14 KHz to Callmonitoring between two2 MHz, field of 10V/m for 2 MHz- 30 MHz and subscribers and display of characterselectric field of 5V/m for 30 MHz -1 GHz (for on LCD. Mild distortion was observedboth antenna polarizations) for a duration of 300 in the band of 30-35 MHz (Verticalseconds in each band.Polarization of Biconilog Antenna).Test configuration is shown in Annexure H. Cable looms were spaced apart and reoriented. Finally, the distortion was found to be within tolerance limits and the Functional tests were found OK. 46. Test set up 47. Set up 48. THANK YOU